Sick & tired of being disrespected

that's funny. I heard Pierre and Chris Kuhn were giving him a big promotion

Of course they are... All corporate criminals work together you sack of shit!
Pierre - King of criminal finance where stealing from reps is paramount to running the organization. Fuck you Pierre LaCroix!
Fuck you Nils Ericson!

Makes me want to puke in my mouth.
They have him as the instrument of their douchebaggery, hence the promotion...

OCA is the worst criminal organization I have ever seen.

And you should be awarded a wooden dildo up your ass without lube.
"should be awarded for being criminals who steal your generator commissions is what you meant to say..."
You could be the dumbest person alive making statements with no merit or fact. Seriously the dumbest person alive. Good thing you post on three different threads all within minutes of each other idiot.

SOD, you are fucking through. We are kicking your ass at NSM. I wouldn't even make the flight if I was you. It's not going to be pretty, for you that is. We are done putting up with corporate kool aid bitches like yourself. Management is on notice.

Do not apply or interview with Olympus sales. It is not a career, but rather a feudal enterprise...

Have a nice day Sales Ops Dick

You could be the dumbest person alive making statements with no merit or fact. Seriously the dumbest person alive. Good thing you post on three different threads all within minutes of each other idiot.

Really, then let's see all of the invoice commission payments on the $8,000 bills you sent to all of our customers which we sold. FYI you never paid us on any of those you piece of shit. You are a fucking liar you bean counting asshole. You have no credibility whatsoever you closet Finance faggot!

I find it interesting that Olympus treats its sales reps like shit.
When the company needs help with forecasting, whom do they need help from?
When the company wants feedback on new products, whom do they need help from?
When the conpany needs to hit its sales goals $, whom do they turn to?
When things aren't working internally, whom do they turn to, regarding what's wrong?
When the company shifts their focus from capital to disposables, on a dime,
Who is in charge of bailing them out?
Don't you find it interesting that as a sales team, we bail management out of every
Hole, and yet we still get our commissions stolen and we still get treated like shit.
New comp plan is a pile of shit!

Spot on..

SOD, you are fucking through. We are kicking your ass at NSM. I wouldn't even make the flight if I was you. It's not going to be pretty, for you that is. We are done putting up with corporate kool aid bitches like yourself. Management is on notice.

Do not apply or interview with Olympus sales. It is not a career, but rather a feudal enterprise...

Have a nice day Sales Ops Dick

Michael Fleming (SOD)
You stole all of our commissions in sales from the placed assets or generators.
You are unethical, dishonest, and a fucking corporate criminal. We all know you did it, and so do you. Your ego won't allow you to admit it. That doesn't change the truth. Watch and learn what happens...

every last one of you reps are complete crybabies. maybe you should explain to everyone that the stuff you didn't get paid commissions on was because you did a shit job of managing your contracts, olympus gave the reps and customers probably more than a year and multiple written communications to resolve the assets, and no one did shit to get things in order. stuff had to be billed because reps feel like they don't have to do contract maintenance, apparently once you get your up front spiff you think you're done and everyone else has to service your customers for you. you didn't get commission because YOU DIDN'T DO YOUR JOBS. boo hoo.

Wow, there's a surprise. SOD justifying his THEFT of sales reps hard work/(commissions). Was there ever a letter sent to the reps saying that you were going to take said commissions? No you just up and stole them, like all of the other thievery that you justify here at OCA. If you know so much about how to service contracts and develop relationships with our customers that pay your friggin salary, why then SOD do you hide in the ivory tower and kiss all the asses above you, all while stealing commissions all day? Why, because you wouldn't survive a day in sales, and secondly because you are a lying coward of a human, and customers wouldn't buy from you. Most can't stand you at corporate, they tolerate you. You must sleep like shit at night. Oops I already know that you don't by your CP responses at 4:56am. You are fooling no one!

The fact that SOD always responds shows that he really cares what everyone thinks of him, coupled with guilt and denial for his devious actions. If he had a clear conscience, then this post board would have zero replies from him.

I think that about covers that post.

every last one of you reps are complete crybabies. maybe you should explain to everyone that the stuff you didn't get paid commissions on was because you did a shit job of managing your contracts, olympus gave the reps and customers probably more than a year and multiple written communications to resolve the assets, and no one did shit to get things in order. stuff had to be billed because reps feel like they don't have to do contract maintenance, apparently once you get your up front spiff you think you're done and everyone else has to service your customers for you. you didn't get commission because YOU DIDN'T DO YOUR JOBS. boo hoo.

The expected response from your typical ignorant, abusive, negligent and incompetent Olympus manager.

RVP= A total fucktard that couldn't sell at all. Had a few friends on the inside that got him hired by the even more useless fucktard AVP. These types usually sold for two years or less in a completely teed up environment and then slid into an open spot. They use industry buzz words like synergy and "low hanging fruit", and speak in repetition about leveraging relationships, because other than repeating those words they provide less than zero value to the organization.

They know it too. Which is why most if not all of them have the most fragile ego on the block. Sound familiar Mr Toledo RVP.

Which AVP or RVP will have the balls to discuss the true current state of affairs, i.e. Commission, b/o, new products, rep the totally useless Sales Summit meeting?
Peter- what have you accomplished at Olympus? You and your inexperienced team need to get a handle on inventory volumes or be fired.