Senior Leaders should be ashamed.

spot on until Otezla. didn’t overpay a little, overpaid by 3-4B, what’s troubling is our history of poor acquisitions and inability to develop innovative drugs. If we want to hold the sales team accountable that’s fine, but where is the accountability for the executive team? Outside of price increases and expense cuts what has Bob delivered?

Do you realize we get over two billion in tax benefits from it? So reduce purchase price by $2.2 billion. Clearly you're not paying attention. Which other acquisitions were bad? Kyprolis was good if we developed it right. Good acquisition by development once acquired and poor execution. The acquisition assumed a Frontline indication which our shitty development never got. What else you got? I agree Amgen R&D blows.

spot on until Otezla. didn’t overpay a little, overpaid by 3-4B, what’s troubling is our history of poor acquisitions and inability to develop innovative drugs. If we want to hold the sales team accountable that’s fine, but where is the accountability for the executive team? Outside of price increases and expense cuts what has Bob delivered?

Bob has actually delivered on every single financial goal he promised 5 years ago. Go back and look at the goals outlined and you will see. Why do you think our stock has performed so well yet out sales have been stagnant? It's called discipline, trust, and delivering on results. You all sound like whiny emotional democrats. Show me the data. You have none.

but they went to Wharton and fuck your School or business. I mean Fuqua.

There's more Fuqua people here than Wharton...barely any Wharton except in BD. And if you're going to talk shit about Wharton you're a fool. It's the best undergrad b school in the United States by a long shot and I can guarantee you'd love to have gone there. And top 3 in MBAs. Some of the smartest people in then country attend. I'm sure you're so much more talented though...

Bob has actually delivered on every single financial goal he promised 5 years ago. Go back and look at the goals outlined and you will see. Why do you think our stock has performed so well yet out sales have been stagnant? It's called discipline, trust, and delivering on results. You all sound like whiny emotional democrats. Show me the data. You have none.
WTH does Dem/Rep have to do w it A-Hole? You make the rest of us Republicans look bad so please STFU you Gaetz-like tool.

There's more Fuqua people here than Wharton...barely any Wharton except in BD. And if you're going to talk shit about Wharton you're a fool. It's the best undergrad b school in the United States by a long shot and I can guarantee you'd love to have gone there. And top 3 in MBAs. Some of the smartest people in then country attend. I'm sure you're so much more talented though...

I lost my job, it seems like way more lost it than they said would.

WTH does Dem/Rep have to do w it A-Hole? You make the rest of us Republicans look bad so please STFU you Gaetz-like tool.

And nothing else I said was inaccurate either. Way to gloss over that. Bunch of whiny fucks here. When anyone has any actual data I'll entertain it. Until then our company has been outperforming expectations despite shit sales. And that's thanks to good management. Not thanks to all you inept sales folks here. Can't deliver on a single asset. No wonder you're all getting canned.

Is this forum anything other than whining underperforming sales people? This is ridiculous. If you hate Amgen you should be happy with the severance and go find a job at all the other great companies that you'll be so much better at delivering results and selling like a champ. No wonder this is in California. Everyone here wants shit for free. You think it was random who they cut? The company had tons of extra fat. Your own managers made recommendations to cut you because you're not performing and we don't need so many sales people when our sales are shit. Aimovig isnt selling. Repatha isn't selling. Kyprolis isn't selling. You bitch and whine but your sales are a joke. That's why we fucking bought otetzla. Even if we overpaid a little bit we need the short term revenue growth and EPS accretion because we can't cut costs much more and you all can't sell for shit
Blow it our your ass HOSOB. If these products were launched and marketed well, they would be selling.
Maybe they are just crap products. Amgen stopped launching best in class products 20 years ago. The company is a bloated blob.

I lost my job, it seems like way more lost it than they said would.

Did they quote a number for how many people would be fired? No. No one knew and they'd never do that anyway. You have no idea how many were going to be let go. You're just speculating. It sucks you lost your job. I did once in the past. But there's usually a reason. You don't work for a non profit. We're not here to give handouts. This isn't socialism. You clearly weren't doing the job well enough. End of story. I took it as a learning experience when it happened to me. Like everything in life. I didn't go on a forum and bitch about the company and blame it on everything BUT myself. Like seems to be what most people here are doing. Frankly, it's pathetic. That's why I'm equating it to democratic behavior. If you don't see the connection then well you don't see the radical left the way I do. It's absurd.

Our problem the past decade has been activity focus. We dumbed down incentives and pay on a scale that rewards activity, not sales performance because we were scared by the CIA. Now that its gone, our culture remains activity focused.

Poor Otezla souls are going to get the shocks of their lives. We will crush their souls with activity as sales growth stagnates. Then will will bring in consultants to ask why and they will advise us to go after reps for not doing programs, making enough calls, etc.

We suck.
Metrics and spreadsheets. Just bullshit. The same old whore in a brand new kimono

Blow it our your ass HOSOB. If these products were launched and marketed well, they would be selling.
Maybe they are just crap products. Amgen stopped launching best in class products 20 years ago. The company is a bloated blob.

