Senior Leaders should be ashamed.

Bob has actually delivered on every single financial goal he promised 5 years ago. Go back and look at the goals outlined and you will see. Why do you think our stock has performed so well yet out sales have been stagnant? It's called discipline, trust, and delivering on results. You all sound like whiny emotional democrats. Show me the data. You have none.

Spot on again. Our stock has done great over the last 5 years despite the fact that sales have not. Bob is doing something right otherwise our stock would be in the dumps because some of you can’t sell for shit. Let’s be honest, this company has turned into a big pharma metrics driven sales force with dipshits at the helm, but a lot of you sales reps that are whining here are the same losers whining on your previous company boards and the previous ones before that. Because that’s who you are, whiny pieces of shit even tho you don’t want to admit it. But as you are reading this you are realizing that it’s you I’m talking about, complain on every fricken company board you were ever with. So shut the fuck up and either sell or leave already. Fucking democrats and liberals, so fucking weak.

Spot on again. Our stock has done great over the last 5 years despite the fact that sales have not. Bob is doing something right otherwise our stock would be in the dumps because some of you can’t sell for shit. Let’s be honest, this company has turned into a big pharma metrics driven sales force with dipshits at the helm, but a lot of you sales reps that are whining here are the same losers whining on your previous company boards and the previous ones before that. Because that’s who you are, whiny pieces of shit even tho you don’t want to admit it. But as you are reading this you are realizing that it’s you I’m talking about, complain on every fricken company board you were ever with. So shut the fuck up and either sell or leave already. Fucking democrats and liberals, so fucking weak.

man your nose is really getting brown

Spot on again. Our stock has done great over the last 5 years despite the fact that sales have not. Bob is doing something right otherwise our stock would be in the dumps because some of you can’t sell for shit. Let’s be honest, this company has turned into a big pharma metrics driven sales force with dipshits at the helm, but a lot of you sales reps that are whining here are the same losers whining on your previous company boards and the previous ones before that. Because that’s who you are, whiny pieces of shit even tho you don’t want to admit it. But as you are reading this you are realizing that it’s you I’m talking about, complain on every fricken company board you were ever with. So shut the fuck up and either sell or leave already. Fucking democrats and liberals, so fucking weak.
Dude you seriously need to just stop responding. Listen to yourself. You need to go back and read all of your posts and if there is any sanity left in that brain of yours you'll see that you need to seek some help. You sound unhinged. I'm wondering if you may even try to shoot the sales teams up at our next meeting. Totally serious. Oh & before you repeat yourself yet again.... I know... we ALL know.... "Sales sucks and they're all like a bunch of Dems". We got it.

Dude you seriously need to just stop responding. Listen to yourself. You need to go back and read all of your posts and if there is any sanity left in that brain of yours you'll see that you need to seek some help. You sound unhinged. I'm wondering if you may even try to shoot the sales teams up at our next meeting. Totally serious. Oh & before you repeat yourself yet again.... I know... we ALL know.... "Sales sucks and they're all like a bunch of Dems". We got it.

He’s some shit kid who wishes he could go to Wharton and works in BD. Total corporate ass kisser

He’s some shit kid who wishes he could go to Wharton and works in BD. Total corporate ass kisser

Just so it's clear this isn't a single person responding. And I highly doubt you know how old he or she is, what school he or she went to, and exactly what group this person is in. Stop speculating. I know it makes you feel good because YOU didn't go to Wharton, for example.

That doesn't make sense. You can't brown nose on an anonymous message board. Are we hiring people with two digit IQs? Just flinging nonsensical insults whenever someone makes a good point? It's really getting pathetic. Just go somewhere else.

Haha - your IQ must be in the single digits then. Where exactly was your alleged "good point" ? Clearly you're slavishly brown-nosing your masters on a message board, but whether it is anonymous or not between you and the recipients of your hearty nose-work has not been demonstrated in the slightest.

Just so it's clear this isn't a single person responding. And I highly doubt you know how old he or she is, what school he or she went to, and exactly what group this person is in. Stop speculating. I know it makes you feel good because YOU didn't go to Wharton, for example.

Hey get back to cleaning up the executive washroom. Earn your paycheck for once.

