Shared Sales 2011

It is what it is. Management will let you know it once they figure it out. It can sometimes be difficult to figure it out. It can be elusive. Sometimes it smells but other times it doesn't. It's just what it is and management will let you know about it once they figure it out. Does it help you feel more secure about it?

So funny, I just did a google search for PDI... I worked there 3 1/2 years ago. Same complaints... I agree it was an awful job. But I have to say that in today's world it's better to have an awful job than no job. I still have little kids, so I'm not ready to think about full-time work (if there was any available!). But there are SLIM PICKINGS in the part time working world. Good luck hanging in there or finding something better if you can. Is Stephanie Ladsous still in district management? She's THE BEST.

Didn't we go through this a couple years ago? Layoffs during the summer and some reps called back for Tamiflu? There is no work and I am wondering when the rest of us will be laid off. Does anyone know who got the bad news. It's just a matter of time and all the work will dry up. I look forward to the slow down just so I can actually spend time with my kids and hubby. A real vacation would be nice this year if we only had some money and gas weren't so high. Bad timing all the way around.

Know what you mean! Sometimes I wake up dry and parched with no helping hand to assist. My hubby is sound asleep and could care less about how dry I am. Can anyone cum to my defense and add some humidity to my dry life? Please, only serious replys needed and quickly!