Yes it's bloated. That's why we cut all this fat. And lol at we stopped launching best in class products 20 years ago. We barely had a company 20 years ago. Amgen was barely a startup with a monopoly in a couple markets back then. Now you have competition and can't sell for shit. Repatha kyprolis and aimovig are shit? How about velcade? Same class. Worse profile. Way better sales. Because better development plan and better sales team. Stop blaming everything on everyone but yourself. Bunch of fucking losers. No wonder you were all cut. Can't sell and can't take accountability for anything. Always someone else's fault. Kyprolis has a fantastic profile. It should have outsold velcade for years. You guys can't sell aimovig for shit either. Tell me a great drug you can sell. You want basically want a monopoly. That doesn't exist these days. Our development isn't great but neither is our sales. Epogen was "best in class" because it was only in class. Not too hard to sell that. Dumbass

There's more Fuqua people here than Wharton...barely any Wharton except in BD. And if you're going to talk shit about Wharton you're a fool. It's the best undergrad b school in the United States by a long shot and I can guarantee you'd love to have gone there. And top 3 in MBAs. Some of the smartest people in then country attend. I'm sure you're so much more talented though...

says the CSUN senior associate

Is this forum anything other than whining underperforming sales people? This is ridiculous. If you hate Amgen you should be happy with the severance and go find a job at all the other great companies that you'll be so much better at delivering results and selling like a champ. No wonder this is in California. Everyone here wants shit for free. You think it was random who they cut? The company had tons of extra fat. Your own managers made recommendations to cut you because you're not performing and we don't need so many sales people when our sales are shit. Aimovig isnt selling. Repatha isn't selling. Kyprolis isn't selling. You bitch and whine but your sales are a joke. That's why we fucking bought otetzla. Even if we overpaid a little bit we need the short term revenue growth and EPS accretion because we can't cut costs much more and you all can't sell for shit

Thanks Bob

Yes it's bloated. That's why we cut all this fat. And lol at we stopped launching best in class products 20 years ago. We barely had a company 20 years ago. Amgen was barely a startup with a monopoly in a couple markets back then. Now you have competition and can't sell for shit. Repatha kyprolis and aimovig are shit? How about velcade? Same class. Worse profile. Way better sales. Because better development plan and better sales team. Stop blaming everything on everyone but yourself. Bunch of fucking losers. No wonder you were all cut. Can't sell and can't take accountability for anything. Always someone else's fault. Kyprolis has a fantastic profile. It should have outsold velcade for years. You guys can't sell aimovig for shit either. Tell me a great drug you can sell. You want basically want a monopoly. That doesn't exist these days. Our development isn't great but neither is our sales. Epogen was "best in class" because it was only in class. Not too hard to sell that. Dumbass

Yes it's bloated. That's why we cut all this fat. And lol at we stopped launching best in class products 20 years ago. We barely had a company 20 years ago. Amgen was barely a startup with a monopoly in a couple markets back then. Now you have competition and can't sell for shit. Repatha kyprolis and aimovig are shit? How about velcade? Same class. Worse profile. Way better sales. Because better development plan and better sales team. Stop blaming everything on everyone but yourself. Bunch of fucking losers. No wonder you were all cut. Can't sell and can't take accountability for anything. Always someone else's fault. Kyprolis has a fantastic profile. It should have outsold velcade for years. You guys can't sell aimovig for shit either. Tell me a great drug you can sell. You want basically want a monopoly. That doesn't exist these days. Our development isn't great but neither is our sales. Epogen was "best in class" because it was only in class. Not too hard to sell that. Dumbass

Yes it's bloated. That's why we cut all this fat. And lol at we stopped launching best in class products 20 years ago. We barely had a company 20 years ago. Amgen was barely a startup with a monopoly in a couple markets back then. Now you have competition and can't sell for shit. Repatha kyprolis and aimovig are shit? How about velcade? Same class. Worse profile. Way better sales. Because better development plan and better sales team. Stop blaming everything on everyone but yourself. Bunch of fucking losers. No wonder you were all cut. Can't sell and can't take accountability for anything. Always someone else's fault. Kyprolis has a fantastic profile. It should have outsold velcade for years. You guys can't sell aimovig for shit ther. Tell me a great drug you can sell. You want basically want a monopoly. That doesn't exist these days. Our development isn't great but neither is our sales. Epogen was "best in class" because it was only in class. Not too hard to sell that. Dumbass

Someone needs a Xanax. So glad you have a phenomenal job. It suits you well

Is this forum anything other than whining underperforming sales people? This is ridiculous. If you hate Amgen you should be happy with the severance and go find a job at all the other great companies that you'll be so much better at delivering results and selling like a champ. No wonder this is in California. Everyone here wants shit for free. You think it was random who they cut? The company had tons of extra fat. Your own managers made recommendations to cut you because you're not performing and we don't need so many sales people when our sales are shit. Aimovig isnt selling. Repatha isn't selling. Kyprolis isn't selling. You bitch and whine but your sales are a joke. That's why we fucking bought otetzla. Even if we overpaid a little bit we need the short term revenue growth and EPS accretion because we can't cut costs much more and you all can't sell for shit
Why do you care? If people want to come on here and vent, let them. This an internet chat board. People can post what they like. If you are really as tough as you talk, go up to La Colonia in Oxnard and bitch to them about wanting something free. You won't do that because you would get slapped. Instead, you'll continue to argue with the individuals that you believe are "whining underperforming salespeople" that don't agree with you on Cafepharma. You're a, fucking, tool!