Racial quotas now at Pfizer - white men need not apply

It’s a good thing that there are plenty of top minority candidates to hire. No need to worry folks.
Give me a break. The quest to fill management ranks and promoted positions with blacks has been going on for years at Pfizer. Anyone who is cut in the next layoff should thank Heaven that they are leaving this fiasco.

Give me a break. The quest to fill management ranks and promoted positions with blacks has been going on for years at Pfizer. Anyone who is cut in the next layoff should thank Heaven that they are leaving this fiasco.

I guess they failed in their quest. It must be a blow to the ego and hard to accept responsibility for the failure.

All large pharmaceutical companies are doing it. I am always the bridesmaid and never the bride. I have a great list of references, sales success, and knowledge. I’ve been told by 20 somethings head hunters that they know what the market needs. They don’t even know about Pharma. Princeton one has got to be the worst. I had to bite my tongue and be respectful while one of these children tried to coach me for an interview. Laughable. I gotta find the book where they reference their data. It’s probably from 1990. I’m always in the final interview and then I get the “going in a different direction” email. I’ll inevitably get a call from one of my doctors I used as a reference and they will tell me who beat me out. Guess, nonwhite, nonmale, and non experienced. They ask the doctors the 20 questions. Have no real personality and act as if the information they have to share is relevant.

All large pharmaceutical companies are doing it. I am always the bridesmaid and never the bride. I have a great list of references, sales success, and knowledge. I’ve been told by 20 somethings head hunters that they know what the market needs. They don’t even know about Pharma. Princeton one has got to be the worst. I had to bite my tongue and be respectful while one of these children tried to coach me for an interview. Laughable. I gotta find the book where they reference their data. It’s probably from 1990. I’m always in the final interview and then I get the “going in a different direction” email. I’ll inevitably get a call from one of my doctors I used as a reference and they will tell me who beat me out. Guess, nonwhite, nonmale, and non experienced. They ask the doctors the 20 questions. Have no real personality and act as if the information they have to share is relevant.

The problem is YOU. You must really be a horrible candidate. Pharma and Device are dominated by White Boys. And you can’t get hired. Please.

That was then, this is now. Several years ago, yes, white males dominated the ranks. Now, not so much. Good luck if you are a white male over 30 now.

Good Luck. You’re gonna need it. There’s a whole new generation of young people who won’t hire you. I mean several years ago, you did earn your position by being the Best qualified right?

Good Luck. You’re gonna need it. There’s a whole new generation of young people who won’t hire you. I mean several years ago, you did earn your position by being the Best qualified right?
I interact with these young people daily. They are going to spend their whole life paying off student loan debt, many won't ever own a home and they have been emotionally crippled by a system that doesn't believe in the world "no".

I get why these young people are frustrated. I really do. They've been told how great they are and how special they are and now the world isn't quite what it seemed when they were in the smug cocoon of academia. They've been enabled and coddled and now things just don't seem fair.

This hatred towards older people who are established is misdirected. It's more about self loathing and pity.

The problem is YOU. You must really be a horrible candidate. Pharma and Device are dominated by White Boys. And you can’t get hired. Please.

really fucktard? I’d put my accomplishments against yours anyday. Unless your head is in the sand, you would realize how the job,market has changed. D and I rule the job market.

The word quota in business has a new emphasis. Pfizer is more interested in the D and I quota . The sales quota numbers don’t seem to matter as much. I guess they won’t hold their D and I hires accountable because if they did , that would be discrimination. But for the rest of us non color people, you better make your numbers or go on a performance improvement plan.

That was then, this is now. Several years ago, yes, white males dominated the ranks. Now, not so much. Good luck if you are a white male over 30 now.

You're joking. Our (VERY mediocre) leadership is predominantly straight white men and some white women. Come on, quit yer crying and either get a new credential with all of our spare time or find another industry entirely. This is my 3rd Pharma company and I was shocked at the lack of diversity here, especially above the district level. I agree that all the noise about our new PC culture seems oppressive and heavy handed, but from my view its all talk.

really fucktard? I’d put my accomplishments against yours anyday. Unless your head is in the sand, you would realize how the job,market has changed. D and I rule the job market.

