Seasonal Contract Position

This position is really for the soccer mom, on her husbands insurance, not needing much money, so she can be with the kids for the summer. Or a guy who retired early but wants to pick up some additional cash.

Yup, sounds like me. Ashfield just yesterday posted a position near me. They must have just decided to add a territory, and it's a pretty good one with respect to office access. I can't make over $17,000 in a year or my Social Security payments will be reduced by $1 for every $2 that I earn. But if the start date is in October, then I wouldn't make over $17k this year.

Has anyone in the south had the pleasure of speaking with Kevin, a total idiot recruiter with Ashfield? No personality, and doesn’t know his head from a hole in the ground. Does anyone at this company have anything specific that they can tell the candidates they are calling about this gig that is true? Come on Ashfield, before you call a candidate, at least try to know who and what you are representing! FYI, to the recruiters, the rep your calling shouldn’t know more about the product than you know! At least know the name of the product when asked!!! This company is a joke and needs to make sure they are ALL on the right page about at least one thing going on with the contract. Before making a call to anyone you are trying to recruit, remember you are suppose to be recruiting for this gig, not discouraging the reps you speak to. I feel sorry for anyone that is dealing with Kevin, the ultimate recruiter, a total disgrace to Ashfield and this contract. A real winner recruiter!
I have had a wonderful experience with Kevin. He was kind, honest and has stayed in touch with me. Maybe you are so accustomed to having people in this industry treat you like a dog that you don't know what to do with anyone that treats you well. Kevin is a winner in my book.

I have had a wonderful experience with Kevin. He was kind, honest and has stayed in touch with me. Maybe you are so accustomed to having people in this industry treat you like a dog that you don't know what to do with anyone that treats you well. Kevin is a winner in my book.

Don’t know, was told salary $72k annual, so half for seasonal, with 30% target, and benefits. Product should be a dream to sell, one dose cure, seems like a good situation with a lot of flexibility

Thanks Kevin for writing that about yourself!

I believe I know Kevin as well. He's rather a quick read of an individual's personality along with strengths and weaknesses.
It's most likely he had your number as quickly as we all did.

By the way, recruiters have a limit on information they are able to give out. First things first before the second layer is revealed ... and so on.

So good luck and hope that Kevin's forbearance is in your favor.


Seems as though they are trying to mislead from the intro. 72 but prorated for 6 months. 30% bonus not sure how that's calculated but will let you know. I have a feeling it's 30% for all. Blow it out 30. Reach and frequency 30. Just looking for bodies to create noise in offices. Not really how to do a launch but their call. Geography, as the last caller seems smart enough to figure, it's a process. Seems pretty straight forward and why hold that info back if you know? Share the truth. It's a lesson we could al stand to benefit from. Lack of transparency makes me think they are unprepared or simply don't know what they are doing. New kid on the block in contract world and have feeling they were the low bidder for this gig and now they are flying by the seat of their pants.

My HM, earlier this week, said they will be doing virtual interviews for the next couple of weeks. Hoping to hear by next week about the f2f. So far only one person here has confirmed a f2f, so I wouldn’t start counting myself out just yet.

My HM, earlier this week, said they will be doing virtual interviews for the next couple of weeks. Hoping to hear by next week about the f2f. So far only one person here has confirmed a f2f, so I wouldn’t start counting myself out just yet.
If they were interested in you, you'd think that they would let you know asap if you'll be in the live interviews--because we are all looking for jobs.

If they were interested in you, you'd think that they would let you know asap if you'll be in the live interviews--because we are all looking for jobs.

I agree with this, but it looks like ASAP isn’t how they’re hiring, right? No one was told during a webex interview that they’re moving on to a face to face. Emails/calls are coming later. Webex interviews only started last Friday.

I agree with this, but it looks like ASAP isn’t how they’re hiring, right? No one was told during a webex interview that they’re moving on to a face to face. Emails/calls are coming later. Webex interviews only started last Friday.
Because you have been through it and I believe your credibility, may I ask what the virtual interview was like? How long did it last, was it with your future DM, and a couple of tips for preparation would be great.

Thanks in advance,