Seasonal Contract Position

Because you have been through it and I believe your credibility, may I ask what the virtual interview was like? How long did it last, was it with your future DM, and a couple of tips for preparation would be great.

Thanks in advance,

It was a pretty easy interview, as far as they go. Yes it was with the future DM, it last around 40 minutes (was supposed to be an hour long, but we talked a lot and there are only so many questions someone can ask in the first round of interview IMO). The questions were STAR based. Tell me about a time you had to be quick-thinking. Tell me about a time you had to make a difficult sale, etc.

Is your virtual this upcoming week? If so, good luck to you.

Yes, this next Tuesday morning. I'll be better prepared thanks to your response knowing it will be the STAR format and my own hiring DM.

Thank you,

Good to know you’re doing a virtual this week as the DM said they would keep them going, so at least the timeline is matching up. My DM spoke at length about the position and what the company is doing too, so hopefully you have someone as forthcoming.

Not sure if a DM's use the same questions but here is what she asked me. 1. Do like peanuts? Guess she is referring to the pay. 2. Will you take this job knowing that it might last six months? Could be less if product doesn't get approval? 3. Based on the state that you live in, can you drive anywhere and feel like your ok with 21 cents a mile reimbursement? She is not sure what the territory consist of. Just because the contract says three years, are you ok with it ending early? If you are out of work and just need a check then this might fit for a few weeks. Employee at will and heard last contract ended early as well. If your ok with these questions and your real name is ob1 or you have some type of star wars fixation, then this job is just right for you. Good luck to those that take the bait on this one. I think just too many unanswered questions to put in the time in home study and supposed launch. To those that need a part-time, go for it.

Not sure if a DM's use the same questions but here is what she asked me. 1. Do like peanuts? Guess she is referring to the pay. 2. Will you take this job knowing that it might last six months? Could be less if product doesn't get approval? 3. Based on the state that you live in, can you drive anywhere and feel like your ok with 21 cents a mile reimbursement? She is not sure what the territory consist of. Just because the contract says three years, are you ok with it ending early? If you are out of work and just need a check then this might fit for a few weeks. Employee at will and heard last contract ended early as well. If your ok with these questions and your real name is ob1 or you have some type of star wars fixation, then this job is just right for you. Good luck to those that take the bait on this one. I think just too many unanswered questions to put in the time in home study and supposed launch. To those that need a part-time, go for it.
Gooood ... The sarcasm is strong with this one; Pull my finger for your reward, your eternal rewar ... wait, wrong movie.

Breaks up the hum-drum stress ... Yes?

All of your questions and observations from past posts are spot on.

It tis, what it is,

Not sure if a DM's use the same questions but here is what she asked me. 1. Do like peanuts? Guess she is referring to the pay. 2. Will you take this job knowing that it might last six months? Could be less if product doesn't get approval? 3. Based on the state that you live in, can you drive anywhere and feel like your ok with 21 cents a mile reimbursement? She is not sure what the territory consist of. Just because the contract says three years, are you ok with it ending early? If you are out of work and just need a check then this might fit for a few weeks. Employee at will and heard last contract ended early as well. If your ok with these questions and your real name is ob1 or you have some type of star wars fixation, then this job is just right for you. Good luck to those that take the bait on this one. I think just too many unanswered questions to put in the time in home study and supposed launch. To those that need a part-time, go for it.
No thanks. They have got to know that when a better offer comes along we will be jumping ship anyway!

Calm down Sparky. A high school dropout could effectively do this job.

Ashfield will be paying you similar salaries and may treat high school dropouts better than their pharma field forces.

Assfield at it's best. Good luck to all.
If you tell me that I will get a call, an email or text by Friday or Monday and there has been no word? Be sure not to communicate with me later than when you have said. If a hiring manager cannot keep their word on when I will hear? No trust for you. Call came today. Too late. If I acted interested then I lied because you can't keep your word. Lazy Manager & not enough secure details. BOMP!! You lose.

I got a call moving into f2f. However, not scheduling them until 3rd week of Sept. Something about product and launch location. This is really starting to look like a bad choice even if I could use some extra shopping money. I was so looking to hit the shops in SF. I love going there with my girlfriends for a long weekend. Waiting to see. Good luck to others.

Are the managers or recruiters going to let us know one way or the other? I was first contacted about this job 6 weeks ago and have done everything requested. It would be nice to know something soon.