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So what type of job will you do after the big layoff??

23k bonus goal!!!
Just started with the company about six months ago, negotiated a great base salary so I took the job. When my DM said 23k bonus... I said wow, that's a great quarter bonus objective. He said no 23k a year...HUH? Double the salary and half the bonus are they still hiring "goal-oriented" " highly-motivated" sales people in this industry???
Solid company, but If you want me to sell, reward me to sell.

This is primary care buddy. You are not going to find a pc position at any company that offers much more than $23-25k per year. You should know that.
If you want the quarterly $20K+ bonus potential you go to medical device sales. Lower salary or straight commission with upside of huge bonuses. If you can really sell, put your money where your mouth is and get out of the grind of PC pharma. Or stay and bitch about the low bonus you will get. That's reality

I bet whoever started this thread is feeling EMBARASSMENT, being that we haven't had layoffs and all. In fact, next week we will have bag mix day and things are looking pretty damn good at Takeda

I bet whoever started this thread is feeling EMBARASSMENT, being that we haven't had layoffs and all. In fact, next week we will have bag mix day and things are looking pretty damn good at Takeda
Nice to see some positivity on here. I'm hoping to pick up dexilant and Amitiza in my bag. I've heard the GI's are a great group to call on.

I bet whoever started this thread is feeling EMBARASSMENT, being that we haven't had layoffs and all. In fact, next week we will have bag mix day and things are looking pretty damn good at Takeda

Hmmmmm......anything you feeling embarrassed about, sparky? Maybe spelling perhaps? No wonder you think things are looking so good

I love Takeda reps.....they so funny

I bet whoever started this thread is feeling EMBARASSMENT, being that we haven't had layoffs and all. In fact, next week we will have bag mix day and things are looking pretty damn good at Takeda

I just love how the asshole who posted the above comment took the time to capitalize "EMBARASSMENT" to mock the OP, only to spell the word wrong???

What a fucktard!! I guess he won't be commenting for a while now. HAHAHAHA


Sure, if you can find an interview to get to. Take a look n any job board and see what harm a jobs are available. Want to work for Publicis or InVntiv? That's pretty much all that's out there. Enjoy the uncertainty of contract sales!! I'm sure you'll adjust to a car allowance instead of the car.
If you think there is more certainty working "directly" for a company than working a contract, you're crazy. Over the past 15 years nearly every company has had mergers/acquisitions, "downsizing," "right-sizing," or just flat-out lay-offs. There is no certainty in this industry, period.

If you think there is more certainty working "directly" for a company than working a contract, you're crazy. Over the past 15 years nearly every company has had mergers/acquisitions, "downsizing," "right-sizing," or just flat-out lay-offs. There is no certainty in this industry, period.

I would never be a contract aka rent-a-rep, period