So many Pips, is the end soon for cluster 1?

Here’s the think though. They can always come up with some type of “infraction” and make it appear legit when it’s not. I’ve seen this time and time again. If you’ve been around long enough, you se innocent reps get framed because someone wants them out either because too many peole think they’re a dork, don’t like them, or maybe even theyre too much of a threat. They can set ANYONE up and have an excuse to talk about them and then add a bunch of bs lies along with that supposed “infraction”, while using as a ticket to completely destroy and debase someone.
You are correct though, sometimes you he infractions are legit, but too many tim s they’re not.
Another more common passive aggressive approach I’ve witnessed is when a friend of a friend is used by these former managers to discuss “infractions” to get the word out to the new team where their former rep now works, so in that way, the word will get through to the new manager through someone else.
I’ve also seen where reps left companies for a stronger opportunity and the former manager will put out the word that the rep was on a pip and about to be let go when this was definitely NOT the case.
It’s a Jedi mind trick where only the weak will fall for it. lol

Another more common passive aggressive approach I’ve witnessed is when a friend of a friend is used by these former managers to discuss “infractions” to get the word out to the new team where their former rep now works, so in that way, the word will get through to the new manager through someone else.
I’ve also seen where reps left companies for a stronger opportunity and the former manager will put out the word that the rep was on a pip and about to be let go when this was definitely NOT the case.
It’s a Jedi mind trick where only the weak will fall for it. lol

While all these posts ring true, after my many decades observing this kind of behavior, I have seen karma come back to these backstabbers. Mean spirited control freaks are not just that way at work. They are mean and controlling in their personal lives too, or alcoholics. Either way, their personal life is a mess and their wives or husbands leave them, children are unhappy and create trouble...Eventually senior management realizes the manager isn't a positive producer but that they are a negative vindictive jerk. Control freaks and gossip purveyors don't realize that most people are skeptical about their behavior because we know in a split second they could treat us in the same passive aggressive manner.

While all these posts ring true, after my many decades observing this kind of behavior, I have seen karma come back to these backstabbers. Mean spirited control freaks are not just that way at work. They are mean and controlling in their personal lives too, or alcoholics. Either way, their personal life is a mess and their wives or husbands leave them, children are unhappy and create trouble...Eventually senior management realizes the manager isn't a positive producer but that they are a negative vindictive jerk. Control freaks and gossip purveyors don't realize that most people are skeptical about their behavior because we know in a split second they could treat us in the same passive aggressive manner.
I would love to see that life is that fair, however why is it that most of these types are the ones that continue to get promoted, while the ones they attack go down in flames? The answer I think, is that they are effective sociopaths. Unfortunately, sociopaths are extremely well liked; usually because they are highly charismatic and keep their working and personal relationships on a very shallow level. This way, no one ever gets to know them that well, that is until they strike.
By then, the victim is out of the picture and with little to no support from anyone witnessing the downfall. These guys are very clever regarding planting rumors and framing people. It’s to the point where you would never see them as your typical gossip. There are a few idiots now and again who do go down like you say... in their personal and professional lives. They want to be like the sociopaths. They are not as good at it because it’s not inherent in their nature as with the real snakes.

I would love to see that life is that fair, however why is it that most of these types are the ones that continue to get promoted, while the ones they attack go down in flames? The answer I think, is that they are effective sociopaths. Unfortunately, sociopaths are extremely well liked; usually because they are highly charismatic and keep their working and personal relationships on a very shallow level. This way, no one ever gets to know them that well, that is until they strike.
By then, the victim is out of the picture and with little to no support from anyone witnessing the downfall. These guys are very clever regarding planting rumors and framing people. It’s to the point where you would never see them as your typical gossip. There are a few idiots now and again who do go down like you say... in their personal and professional lives. They want to be like the sociopaths. They are not as good at it because it’s not inherent in their nature as with the real snakes.
You have just described a Pfizer manager that I used to work for. He is still there.

You have just described a Pfizer manager that I used to work for. He is still there.
I’ve only seen the ok to really good managers who play well in the sandbox get the boot. There’s just something irresistible about those sociopathic jerks. God bless ‘em and those that continue to promote them. It’s like neither can help themselves.