What a scam Amgen is they just cut jobs but act like they are expanding in bone health.

Do not care about nothing but their stock price. All about Amgen and nothing about the people that help them get there.

Would not work here again!

Hey get back to cleaning up the executive washroom. Earn your paycheck for once.

There is no executive washroom. They use the same bathroom on the 1st floor of building 28. Shows how clueless you are. Wonder if you've ever even talked to any of the EVPs or Bob? Yet you have such strong opinions about them. Keep calling everyone who's more successful and here and happy brown noses or corporate drones if it makes you feel better. Surely some people can't actually just like what they do and want to help people and succeed. Guess you don't understand that from where you are.

Haha - your IQ must be in the single digits then. Where exactly was your alleged "good point" ? Clearly you're slavishly brown-nosing your masters on a message board, but whether it is anonymous or not between you and the recipients of your hearty nose-work has not been demonstrated in the slightest.

Whatever makes you feel better man. Keep telling yourself that. Most points go right past you.

There is no executive washroom. They use the same bathroom on the 1st floor of building 28. Shows how clueless you are. Wonder if you've ever even talked to any of the EVPs or Bob? Yet you have such strong opinions about them. Keep calling everyone who's more successful and here and happy brown noses or corporate drones if it makes you feel better. Surely some people can't actually just like what they do and want to help people and succeed. Guess you don't understand that from where you are.

Don't whine about the name of your work location, just get in there and clean it up, little boy.
Btw it's not impressive to talk to anyone you've mentioned, which reveals that you're not impressive yourself. Did Bob pat you on the head and say "good boy" ?

There is no executive washroom. They use the same bathroom on the 1st floor of building 28. Shows how clueless you are. Wonder if you've ever even talked to any of the EVPs or Bob? Yet you have such strong opinions about them. Keep calling everyone who's more successful and here and happy brown noses or corporate drones if it makes you feel better. Surely some people can't actually just like what they do and want to help people and succeed. Guess you don't understand that from where you are.

There's no possible evidence that you're "more successful" than an anonymous poster. Therefore we know your arguments in general are based in nonsense, and you are logic-impaired.

There is no executive washroom. They use the same bathroom on the 1st floor of building 28. Shows how clueless you are. Wonder if you've ever even talked to any of the EVPs or Bob? Yet you have such strong opinions about them. Keep calling everyone who's more successful and here and happy brown noses or corporate drones if it makes you feel better. Surely some people can't actually just like what they do and want to help people and succeed. Guess you don't understand that from where you are.
Yes, there are beautiful washrooms on the 5 th floor of 28, been there. Not that it really matters, but leadership would never go downstairs to poop when they can do it upstairs.
As long as the stock goes up they do not care what you say or post. Been like that for awhile here.

Yes, there are beautiful washrooms on the 5 th floor of 28, been there. Not that it really matters, but leadership would never go downstairs to poop when they can do it upstairs.
As long as the stock goes up they do not care what you say or post. Been like that for awhile here.
Omg you must clean Bob’s

how special

Spot on again. Our stock has done great over the last 5 years despite the fact that sales have not. Bob is doing something right otherwise our stock would be in the dumps because some of you can’t sell for shit. Let’s be honest, this company has turned into a big pharma metrics driven sales force with dipshits at the helm, but a lot of you sales reps that are whining here are the same losers whining on your previous company boards and the previous ones before that. Because that’s who you are, whiny pieces of shit even tho you don’t want to admit it. But as you are reading this you are realizing that it’s you I’m talking about, complain on every fricken company board you were ever with. So shut the fuck up and either sell or leave already. Fucking democrats and liberals, so fucking weak.

this post is funny but true. I don’t know Bob or the CFO or anyone on the board but I’m glad the stock keeps hitting all-time highs despite the fact sales haven’t met expectations with some of our key growth drivers. My sympathies do go out to those ppl who lost their jobs tho, that’s horrible, especially so close to the holidays. I heard they received 2 months WARN plus another 16 weeks. Hopefully that’s the case. Amgen is cash-rich and when you lay off ppl so close to the holidays they should try and be as generous as possible given the circumstances. In any case, my understanding is that there are a couple of competitor companies like BioHaven and Esperion that are hiring, so good luck to everyone out there affected!