So many Pips, is the end soon for cluster 1?

Then they can your ass the second you come back. Delaying the inevitable?
It’s against the law, but they always have documentation on their end to make it appear that they were already about to let you go. I replaced someone in that position. It’s wrong, but they can set up anyone no matter how great you were at your job.

I would love to see that life is that fair, however why is it that most of these types are the ones that continue to get promoted, while the ones they attack go down in flames? The answer I think, is that they are effective sociopaths. Unfortunately, sociopaths are extremely well liked; usually because they are highly charismatic and keep their working and personal relationships on a very shallow level. This way, no one ever gets to know them that well, that is until they strike.
By then, the victim is out of the picture and with little to no support from anyone witnessing the downfall. These guys are very clever regarding planting rumors and framing people. It’s to the point where you would never see them as your typical gossip. There are a few idiots now and again who do go down like you say... in their personal and professional lives. They want to be like the sociopaths. They are not as good at it because it’s not inherent in their nature as with the real snakes.
It’s synonymous with “gand stalking”. In some cases they hire dregs to continue this evil behavior after you leave.

It’s against the law, but they always have documentation on their end to make it appear that they were already about to let you go. I replaced someone in that position. It’s wrong, but they can set up anyone no matter how great you were at your job.

Right. If they want you, they will get you, and there’s very little anyone can do to stop it. Even if you can postpone it, you’re life will be made so miserable, you’ll quit.
That’s their tactics in a nutshell.
Take your ninety days and look for another job while you still have one.

Right. If they want you, they will get you, and there’s very little anyone can do to stop it. Even if you can postpone it, you’re life will be made so miserable, you’ll quit.
That’s their tactics in a nutshell.
Take your ninety days and look for another job while you still have one.
Ohhhhhh...but you can make their life hell after you leave. Social media is a bitch.

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