Sick & tired of being disrespected

I love how Nils tries to convince the salesforce that he is operating under the same commission budget as last year and that they aren't paying less. My W-2 will be $50k less than last year because of Michael Fleming & Nils Ericson colluding together to fuck the salesforce. I have worked twice as hard this year for $50,000 less. What a bunch of bullshit!

Multiply $50,000 by 130 reps. The yield is $6.5 million. That is how much those fucks have stolen in a year from the salesforce. Think about that the next time you see Michael Fleming in Southborough or at the NSM while you are eating pig swine for lunch at our yearly meeting! Complete fucking pieces of shit that need to be stopped!!!!

Urology is the workhorse of Surgical, although the compensation does not reflect this. Our Urology Reps are doing more work for less pay. The inflated urology goals are to cover for other specialties that are not profitable. We need better pay, and leaders that understand the urology workload, instead of trying to pay all specialities the same, when the jobs are so different. We need ACMI leaders to stand up for our sales team- olympus obviously does not know urology.

Last poster was spot on! Urology reps work twice as hard as the other divisions. Energy Sells a generator & handpieces.
SE sells video towers and laparoscopes, and basically just runs around and does evals. ENT sells pretty much nothing. Urology has a 200 page catalog to know inside and out. Fighting third party repair companies for a bullshit 2% commission. 2 percent is an insult to your hard work and intellect. The company keeps 98% of service for themselves. Boston & Cook have the stone-disposable market locked with airtight contracts. Management has ridiculous capital requirements monthly for their urology TM's. We deserve much better pay. I swear to god, I'm going to beat the shit out of Michael Fleming at the next NSM.

PS) Urology is responsible for 50% of the annual revenue of Surgical. The three other divisions make up the other 50%. You do the fucking math.
Every urology rep should do a planned walkout all at once.
Sick to death of this complete bullshit. Who will fight for those who fight for Olympus Urology everyday?

WOW. You people on this thread are probably 3 or 4 of the same complainers just going around and around with your disgruntled posts. I do admit some of them are funny. But then I think, If you don't like it then go the F*ck somewhere else. This is an easy sales job. The products sell themselves. Hit your quota, make your bonus, and be grateful. We don't need your negative attitudes anymore, we get it and always have. I work just as hard as you do but don't b*tch every hour of every day.

"Products sell themselves". Now that makes me laugh. You have obviously not sold an Olympus product. Negative comments are actually factual and shared by the majority in urology sales. How about getting in touch with the TMs, starting a advisory panel, to actually listen to the field. Is that too much to ask? We continue to lose reps. Leadership is out of touch with sales (they manage not lead) If you take care of your sales people, the company will be successful. It is truly that easy- ask NeoTract.

WOW. You people on this thread are probably 3 or 4 of the same complainers just going around and around with your disgruntled posts. I do admit some of them are funny. But then I think, If you don't like it then go the F*ck somewhere else. This is an easy sales job. The products sell themselves. Hit your quota, make your bonus, and be grateful. We don't need your negative attitudes anymore, we get it and always have. I work just as hard as you do but don't b*tch every hour of every day.

Take note, the revealing language, attitude and (non) sales experience from Corp.

That post was either Rompilla, Sales Ops Dick, or an RVP.
This company treats its sales reps with zero respect. Olympus is truly a bottom feeder organization, that is way too top heavy with useless management. What a waste.
I'm sending the CEO in Japan the link to all of these posts. I'm quite sure he does not know about how OCA is really being run!

This is no longer a sales job. 30-40% of our time is spent doing data entry. Thank you Not only are our commissions cut, but we have less time to sell. Company is dysfunctional and people in charge should be fired. Time to break up this company and sell parts, because Olympus is running it into the ground.

This is no longer a sales job. 30-40% of our time is spent doing data entry. Thank you Not only are our commissions cut, but we have less time to sell. Company is dysfunctional and people in charge should be fired. Time to break up this company and sell parts, because Olympus is running it into the ground.

Everyone loves the forced piece of shit company car options that you have pushed on the salesforce. Nicely equipped my ass. Plus a $125 personal use charge. Eat a dick Olympus!
I'm sure you useless fucks are installing trackers in the cars as well too. This company is one big pile of diarrhea! The morale is about as low as it can possibly go. Congratulations Nils & Richard, you have run Urology into the ground.

I have an idea....
This just in...
Effective immediately all RVP's, AVP's, and VP's will have their pay drastically cut to match the TM's, who are actually doing ALL of the work for you.
Since you useless upper management don't really provide any value anyway, other than quotes & margins, then it really won't matter anyhow. It's only fair if we are severely cut, then so are you.
Pay cuts begin with Sales Ops Dick!

The real problem is simple

Peter Crowley Sales Ops Dick, & Nils Ericson do not know what to do with Olympus, so they will continue to disrespect and lower the pay within the salesforce.

It's really sad, because we have a highly committed and intelligent sales force, but sadly every last rep will soon resign. It may not happen overnight, but people will only get fucked for so long. All the reps are past the point of no return.

All of you assholes in management should be totally ashamed of your abuse directed at the salesforce. We as reps deserve much better pay, and we also deserve leaders that chart the course to accomplish goals, not the blundering idiots that currently manage the urology group.

Does anyone know what our turnover rate is and how much market share we have lost over the last 3 years? Is there any connection with inexperience and loss of business? Does anyone above care?

Nils, Peter, and Sales Ops Dick need to get fired they are useless dead weight, that do zero to move the Urology business forward. Why in the world do these fools still exist at Olympus?