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Shot fired across the IS bow on Friday

There is no data. It's all a lie. Off-label studied lies.

WCoast DBM here, I can tell you we have been told to get ready for the black box warning coming April 30. When a study published in CID, that is done by experts at NIH,tells practitioners that they should not use this drug under almost any circumstances,it tells us that the Citizens Petition is a sure thing. One can only hope that Zyvox will save IS. Leadership has been aware that this devastating news has been coming for many months, and was one of the reasons,besides Prevnar's delay, in cancelling our big meeting in LV. Now with Tyga done, Vfend done,Prevnar crippled for another year or two, we are looking at the elimination of IS later this year. Get ready now!!

WCoast DBM here, I can tell you we have been told to get ready for the black box warning coming April 30. When a study published in CID, that is done by experts at NIH,tells practitioners that they should not use this drug under almost any circumstances,it tells us that the Citizens Petition is a sure thing. One can only hope that Zyvox will save IS. Leadership has been aware that this devastating news has been coming for many months, and was one of the reasons,besides Prevnar's delay, in cancelling our big meeting in LV. Now with Tyga done, Vfend done,Prevnar crippled for another year or two, we are looking at the elimination of IS later this year. Get ready now!!

Explain how one drug, at the end of its life cycle, with no real growth for over 4 years is going to save anyone. This ought to be interesting.

Lipitpor = 12 bill, Zyvox = 600 mill. You will never make it in strategic business opps. 600 mill is not enough to keep a force until the end. Try again einstein.

You know not what you talk of. Cubicin is 600 mill and it keeps a sales force. Also, Pristiq, Toviaz, Chantix keeps a sales force and those products are about 600 mill COMBINED!!

You know not what you talk of. Cubicin is 600 mill and it keeps a sales force. Also, Pristiq, Toviaz, Chantix keeps a sales force and those products are about 600 mill COMBINED!!

Apparantly your too stupid to know that Cubicin has a sales force about half of the size as IS. Pristiq, Toviaz, and Chantix are not the only products sold by their forces. Take the brain you have located in your ___, and start thinking how 1 product in the late stages of a life cycle, high salaries, is justified in keeping the numbers in IS. Does anyone in this company have a clue what the pharma industry is about. Who would ever thought that the majority of morons were sitting right here at Pfizer. Got to be the dumbest bunch in the lot.

Apparantly your too stupid to know that Cubicin has a sales force about half of the size as IS. Pristiq, Toviaz, and Chantix are not the only products sold by their forces. Take the brain you have located in your ___, and start thinking how 1 product in the late stages of a life cycle, high salaries, is justified in keeping the numbers in IS. Does anyone in this company have a clue what the pharma industry is about. Who would ever thought that the majority of morons were sitting right here at Pfizer. Got to be the dumbest bunch in the lot.

Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah. Park and puke somewhere else you old man.

A few things to think about. 1. Sizable layoff and then CEO get huge raise. 2. No new products on future horizon. 3. Sales force is now mainily comprized of backstabbing butt kissing personal. (Easy, I did not say all of the salesforce but the numbers are growing more and more every day). Sell your soul and self worth for a paycheck? I know time are tough but really? Company thinking of selling off another profitable resourse like animal health or consumer goods. I guess this makes sence since we will all get a piece of that with our raise. I forgot we gave all that money to Ian and his brain trust. Lastly, that overtime lawsuit that reps think is going to change things. You are probably right it will change things. No we are not going to be getting a big check for working longer hours. The companywill have to get money from somewhere else. Layoffs? It's not like we have to punch a clock when we go to work or close down for the day. A good rep knows when to turn it on and off. The shots have been going on for uite sometime. I suspect next time they will use a machine gun rather than a pistol. Look for a huge head count reduction coming as the point of no return is approaching quickly. Not enough parachutes to go around and the ones at the top have started the countdown. Good luck to us all.

A few things to think about. 1. Sizable layoff and then CEO get huge raise. 2. No new products on future horizon. 3. Sales force is now mainily comprized of backstabbing butt kissing personal. (Easy, I did not say all of the salesforce but the numbers are growing more and more every day). Sell your soul and self worth for a paycheck? I know time are tough but really? Company thinking of selling off another profitable resourse like animal health or consumer goods. I guess this makes sence since we will all get a piece of that with our raise. I forgot we gave all that money to Ian and his brain trust. Lastly, that overtime lawsuit that reps think is going to change things. You are probably right it will change things. No we are not going to be getting a big check for working longer hours. The companywill have to get money from somewhere else. Layoffs? It's not like we have to punch a clock when we go to work or close down for the day. A good rep knows when to turn it on and off. The shots have been going on for uite sometime. I suspect next time they will use a machine gun rather than a pistol. Look for a huge head count reduction coming as the point of no return is approaching quickly. Not enough parachutes to go around and the ones at the top have started the countdown. Good luck to us all.

You are not only paranoid, but a bad speller

WCoast DBM here, I can tell you we have been told to get ready for the black box warning coming April 30. When a study published in CID, that is done by experts at NIH,tells practitioners that they should not use this drug under almost any circumstances,it tells us that the Citizens Petition is a sure thing. One can only hope that Zyvox will save IS. Leadership has been aware that this devastating news has been coming for many months, and was one of the reasons,besides Prevnar's delay, in cancelling our big meeting in LV. Now with Tyga done, Vfend done,Prevnar crippled for another year or two, we are looking at the elimination of IS later this year. Get ready now!!
You actually sound knowledgeable!!! But elimination of the whole division when a 600 million dollar drug still has patent life for a few more years seems a bit extreme. However, the bad news for this division just seems to compound. I hope you are wrong but in my gut I fear you are right. We all knew this day was coming---if you don't prepare it's nobody's fault but your own!!!!!!