Senior Leaders should be ashamed.

This whole thread shows why Amgen as a whole sucks and the culture is horrible and is a terrible place to work.

Then leave. It's really simple. I love it here. Some people are actually really happy. If you aren't, leave for a better opportunity. Complaining on a forum isn't going to do anything. I know plenty of people who love their careers at Amgen.

Then leave. It's really simple. I love it here. Some people are actually really happy. If you aren't, leave for a better opportunity. Complaining on a forum isn't going to do anything. I know plenty of people who love their careers at Amgen.
It's an irrational assumption that the person to whom you replied works for Amgen. The world is watching.

It's an irrational assumption that the person to whom you replied works for Amgen. The world is watching.

Then that person is a moron if they presume to know about an entire company and what kind of place it is to work based on a joke of a forum like this. You think this is a representative sample of Amgen? I can assure you it isn't. This forum is mostly disgruntled sales people. The truth to that is why it angers them so much when I say it.

Most likely it's those lazy finance people and the senior "leadership" who are under-performing.
Hold them accountable, by any means necessary.

Senior leadership is held accountable you fool. That's called the stock market and the board of directors. You're a joke. This is why our stock is doing well. Because senior leadership has done well in spite of our joke of a sales force. And finance works much harder than anyone in sales. Why do you think you're the ones that need to be micromanaged. Just stop. Such a loser. It's pathetic man. Go somewhere else.

Senior leadership is held accountable you fool. That's called the stock market and the board of directors. You're a joke. This is why our stock is doing well. Because senior leadership has done well in spite of our joke of a sales force. And finance works much harder than anyone in sales. Why do you think you're the ones that need to be micromanaged. Just stop. Such a loser. It's pathetic man. Go somewhere else.
Get back to work, little boy. You clearly have a low IQ, and you are one of the reasons the company is suffering. If you keep posting, I might sell all shares of AMGN

Senior leadership is held accountable you fool. That's called the stock market and the board of directors. You're a joke. This is why our stock is doing well. Because senior leadership has done well in spite of our joke of a sales force. And finance works much harder than anyone in sales. Why do you think you're the ones that need to be micromanaged. Just stop. Such a loser. It's pathetic man. Go somewhere else.
Everyone in finance is lazy and posts on the internet all day instead of doing their jobs

Senior leadership is held accountable you fool. That's called the stock market and the board of directors. You're a joke. This is why our stock is doing well. Because senior leadership has done well in spite of our joke of a sales force. And finance works much harder than anyone in sales. Why do you think you're the ones that need to be micromanaged. Just stop. Such a loser. It's pathetic man. Go somewhere else.
I'm not in sales, dumbass. Once again, you prove your ignorance and display your incoherent assumptions.

Who says it's a complaint board?? You? Sales aren't inherently bad. They're bad because that's what the data shows. What a bunch of clowns. If you started selling and sales went up then you wouldn't be such a joke. Sales wants all the credit went revenues are good and none of the blame when they're bad. What a pathetic group. Take some responsibility for your failures. Not all of corporate is good either. But all I hear on this board is sales people bitching a about everyone else causing problems and being horrible and not being to blame at all. Look in the mirror. I have plenty of impulse control. It's you people who need to shut the fuck up and do your jobs. I'm not the one coming here and whining every time im sad. I'm not pedantic and I'm not an asshole. I speak directly and truthfully and you simply don't want to hear it. Sorry too bad. Keep living in denial. No wonder you're miserable here. Go somewhere else then if you can even get a better job, which I don't think you can otherwise you would have left. I'm not impulsive. I'm tired of whiners who have no work ethic and no responsibility for poor performance. Other groups bring in tons of profit and if I tell you that your response is denial and ignorance.
I'm indifferent. The opinions on this board do not mean anything to me. People come on here to vent, complain, and, occasionally, give decent information. That is why I, lazily, call it a complaint board. Your insults are innocuous. Insulting and denigrating me over an anonymous forum will not hurt me? I am certain that if you met me or saw me in person, you would not be so courageous. I am not miserable, nor have I been on this forum whining. Because, once again, I am indifferent. You, however, are miserable, and it shows that you're, impulsive, by your need to constantly respond with the same annoying drivel that you've been spewing.

Grow up! You're pathetic. If you are as tough in combat as you are at slamming your fingers on the keyboard, sign up for an account and post your name. I will do the same. Then we can meet at Equinox, Stonehaus, or Kaminsky down in Reseda so that you can convince me or shut me the fuck up. Coward!

I'm indifferent. The opinions on this board do not mean anything to me. People come on here to vent, complain, and, occasionally, give decent information. That is why I, lazily, call it a complaint board. Your insults are innocuous. Insulting and denigrating me over an anonymous forum will not hurt me? I am certain that if you met me or saw me in person, you would not be so courageous. I am not miserable, nor have I been on this forum whining. Because, once again, I am indifferent. You, however, are miserable, and it shows that you're, impulsive, by your need to constantly respond with the same annoying drivel that you've been spewing.

Grow up! You're pathetic. If you are as tough in combat as you are at slamming your fingers on the keyboard, sign up for an account and post your name. I will do the same. Then we can meet at Equinox, Stonehaus, or Kaminsky down in Reseda so that you can convince me or shut me the fuck up. Coward!
I offer to film this sporting event

I offer to film this sporting event
He won't do it. He'll follow up with the same insults: you're stupid, pathetic, a moron, lazy, idiot, and etc.

I despise cowards that believe they need to tell people, that are not their children, and that are not hurting anyone, how they should believe, act, or think. Fuck him!

Then leave. It's really simple. I love it here. Some people are actually really happy. If you aren't, leave for a better opportunity. Complaining on a forum isn't going to do anything. I know plenty of people who love their careers at Amgen.

Listen dude management here. You don't get ahead at Amgen by fighting with people on CafePharma and defending the company. Now get back under my desk pronto!