Senior Leaders should be ashamed.

In 2019, there are 611 million shares outstanding; price per share is ~220, giving a 134 billion market cap.
At peak of 2015, the price was 175, and there were 758 million shares outstanding, giving a 132 billion market cap. So, yes, they've done well for the shareholders, but in 4 years the appreciation in the value of the company is negligible.

In 2019, there are 611 million shares outstanding; price per share is ~220, giving a 134 billion market cap.
At peak of 2015, the price was 175, and there were 758 million shares outstanding, giving a 132 billion market cap. So, yes, they've done well for the shareholders, but in 4 years the appreciation in the value of the company is negligible.

There is no executive washroom. They use the same bathroom on the 1st floor of building 28. Shows how clueless you are. Wonder if you've ever even talked to any of the EVPs or Bob? Yet you have such strong opinions about them. Keep calling everyone who's more successful and here and happy brown noses or corporate drones if it makes you feel better. Surely some people can't actually just like what they do and want to help people and succeed. Guess you don't understand that from where you are.

They wouldn’t understand, they are just completely miserable at work and all they do is bring other ppl down to the gutter with them. And they wonder why people can’t stand them. Just leave already. You feel this company is shit, so then have a little (just a little) self respect and leave. But if they are still here after all the complaints then I guess no one else will have them either. Let me guess, your peers all think you’re a negative person but it’s because they are stupid and you are not, it has nothing to do with how you portray yourself. Smh. Pathetic

They wouldn’t understand, they are just completely miserable at work and all they do is bring other ppl down to the gutter with them. And they wonder why people can’t stand them. Just leave already. You feel this company is shit, so then have a little (just a little) self respect and leave. But if they are still here after all the complaints then I guess no one else will have them either. Let me guess, your peers all think you’re a negative person but it’s because they are stupid and you are not, it has nothing to do with how you portray yourself. Smh. Pathetic

You’re so jealous of me, it’s a pity but I do understand. I’m successful and everyone totally digs me, you’re my little monkey all I have to do is post and you start grinding the organ. Go monkey boy go!!!

You’re so jealous of me, it’s a pity but I do understand. I’m successful and everyone totally digs me, you’re my little monkey all I have to do is post and you start grinding the organ. Go monkey boy go!!!

And this is who we have selling in the field. And they wonder why we have layoffs often now...because these are the witless shit reps we decided to hire as of 5 years ago. This company went down the tubes once we brought in ppl who make their case like this. Go back to pharma selling your shit and please leave

They wouldn’t understand, they are just completely miserable at work and all they do is bring other ppl down to the gutter with them. And they wonder why people can’t stand them. Just leave already. You feel this company is shit, so then have a little (just a little) self respect and leave. But if they are still here after all the complaints then I guess no one else will have them either. Let me guess, your peers all think you’re a negative person but it’s because they are stupid and you are not, it has nothing to do with how you portray yourself. Smh. Pathetic
Get back to cleaning Bob's bathroom

exactly my point. You are useless. You don’t want to be here and we don’t want you here. Please leave

you’re useless bud. Outside of licking bob’s taint you serve no purpose. henceforth you will be known as taint boy. You own it, you’re skilled at it so go run with it Taint Boy, maybe TB for short cupcake?

I don't understand why people are even arguing. Everyone knows Amgen's sales reps suck. If you were so good no one would be having to monitor you with car trackers. When you're underperforming that's when people start micromanaging you. If our sales were actually growing you'd have a lot more freedom. But keep living in denial and acting like children. That's going to work really well for you. It's of course always someone else's fault.

This board is so incredibly ignorant and uneducated about the rest of the company it's pathetic.

I don't understand why people are even arguing. Everyone knows Amgen's sales reps suck. If you were so good no one would be having to monitor you with car trackers. When you're underperforming that's when people start micromanaging you. If our sales were actually growing you'd have a lot more freedom. But keep living in denial and acting like children. That's going to work really well for you. It's of course always someone else's fault.

This board is so incredibly ignorant and uneducated about the rest of the company it's pathetic.
This is a complaint board. What do you expect, exuberant congeniality? You are not going to get anyone to change their opinion. Everyone on this thread understands your position. Corporate is good, and sales are bad. You need impulse control, pedantic, asshole.

This is a complaint board. What do you expect, exuberant congeniality? You are not going to get anyone to change their opinion. Everyone on this thread understands your position. Corporate is good, and sales are bad. You need impulse control, pedantic, asshole.

Who says it's a complaint board?? You? Sales aren't inherently bad. They're bad because that's what the data shows. What a bunch of clowns. If you started selling and sales went up then you wouldn't be such a joke. Sales wants all the credit went revenues are good and none of the blame when they're bad. What a pathetic group. Take some responsibility for your failures. Not all of corporate is good either. But all I hear on this board is sales people bitching a about everyone else causing problems and being horrible and not being to blame at all. Look in the mirror. I have plenty of impulse control. It's you people who need to shut the fuck up and do your jobs. I'm not the one coming here and whining every time im sad. I'm not pedantic and I'm not an asshole. I speak directly and truthfully and you simply don't want to hear it. Sorry too bad. Keep living in denial. No wonder you're miserable here. Go somewhere else then if you can even get a better job, which I don't think you can otherwise you would have left. I'm not impulsive. I'm tired of whiners who have no work ethic and no responsibility for poor performance. Other groups bring in tons of profit and if I tell you that your response is denial and ignorance.