
Mass layoffs! The Brilliant and always bumbling AB Mr VP of Sales, sold JT 3 years ago on a massive rep expansion to the great expense of investors and existing reps that put their blood sweat and tears into Lapiplasty. Treace went from a family to a dictatorship in less time than I've ever witnessed in my time in medical device. Mass Layoffs effected more than 30 employees (6/12/2024), reps of course making up the majority of the slaughter. AB is a failure, he was at Wright, he was at Orthofix and now very clearly he is at Treace. Hard to believe he survived this!

Smash N Grab

Used to be on a path and now their path is taking as much money out of Lapiplasty to line their pockets and serve their selfish interests no matter the cost to the people working their tails off

This company turned into a complete joke in the last year. AB is the worst thing that the company ever did, and is disliked by many. They waited too long to sell, and now they are scrambling making fast decisions. it’s sad no one in the field is happy, and all waiting for the right exit. Poor leadership.

Mass layoffs! The Brilliant and always bumbling AB Mr VP of Sales, sold JT 3 years ago on a massive rep expansion to the great expense of investors and existing reps that put their blood sweat and tears into Lapiplasty. Treace went from a family to a dictatorship in less time than I've ever witnessed in my time in medical device. Mass Layoffs effected more than 30 employees (6/12/2024), reps of course making up the majority of the slaughter. AB is a failure, he was at Wright, he was at Orthofix and now very clearly he is at Treace. Hard to believe he survived this!
He pulled from his playbook at Wright. He’s always been all about himself and money, and he’s not shy saying it. Treace may have missed its window…it will be a very long climb back up for the stock to have any value.

Sinking ship at best. Salesforce with the exception of a few are miserable. No long term comp plan is a recipe for turnover and disaster. Recent stock price drop has surgeons concerned about longevity etc.

Let’s take a look at some of the RVPS. Larry Tischer? Must’ve been an AB hire. Another guy who’s all about himself and doesn’t do squat for his territories. I guess that’s why he was let go from jobs.

All reps in their 2nd or 3rd year have to pick up an outside product to sell because Treace has to be the only company where you lose money each year with a stupid bridge. Reps could easily take their relationships and surgeons at any point to another product and make more. Treace prices itself out of hospitals/surgery centers and reps get undercut by competitors pricing. AB has a history or ruining companies and the wonder why things are the way they are……blind leading the blind

I just really wonder who’s running this company. I feel like after this dumpster fire over the last two years the writing has been on the wall for AB for a long time. First you cut all the territories, lose business left & right, and then let go of your sales reps that actually work but keep the ones who aren’t doing anything or who are focused on selling for other companies on the side. Get rid of AB NO ONE likes him anyway.

I just really wonder who’s running this company. I feel like after this dumpster fire over the last two years the writing has been on the wall for AB for a long time. First you cut all the territories, lose business left & right, and then let go of your sales reps that actually work but keep the ones who aren’t doing anything or who are focused on selling for other companies on the side. Get rid of AB NO ONE likes him anyway.
They're buddies, won't happen.

When are they going to sell this thing? Huge market loss, salesforce turnover etc etc etc. Can’t hold on much longer despite the company line…..
What exactly are you holding on to? Employment, stock, ego? If you are an employee and have this attitude all of us would rather you just leave. If you're an only an investor, sell the stock and move on.

You asshole…you are a fucking company tool who doesn’t see the forest for the trees. Ok just leave….keep dreaming. Sit there and wait for the fire. 61% market loss. A company who positioned themselves to sell in Q1, AB is an asshole who will run this shit to the ground. Even better, first year lie, Second year lie.