Sick and tired of some of these posts

Another example of your idiotic behavior. Xanax has a potential for dependency & addiction dum dum!!!

How can anyone be so stupid & continue to make idiotic comments??? It is actually quite amusing so post away dum dum!!!

What is idiotic is your statements. I passed the company drug test while taking Xanax yet I have let an employee go for failing due to marijuana abuse and suspected another who obviously is a drug addict. Are you a marijuana addict as well? There is nothing wrong with prescribed medications. Our insurance covers it for good sake. Blame bcbs South Carolina? Do they pay for your pot I didn't think so!

Another example of your idiotic behavior. Xanax has a potential for dependency & addiction dum dum!!!

How can anyone be so stupid & continue to make idiotic comments??? It is actually quite amusing so post away dum dum!!!

What is idiotic is your statements. I passed the company drug test while taking Xanax yet I have let an employee go for failing due to marijuana abuse and suspected another who obviously is a drug addict. Are you a marijuana addict as well? There is nothing wrong with prescribed medications. Our insurance covers it for good sake. Blame bcbs South Carolina? Do they pay for your pot I didn't think so!

What is idiotic is your statements. I passed the company drug test while taking Xanax yet I have let an employee go for failing due to marijuana abuse and suspected another who obviously is a drug addict. Are you a marijuana addict as well? There is nothing wrong with prescribed medications. Our insurance covers it for good sake. Blame bcbs South Carolina? Do they pay for your pot I didn't think so!

LOL!! You are too funny!! An addict (and Xanax can be a highly addictive med & abused much like oxy dum dum), trying to divert attention away from her addiction. "It's not me its everyone else!!!"


LOL!! You are too funny!! An addict (and Xanax can be a highly addictive med & abused much like oxy dum dum), trying to divert attention away from her addiction. "It's not me its everyone else!!!"


Why could it be then that I passed the drug test? Now my former driver that failed because of pot. Druggy. Sales reps that use a chemical to mask pot. Druggy. I have a clean record and I pee clean. It is a prescribed medication and I don't need to defend myself to a lowly sales rep. Ever heard of hippa? The only idiot is the one that agreed to get paid 31 cents a mile up to 1600 miles then 16 cents then nothing after 2000. And a 24k salary.

Why could it be then that I passed the drug test? Now my former driver that failed because of pot. Druggy. Sales reps that use a chemical to mask pot. Druggy. I have a clean record and I pee clean. It is a prescribed medication and I don't need to defend myself to a lowly sales rep. Ever heard of hippa? The only idiot is the one that agreed to get paid 31 cents a mile up to 1600 miles then 16 cents then nothing after 2000. And a 24k salary.

And I still make much, much more than you addict!!

Xanax is prescribed for anxiety.
Anxiety is caused by low self esteem.
Not only are you insecure, you are poor representation for Lincare "management".
You are GREAT fodder for entertainment however, this is the most fun I've had in weeks. Bring it BEOTCH!

Why could it be then that I passed the drug test? Now my former driver that failed because of pot. Druggy. Sales reps that use a chemical to mask pot. Druggy. I have a clean record and I pee clean. It is a prescribed medication and I don't need to defend myself to a lowly sales rep. Ever heard of hippa? The only idiot is the one that agreed to get paid 31 cents a mile up to 1600 miles then 16 cents then nothing after 2000. And a 24k salary.

Please explain how HIPPA applies to this situation? Privacy is obviously not a concern here as it is only you telling the world that you use Xanax to help you cope.

Xanax is prescribed for anxiety.
Anxiety is caused by low self esteem.
Not only are you insecure, you are poor representation for Lincare "management".
You are GREAT fodder for entertainment however, this is the most fun I've had in weeks. Bring it BEOTCH!

It's for a medical condition. You fit right in with the other low life sales reps here. Do you make fun of your patients with their medical condition of copd?

I know who you are. I should have fired your ass when you tried to dodge your ua test. Little do you know you ended up leaving under my terms loser.

It's for a medical condition. You fit right in with the other low life sales reps here. Do you make fun of your patients with their medical condition of copd?

I know who you are. I should have fired your ass when you tried to dodge your ua test. Little do you know you ended up leaving under my terms loser.

Drug Addict

I could go on & on...

Do the world a favor & please do not reproduce!!!

Drug Addict

I could go on & on...

Do the world a favor & please do not reproduce!!!

I have kids and its idiot bullies like you that constantly try to ruin the world for us. Guess what we rise above this noise. Do the company a favor and resign so a cm like me doesn't need to deal with a Whiney employee like you.

I have kids and its idiot bullies like you that constantly try to ruin the world for us. Guess what we rise above this noise. Do the company a favor and resign so a cm like me doesn't need to deal with a Whiney employee like you.

Do yourself a favor and RE READ your posts if you want to see "bullying" and whiney. You most certainly do not "rise above the noise". You are most guilty of all the behaviors you spout off about. Typical Do as I say, not as I do. Exactly why most "managers" lose respect.But please do not go away, you are a better stress buster than your party drug any day!

Do yourself a favor and RE READ your posts if you want to see "bullying" and whiney. You most certainly do not "rise above the noise". You are most guilty of all the behaviors you spout off about. Typical Do as I say, not as I do. Exactly why most "managers" lose respect.But please do not go away, you are a better stress buster than your party drug any day!

Please share your location code. I want to have a meeting with you your cm and my am and rm. we will quickly see who the holier than thou is then. Trust me when it comes to this company you do not want to f with me. I know the people that sign off on your checks a little too well.

Please share your location code. I want to have a meeting with you your cm and my am and rm. we will quickly see who the holier than thou is then. Trust me when it comes to this company you do not want to f with me. I know the people that sign off on your checks a little too well.

You are a lunatic. You give me your location code, or better yet, just share your AM and RM's name and I will schedule a meeting with HR. You are an angry,insecure CM who thinks she has more power than she truly does. You spend far too much time on this board dissing every Lincare employee but yourself. You are nasty and defensive. You're posting here just to incite this volleying back and forth, even tho you have no clue if you are debating with a Lincare employee or just a troll here for laughs. Going back and forth here with you is the same as watching my dog chase his tail.

You are a lunatic. You give me your location code, or better yet, just share your AM and RM's name and I will schedule a meeting with HR. You are an angry,insecure CM who thinks she has more power than she truly does. You spend far too much time on this board dissing every Lincare employee but yourself. You are nasty and defensive. You're posting here just to incite this volleying back and forth, even tho you have no clue if you are debating with a Lincare employee or just a troll here for laughs. Going back and forth here with you is the same as watching my dog chase his tail.

I've given everything I've had for this company and my patience. I don't need to deal with lazy sales reps trying to talk down to me

I've given everything I've had for this company and my patience. I don't need to deal with lazy sales reps trying to talk down to me

If we are so lazy, how is it I surpassed my O2 growth goals by a huge margin & you are so dedicated and hard working & failed to hit goal??? How's that superstar?? I suppose it's someone else's fault? I bet if you hit goal you would take all the credit, so how about taking all the credit for your failures!!!


Please share your location code. I want to have a meeting with you your cm and my am and rm. we will quickly see who the holier than thou is then. Trust me when it comes to this company you do not want to f with me. I know the people that sign off on your checks a little too well.

Give me a call when you feel up to it!!


I've given everything I've had for this company and my patience. I don't need to deal with lazy sales reps trying to talk down to me

OMG lady, you do not have patience. You do not even have PATIENTS! Unless you believe that warehouse managers are HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS/PROVIDERS. You truly are delusional.