severed people need to share the dirt

King reps are covered under KING severance for 2 years buddy. We are all looking anyway. No one trusts Pfizer.

...but there's nothing to worry about. Pfizer has never let anyone go, we always expand! Oh wait, that was 5 waves of cuts ago.

Anybody remember that silly bullshit? At least the folks who've been "released" can now go and try to reclaim their dignity; this company AND this industry - but mostly this company - are just really stupid.

If looking for dirt just check into the spending behaviors of any Pfizer manager with 8-10 years or more of Pfizer bribing. If u still work for Pfizer and are not aggressively looking for a credible company to work for you're lazy, stupid or not looking out for you and your family.

No, no, no.

Share the dirt on the sycophantic idiots who are still with Pfizer:

- people who steal
- people who cheat on the spouses (particularly the chronic people)
- people who were or are immoral in their "professional" dealings

We all know Pfizer is absolutely full of these people, and more often than not, they're the folks who were or have been retained.

This must be the dumbass who's trying to write another 'book." Fuck off loser!

Thanks for the post. Sounds dead on. King reps are all waiting to see where we will land. Not fun.

Based on my experience with Pfe buying another company, the employees of the purchased company won't be on the payroll long. It seems you get a chance to make an impression, adapt to the culture, and perform. If you do not meet these criteria, your gone. It is wise to keep in touch with management contacts (from King) and keep an eye on how they like the transition/culture. If they hesitate in discussions about their like of the company, it is time to bail because you will be shown the door soon after because of your association. I saw this when Pfe bought P/D, Pharmacia, and now Wyeth.

if you've been severed, why not tell us something interesting?

there are a whole lot of f'd up people in the company, let's share the dirt.

It was sort of a betrayal feeling the first few days. There does not seem to be any real criteria, just "made-up" stuff to cover high salary, high-tenure folks with some unfortunate younger sales reps (to even out the EEOC numbers). a 49 year old RM will not have an age discrimination case if a 29 year old rep is also let go to balance things out.

After a few days, though, you begin to breathe again and focus on things other than Pfizer. However, the gnawing feeling is the fear of not being able to match the Pfizer compensation. The job market is really not that bad of you work 2-3 hours per day to look and apply. Definitely utilize the Right Management resources.

Then you come to the last paycheck which is in one week for me. This is the time that it really gets strange. The severance and all of the other compensation is very large for tenured folks, but it is the sense that it is all over that gets you.

I will start with my new company in two weeks and I look forward to new beginnings. I do wish that I enjoyed my three-month vacation more, but I was a bit sidetracked.

I refused to sleep with my manager and or worship him. I ignored him after his advances. As much as I tried to keep the situation under wraps, people could see what was going on based on his obcession with having to talk to me and "watch" me constantly. It was beyond embarassing. His boss knew what was going on. Other reps that had worked with him could see it as well. I had a close guy friend tell me that I should "play the game" and hook up with him or it would be impossible for me to keep my job. I did get cut and I have been alienated by most at Pfiz, however, it's ok bc I got away from a lot of classless trash and have learned to build business relationships with individuals that have stronger character and moral fiber.Some of these people in this industry are so cheap and cheesy!

Female rep here. I may have the record for a MILF. I have slept with 7 different Pfizer guys over the past five years.

No. You are nowhere near the record. The higher you look in the company, the higher the number goes. I know. I have slept with 7 different Pfizer guys myself. You and I are just average at best.

I refused to sleep with my manager and or worship him. I ignored him after his advances. As much as I tried to keep the situation under wraps, people could see what was going on based on his obcession with having to talk to me and "watch" me constantly. It was beyond embarassing. His boss knew what was going on. Other reps that had worked with him could see it as well. I had a close guy friend tell me that I should "play the game" and hook up with him or it would be impossible for me to keep my job. I did get cut and I have been alienated by most at Pfiz, however, it's ok bc I got away from a lot of classless trash and have learned to build business relationships with individuals that have stronger character and moral fiber.Some of these people in this industry are so cheap and cheesy!

Bad Behavior continues to be rewarded!

Based on my experience with Pfe buying another company, the employees of the purchased company won't be on the payroll long. It seems you get a chance to make an impression, adapt to the culture, and perform. If you do not meet these criteria, your gone. It is wise to keep in touch with management contacts (from King) and keep an eye on how they like the transition/culture. If they hesitate in discussions about their like of the company, it is time to bail because you will be shown the door soon after because of your association. I saw this when Pfe bought P/D, Pharmacia, and now Wyeth.

You are wrong. It has been demonstrated by Pfizer that performance does not matter, even though they always preach otherwise. Just look at what they used for selection during 09 sales data was only used if there was the need for a tie breaker. This is an absolute fact.