I’ve only seen the ok to really good managers who play well in the sandbox get the boot. There’s just something irresistible about those sociopathic jerks. God bless ‘em and those that continue to promote them. It’s like neither can help themselves.

Have to tell this true story: A colleague and good friend of mine had such a manager.
He pulled the lowest of the low crap on people ruining their careers and lives along the way.
He picked the wrong guy with my friend, a decorated ex-marine, great guy and family man.
He refused to sell off- label when you could get away with it. Manager told him to do it or he’d fire him. Friend called him on his threat, and manager made his life miserable even after contacting HR with all the details, and getting no relief.
Fast- forward three months. Manager tried to make a fool of him in front of other managers at a meeting. My friend asked to talk to him alone to discuss the situation.
They met in manager’s room......30 mins later an ambulance and hotel security arrived at his room to find him beaten to a pulp. Poor bastard didn’t wake up for two days in the hospital and couldn’t remember a thing, or so he said. My friend left the company on his own three months later, and not a word was ever spoken of the incident. The manager left soon after for health reasons.
moral of the story: Be careful who you screw with.

As far as them knowing who not to mess with...has nothing to do with might or tough bravado. You can be a teeny wheenie little female, but if you come from wealthier stock or your spouse is loaded, they usually won’t touch you even if you’re a poorer performer.
They know that you’ve got the juice to promulgate to cause a PR nightmare at the very least or cause some legal issues at best & the company does not want any negative attention even if Pfizer has the stronger attorneys.
All in all, the issue of keeping your tail covered is more of a problem after being hired at a new company ...if you choose to stay in sales. People are bad about gossip and especially if you land a better opportunity.

As far as them knowing who not to mess with...has nothing to do with might or tough bravado. You can be a teeny wheenie little female, but if you come from wealthier stock or your spouse is loaded, they usually won’t touch you even if you’re a poorer performer.
They know that you’ve got the juice to promulgate to cause a PR nightmare at the very least or cause some legal issues at best & the company does not want any negative attention even if Pfizer has the stronger attorneys.
All in all, the issue of keeping your tail covered is more of a problem after being hired at a new company ...if you choose to stay in sales. People are bad about gossip and especially if you land a better opportunity.

I’ve seen it go both ways. Most are rep fired, manager retained or disciplined.
At the least, rep will be treated badly enough that they leave on their own.
Even if rep wins and tries to leave, a lawsuit or complaint that is known by another company will make it more difficult for you.
If you are going after a manager you better be totally prepared with unrefutable proof of infraction or you will be toast.

Just have great documentation and the dm will be toast.
I don’t know why people think this. You can document away, but if you don’t have enough money to fork out to hire an attorney or you’re not a minority, you think a company’s HR department or regional or going to support you on it? The answer is hell no! They’ll tell you straight up that it doesn’t matter how much documentation you have, you’re out. Remember that they are looking for something to get you out. Proof that you’re doing your job only frustrates them.

Just have great documentation and the dm will be toast.

You can document all you want they are still going to fry your a$$. The only way to win is to turn the tables on them first and hit them w/ your attorneys before they hit you. That is the only way to survive but will ultimately get you severance out the door.

Is Cluster 1 getting ready for layoffs? I know about 2 people in my region that are on one. I never received one but my manager has documented every single time I’ve been late turning in something or said something wrong. My numbers are strong but I’ve been told it’s never about numbers. They will can whoever they feel is negative. Im literally sick to my stomach answering my manager’s phone calls that I called in sick the last two days. Rumor has it I will get canned when I go back maybe tomorrow or Thursday.
Has Pfizer fired reps they feel are hard to work with without giving a Pip? And how bad are pips? If I get one, can’t I just ride it out and get a job or collect unemployment afterwards? My next company shlouldnt be able to be told I was on a Pip or I was fired.
What should I do? Take the Pip? Hire a lawyer or go out due to mental stress?

Be sure and check your Twitter feeds because that’s the way cluster one will be notified as to whether or not they’re Kept.
Expect tweets to include names, territories, along with a few insults. Pfizer is heading in the way of this technology.

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