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So this is what I am doing post merck


So I made a decision to leave merck a few months ago and just outright quit and walked out of a field visit after my boss totally was inappropriate. THE BEST thing I ever did in my life. Literally threw the keys to the junk company car on the floor and didn't look back.

I am fortunate as my house is pretty much paid for and me and the wife had about 295,000 in liquid savings, and a little more in a CD that is from bonus money (yes we banked every bonus check and never spent any of it). So I guess I wasn't too worried, but honestly it was a really tough decision after all the merck brainwashing.

That day I made the decision I would never do a fake job again, and wanted to do a salt of the earth job. We provide no service to doctors, lets be honest, we are a nuisance. So I went through interviews and got a job as a lineman for the power company. These are the guys we used to laugh at ( fools we were), like we were so smart in our 800 dollar suits. You know what, they are much smarter than us!!

The guy who was my mentor here through lineman's school made 220,000 last year (granted a lot of overtime). The benefits are incredible, pension, and they treat me like an adult. Actually my supervisor asked me why I was so "afraid" and he thought I actually had PTSD from the military!!!

Well, I may have PTSD, from the harassment and just awful treatment when I was at merck. It is so incredible and almost unnerving to be treated like a person again and not always checked up upon and harassed.

Its like I have been reborn. I was with merck since college and never knew anything else, almost like a north Korean I guess. Thats what merck counts on.

My advice to you my former colleagues is WAKE UP. It took me a long time to but I am so happy I finally did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


So I made a decision to leave merck a few months ago and just outright quit and walked out of a field visit after my boss totally was inappropriate. THE BEST thing I ever did in my life. Literally threw the keys to the junk company car on the floor and didn't look back.

I am fortunate as my house is pretty much paid for and me and the wife had about 295,000 in liquid savings, and a little more in a CD that is from bonus money (yes we banked every bonus check and never spent any of it). So I guess I wasn't too worried, but honestly it was a really tough decision after all the merck brainwashing.

That day I made the decision I would never do a fake job again, and wanted to do a salt of the earth job. We provide no service to doctors, lets be honest, we are a nuisance. So I went through interviews and got a job as a lineman for the power company. These are the guys we used to laugh at ( fools we were), like we were so smart in our 800 dollar suits. You know what, they are much smarter than us!!

The guy who was my mentor here through lineman's school made 220,000 last year (granted a lot of overtime). The benefits are incredible, pension, and they treat me like an adult. Actually my supervisor asked me why I was so "afraid" and he thought I actually had PTSD from the military!!!

Well, I may have PTSD, from the harassment and just awful treatment when I was at merck. It is so incredible and almost unnerving to be treated like a person again and not always checked up upon and harassed.

Its like I have been reborn. I was with merck since college and never knew anything else, almost like a north Korean I guess. Thats what merck counts on.

My advice to you my former colleagues is WAKE UP. It took me a long time to but I am so happy I finally did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope this is a true story. It gives us all hope.

I would have given $100 to see the look on that manager's face when you threw the keys down and left them standing there in disbelief. I laughed my a** off reading your comment. Way to go and best of luck in the future. That's what saving money will do for you - puts you in a great positon to tell them to stick it.....


So I made a decision to leave merck a few months ago and just outright quit and walked out of a field visit after my boss totally was inappropriate. THE BEST thing I ever did in my life. Literally threw the keys to the junk company car on the floor and didn't look back.

I am fortunate as my house is pretty much paid for and me and the wife had about 295,000 in liquid savings, and a little more in a CD that is from bonus money (yes we banked every bonus check and never spent any of it). So I guess I wasn't too worried, but honestly it was a really tough decision after all the merck brainwashing.

That day I made the decision I would never do a fake job again, and wanted to do a salt of the earth job. We provide no service to doctors, lets be honest, we are a nuisance. So I went through interviews and got a job as a lineman for the power company. These are the guys we used to laugh at ( fools we were), like we were so smart in our 800 dollar suits. You know what, they are much smarter than us!!

The guy who was my mentor here through lineman's school made 220,000 last year (granted a lot of overtime). The benefits are incredible, pension, and they treat me like an adult. Actually my supervisor asked me why I was so "afraid" and he thought I actually had PTSD from the military!!!

Well, I may have PTSD, from the harassment and just awful treatment when I was at merck. It is so incredible and almost unnerving to be treated like a person again and not always checked up upon and harassed.

Its like I have been reborn. I was with merck since college and never knew anything else, almost like a north Korean I guess. Thats what merck counts on.

My advice to you my former colleagues is WAKE UP. It took me a long time to but I am so happy I finally did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PTSD is a very common diagnosis for older pharma reps that have been pushed out of pharma companies...You think I am kidding?? Just talk to any psychologist who has patients that are present or former pharma reps...It makes sense because you are literally at war to keep your pharma job these days, and the abuse and harrassment that the managers heap upon thier reps is that traumatic...

So glad you got out!! I am glad I finally did too...What a toxic mess that industry is...And yes, Merck counts on their reps being to afraid to leave, and thinking there is no other way to get through life without being a Merck Rep....

I am making about 1/5th of my former income...But I don't have to lie everyday, and put on a dog and pony show on those ridiculous "field visits."



That day I made the decision I would never do a fake job again, and wanted to do a salt of the earth job. We provide no service to doctors, lets be honest, we are a nuisance.

Bravo!! I made the same vow to myself...Never put myself in a position where I have to lie, cheat, fabricate and prop up a phony, fake job (and industry) just so some jerk Manager can continue to have his fake "management" job and make a boatload of money...

the whole thing just stinks...I would rather do an honest days work and not be tracked like a friggin' animal...

