Shared Sales 2011

former BP rep here.Were there days that I left the field early? Yeah, but there was many a night I was out either doing a dinner program or a one on one event. Regardless how long I worked every day I always made calls designed to grow market share. I didn't just show up and throw up a marketing message.

Big difference between that and what I do here at PDI.

Pay me more and
I'll work harder - and smarter.
If all I am accountable for is a certain # of sigs - thats what they will get.

Just curious, reps here certainly "work" for far less than reps working in "real" pharma, big or small.

PDI Dm's salaries/benefits are also discounted relative to their "real" pharma counterparts.

So, what about the home office folk - are they doing the same job as others in "real "pharma and being compensated at a deep discount - or are their salaries in line with the real pharma conpanies??

Anyone know the answer??

This is the answer you will get from management. In fact they use this answer for most of the questions you have about PDI SA regarding business practicies , pay, etc........ Its a cornerstone of Management training 101.

" It is what it is" ( I just hate that expression) .

Good Luck and Good selling !

And if management does not wake up and see the reality of the Shared Sales situation -

this "is" will soon be a "was" -

and it will become a lesson in some 2nd rate on-line MBA program.

It's what it is. Nothing more, nothing less. Some were blessed and some were not. Most do not have control over "it" as each of us was born with one . . . . some large, some small and a few non existent. You know who you are . . . . . . . . it's just what it is and management knows it. Some in management can see what it is and others cannot. You decide who are the better managers . . . . . the ones who can see it vs. the ones who can't. Not everyone has the same eyesight but all have an "it" and it's just what it is. Be thankful for what you are given as some do not know what it is. They are to be forgiven for they know not what it is until the light shines upon it.

It's what it is. Nothing more, nothing less. Some were blessed and some were not. Most do not have control over "it" as each of us was born with one . . . . some large, some small and a few non existent. You know who you are . . . . . . . . it's just what it is and management knows it. Some in management can see what it is and others cannot. You decide who are the better managers . . . . . the ones who can see it vs. the ones who can't. Not everyone has the same eyesight but all have an "it" and it's just what it is. Be thankful for what you are given as some do not know what it is. They are to be forgiven for they know not what it is until the light shines upon it.

What ?

Most shared managers can't see it! Some suffer from poor eyesight, are missing an eye or are living in a fog. It's a shame because it is affecting my ability to work and specifically with PDI. I can see it very clearly but my manager can't! I've asked him to take his glasses off and take a look. He still couldn't see it. It was in plain view and he still couldn't see it! What type of managerial training does PDI provide its managers? Are they all missing one or two optic nerves? I may never get a straight answer but I can see it clearly. Too bad my manager cannot because I really wished that he could view it without those rose colored glasses on. Hopefully I'll be able to acquire a new manager with better visual acuity. Hopefully he'll see it.

LOL! Take an aspirin, eat a bag of carrots and call me in the morning. You will see clearly then. If not we'll have to consider some visual tests to check to see if you are seeing, have seen or will see what I am seeing clearly. Realize that your manager isn't but want to be sure than you can see it! Perhaps we need to set up a "seeing clearly" seminar for those in Parsippany? The seminar will certainly help the folks in Jersey to see it.

I. See, MD
Board Certified in Optometry & Seeing Disorders
Hoboken, NJ

All I can see is how messed up this place really is.
No direction - poor direction.

Direction changes 180 degrees every time you turn around.

Clueless bunch of idiots at the top
Impressed with thier titles and supposed " expertise'

Someone who goes out and negotiates contracts for pennies on the dollar, so no other contract company gets the contract. promises to deliver the undeliverable, then pressures those that carry out her god forsaken contracts to deliver, forcing all kinds of deception and creative call making to deliver the undeliverable.

America the Beautiful!! God shed your grace on her!

All I can see is how messed up this place really is.
No direction - poor direction.

Direction changes 180 degrees every time you turn around.

Clueless bunch of idiots at the top
Impressed with thier titles and supposed " expertise'

Someone who goes out and negotiates contracts for pennies on the dollar, so no other contract company gets the contract. promises to deliver the undeliverable, then pressures those that carry out her god forsaken contracts to deliver, forcing all kinds of deception and creative call making to deliver the undeliverable.

America the Beautiful!! God shed your grace on her!

As I read your post I started to smile and by the end was shaking my head in disgrace. I see it. I get it and I know exactly what you are saying. It's a big scam. I can't take it anymore and I am happy to say that this will soon be over for me. This excerise in insanity will become a thing of the past. Yeah for me!!!!

Looks like you are beginning to see more clearly now! Sometimes all it takes is to wipe the fog away from your eyes. Most shared managers don't wipe their eyes often enough, hence the reason they have a difficult time seeing. Most of the time they are in a fog, just like their superiors in upper management. Unfortunately, it is what it is! Some can see it clearly, others barely and others none at all. Once those who didn't see begin to see, it does become a bit more clear. Some will sharpen their focus and see it very clearly, but others will remain in the dark and perhaps never see it. It is what it is.

I get it now! It's becoming a bit more clearer now. Never knew I had an "it" but now realize that "it's what it is"! Been with shared for two years now and it was never clear to me. Parts of "it" are still not clear, but some parts of it are! The remainder of "it" is somewhat of a blur but should come into more focus as management can grasp "it" and turn it around. "It's" a hard thing to turn around but PDI has been able to turn "it" around before. Wondering here if current management can find it, first . . . . . . then try to turn it around? Only time will tell and unfortunately . . . . . "What is it?" will remain in force until the light shines upon "it" for all management and field to see it at the same time! That's when, and only when, it's important and it will work.

It's what it is . . is every where! Sometimes it's hard to find "it". "It's" a sneaky dude but not hard to find "it" if you know where to look for it. Happy hunting!

poster 72 - about that 180 degree turn around....

how many e-mails did we get about the appropriate amount of TF to leave with our high vs lower deciled doc?

then today, from America - increase your sampling be sure everyone has plenty of samples....are they getting ready to cut us loose since flu season was generally a bust?

Oh, how is that TF hospital initiaive going for you?? Anyone manage to get an order?

No pricing advantage, just longer dating, and you have to promise not to send them back if you don't use them??

Sounds to me like Genentech has too much on hand - except suspension of course - and is trying to dump the stuff. Whem does it go generic? anyone know? Its been around a while

Has anyone heard about what the new contract might be? I loved the message about not making any of the calls to the new targets loaded in our pda's. What new targets and what the heck was she talking about? Did anyone else get a truck load of material for Concerta? What are we supposed to do with that? I thought it was a bundled call with Tamiflu and that contract is almost over or at least til the end of the month. Now what are we supposed to do with all this stuff for Concerta? My husband is not too happy about all the paper in the shed and our trash cans getting pretty full every week with boxes. Will we have jobs at the end of the month or do you think surge will be kept on to finish up the other contracts? Would be nice to know what's going on.