
Mass layoffs! The Brilliant and always bumbling AB Mr VP of Sales, sold JT 3 years ago on a massive rep expansion to the great expense of investors and existing reps that put their blood sweat and tears into Lapiplasty. Treace went from a family to a dictatorship in less time than I've ever witnessed in my time in medical device. Mass Layoffs effected more than 30 employees (6/12/2024), reps of course making up the majority of the slaughter. AB is a failure, he was at Wright, he was at Orthofix and now very clearly he is at Treace. Hard to believe he survived this!

Smash N Grab

Used to be on a path and now their path is taking as much money out of Lapiplasty to line their pockets and serve their selfish interests no matter the cost to the people working their tails off

This company turned into a complete joke in the last year. AB is the worst thing that the company ever did, and is disliked by many. They waited too long to sell, and now they are scrambling making fast decisions. it’s sad no one in the field is happy, and all waiting for the right exit. Poor leadership.

Mass layoffs! The Brilliant and always bumbling AB Mr VP of Sales, sold JT 3 years ago on a massive rep expansion to the great expense of investors and existing reps that put their blood sweat and tears into Lapiplasty. Treace went from a family to a dictatorship in less time than I've ever witnessed in my time in medical device. Mass Layoffs effected more than 30 employees (6/12/2024), reps of course making up the majority of the slaughter. AB is a failure, he was at Wright, he was at Orthofix and now very clearly he is at Treace. Hard to believe he survived this!
He pulled from his playbook at Wright. He’s always been all about himself and money, and he’s not shy saying it. Treace may have missed its window…it will be a very long climb back up for the stock to have any value.