Sometimes one has to walk in another's moccasins to be able to appreciate how awful their job is. I still encounter people who think pharmaceutical sales reps have great jobs and they can't begin to understand the toll it takes on one's mental health. I guess a lot of people outside of pharma sales could not begin to conceive of a job where they are paid for doing make-believe and phony activity because their job is kind of a meaningless game.

I would have given $100 to see the look on that manager's face when you threw the keys down and left them standing there in disbelief. I laughed my a** off reading your comment. Way to go and best of luck in the future. That's what saving money will do for you - puts you in a great positon to tell them to stick it.....


So to your question, it WAS AWESOME! He's an older guy and I really don't think anyone had been so direct with him before. After treating us like crap for months this was the first day he was actually polite, I think he was actually so shocked I had the b.... to just quit that he was speechless. He turned ivory white.

Then his concern turned to who have you talked to at merck? He then said do you realize how bad the job market is? Thats when I marched out and left as I had a friend come get me.

I can't even tell you how I feel- wonderful, merck treated me (and my customers) so poorly for so long I just had to leave.

There was a time when the pharma rep job was meaningful...back in the 80's, 90's...those of us who have 20+ years invested in this are unlikely to leave on their own...most of us choose not to live on one fifth of what we make if we don't have to...in other words, we will make the gravy train to the very bitter end.

There was a time when the pharma rep job was meaningful...back in the 80's, 90's...those of us who have 20+ years invested in this are unlikely to leave on their own...most of us choose not to live on one fifth of what we make if we don't have to...in other words, we will make the gravy train to the very bitter end.

I had 18 years in, so I understand, that was the tough part. But having seen up close with a few friends how short life can be I decided to take charge of my life. No longer wanted to be dictated to by mental midgets. And so far I am not living on "one fifth" and am actually positioned to make more with overtime in my new role.

Its tough, I didn't ever think I could make so much in a job we would look down on. I mean hey, we wear 800 dollar suits and are merck reps! Its all bullshit trust me. The pension is the tough part but with the power company we have that too and I can retire in twenty.

And I think mercks pension is short-lived anyways, couldn't make myself any sicker for an uncertainty. And in reality I probably am fine even if I took a big pay cut, I saw this day coming and made smart decisions.

My wife works for merck still, but she is poised to leave as well. Probably not till next year. We are going to send her to nursing school as we will be able to do that.

Take charge of your life early and often, I waited a long time but will NEVER look back!

I had 18 years in, so I understand, that was the tough part. But having seen up close with a few friends how short life can be I decided to take charge of my life. No longer wanted to be dictated to by mental midgets. And so far I am not living on "one fifth" and am actually positioned to make more with overtime in my new role.

Its tough, I didn't ever think I could make so much in a job we would look down on. I mean hey, we wear 800 dollar suits and are merck reps! Its all bullshit trust me. The pension is the tough part but with the power company we have that too and I can retire in twenty.

And I think mercks pension is short-lived anyways, couldn't make myself any sicker for an uncertainty. And in reality I probably am fine even if I took a big pay cut, I saw this day coming and made smart decisions.

My wife works for merck still, but she is poised to leave as well. Probably not till next year. We are going to send her to nursing school as we will be able to do that.

Take charge of your life early and often, I waited a long time but will NEVER look back!

Question…how old are you?

To the above....I have never seen a rep wearing an $800 suit...man or woman. Actually
have never seen a manager wearing one either....If anything, most people seem to have
duds in the modest price range...for the most part conservative..Guess you could call it middle of the road, typical mall level quality attire.....

Noticed lately though certain team mates seems to be newly fashion conscious and very into checking out our fashion choices....I'm wondering...is being a member of the "
fashion police" a new "special assignment?" Sort of thinking if our daily dress is being given a grade toward our year end review...Hmmm...

It seems to me that unless someone comes to work in way-wacky get ups its sure seems silly to give a hoot about what style, color or choice of clothing the other guy chooses to wear....Of course, no flip flops or cleavage for the girls or hipsters and elevator "heels" for the guys but if you're neat, clean and have a style similar to other reps you should be
A-OK....$800 suits, never be needed....and can't afford it anyway.

To the above....I have never seen a rep wearing an $800 suit...man or woman. Actually
have never seen a manager wearing one either....If anything, most people seem to have
duds in the modest price range...for the most part conservative..Guess you could call it middle of the road, typical mall level quality attire.....

Noticed lately though certain team mates seems to be newly fashion conscious and very into checking out our fashion choices....I'm wondering...is being a member of the "
fashion police" a new "special assignment?" Sort of thinking if our daily dress is being given a grade toward our year end review...Hmmm...

It seems to me that unless someone comes to work in way-wacky get ups its sure seems silly to give a hoot about what style, color or choice of clothing the other guy chooses to wear....Of course, no flip flops or cleavage for the girls or hipsters and elevator "heels" for the guys but if you're neat, clean and have a style similar to other reps you should be
A-OK....$800 suits, never be needed....and can't afford it anyway.

Over the years I have met a few reps that came from privileged backgrounds. They would wear $500 shoes and $800 suits. One guy's parents bought him a house where he would move to as a new rep and a luxury car. The problem is most of these reps were not happy to be a rep after a month. By the end of Year 1 they felt they should be already managers. They have lived such a sheltered life that they are not used to deal with the usual craps and occasional nastiness of customers. I even have one guy with very good connection (parents are high-level management at another drug company) asking how soon he would become a product manager.

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