Yep. With this kind of language and response, the problem must be you. The job market is still ruled by white males, Stop pretending it’s not. Pfizer has been heading in the wrong direction for the past several years now, and being more in tune with the current landscape in this country is one way to improve. The old school boys club doesn’t work in pharma anymore. You’re just sad you aren’t being hired based of your white maleness anymore. Talent across all genders and colors is being evaluated now.

The percentage of viable candidates with educational and work backgrounds that align with positions within a given firm are never going to align with the demographics of the US as a whole. Say you need to hire a chemical engineer with a PhD. Currently the company has 10 such employees, all white, and 9 are males. The company’s HR department comes to the conclusion that the new hire MUST be African-American, and female.
Well, hiring the female will be a challenge, as more than 2/3 of ChemE PhDs earned last year were male, but we can probably find a suitable candidate, albeit at a premium as the demand exceeds the supply (we’re not the only company going full-blown SJW). But now for the tricky part… their were no black female PhDs awarded in ChemE last year. So either we get a female PhD to identify as black, or a black male to identify as female… oh, wait, no black male PhDs in ChemE either. Dang! This is really tough!

Meanwhile, the job goes unfilled while we wait for our unicorn.

Look, I was an engineering major, it’s hard. A lot of folks bail, even I got out of engineering after the housing collapse (and somehow got hired by Pfizer, despite being a white male). Most people, regardless of race, don’t want to study math, physics, and applied science for 4-5 years to get a BS, let alone a masters or PhD. Minority engineers can get hired with just a BS, and with the money that gets thrown their way, it rarely makes sense to go to grad school. But blacks and Hispanics also test poorly relative to their white and Asian peers, so many never go that route in the first place. I never had an African-American classmate in a math class beyond 1st semester calculus. I don’t blame them, or believe them inherently unable to do the work, they are just ill-prepared due to terrible public schools, almost universally in Democrat-run cities and states. Vouchers and school choice might help more minority youth access better math and science educational resources, which would enable them to pursue STEM degrees instead of worthless liberal arts degrees.

I don’t think Pfizer would be taking these measures if they didn’t need to correct years of letting minority talent languish and go unrecognized. Plus, there is a battle for talent across our industry. The company can’t afford to let the talent they want to keep to leave for greener grass.

The assumption is that the superior candidate gets hired or gets promoted. Too often it comes down to 2-3 great candidates and only one position. Then it comes down to fit - do I like this person? Will this person fit in with the team? Will this person cause trouble? The unconsciously biased mind will almost always default to the one who shares a familiar background, educational history, or speech pattern and dress as well as likes and dislikes in order to answer these questions.

Minorities are disadvantaged in these cases. Don’t assume that there are so many all white teams because no minorities want those roles or are unqualified for them. What you often see are managers cloning themselves through their teams. You’ll never see minority managers do that.

I don’t think Pfizer would be taking these measures if they didn’t need to correct years of letting minority talent languish and go unrecognized. Plus, there is a battle for talent across our industry. The company can’t afford to let the talent they want to keep to leave for greener grass.

The assumption is that the superior candidate gets hired or gets promoted. Too often it comes down to 2-3 great candidates and only one position. Then it comes down to fit - do I like this person? Will this person fit in with the team? Will this person cause trouble? The unconsciously biased mind will almost always default to the one who shares a familiar background, educational history, or speech pattern and dress as well as likes and dislikes in order to answer these questions.

Minorities are disadvantaged in these cases. Don’t assume that there are so many all white teams because no minorities want those roles or are unqualified for them. What you often see are managers cloning themselves through their teams. You’ll never see minority managers do that.

This is all complete rubbish. Discrimination is wrong period. Even when discrimination goes against the hated white men, it is still wrong. End of story. Stop defending discrimination.