Salient Surgical Technologies

An independent sales force is what you need. The posters on here have stated that you are trying to create a market. To do that you need to have strong relationships, which it seems you do not have. If you partner with a device company or a device rep with relationships you will be given the opportunity to fail just because of the relationship. getting the eval will be alot easier. Sales would be much better with 800 sales people working along with the existing reps. Look at haemonetics, their sales were so much better when Zimmer was the distributor. Now they have reps covering 10 plus accounts and you can't cover that much. Based on what i have been reading your management would not be that smart to form those type ofalliances or would mess it up if they did.

10 accounts? That would be a dream! Try a territory with 20-30.....How in the world are you supposed to provide decent coverage/service and penetrate the accounts? It's a joke! Think about it 80 reps for the country divided by how many hospitals? Laughable.

An independent sales force is what you need. The posters on here have stated that you are trying to create a market. To do that you need to have strong relationships, which it seems you do not have. If you partner with a device company or a device rep with relationships you will be given the opportunity to fail just because of the relationship. getting the eval will be alot easier. Sales would be much better with 800 sales people working along with the existing reps. Look at haemonetics, their sales were so much better when Zimmer was the distributor. Now they have reps covering 10 plus accounts and you can't cover that much. Based on what i have been reading your management would not be that smart to form those type ofalliances or would mess it up if they did.

What they need to do is be purchased by a real device company and have the product as an additional product offering at a reasonable price. A company that could afford to do and would see the value of clinical studies. A company that could deliver new products that met the market's needs and a company that has management that knows how to manage and the vision to see the competition, market trends and act proactively to prevail.

I have to agree with an earlier poster in that I simply do not understand the investor's seemingly throwing good money after bad. They must really believe Joe's empty promise's. While he managed to deliver sales number's this year, though he did miss forecast a bit, he has failed to deliver the Holy Grail cutting device as yet. He also had a rather poor result with the EVS and MBS not to mention the MBS manufacturing issues. He has continued to surround himself with a group of sycophants incapable of providing honest feedback or input even if they were intellectually capable, which they are not. Turnover is a problem, morale is a problem, profitability per generator placed is a problem. All symptoms of a struggling company.

I fear the investors are not vetting the company, market and device really well, they are hoping one more cash infusion will carry them to a buy out or perhaps they really need one good tax write off in 2010.

Just shows the caliber of people. Not that this board is where one would always go to check out a company but, if they had contacts in the industry that they spoke to, they would have told them to go elsewhere. Still hiring B2B reps, giving them minimal training and putting them in an OR. Brilliant.

Agreed. At least now enough hospitals have been exposed to it they can offer an opinion to any seasoned person smart enough to ask. But, if you've been selling copiers........

May be silly question but......If we are going to be going into brain, would we not need to apply for FDA clearance for that as well? Or is that covered already? When I went through training, they said absolutely not to be used in brain and I didn't think the FDA issue was made clear at the NSM. Anybody?

10 accounts? That would be a dream! Try a territory with 20-30.....How in the world are you supposed to provide decent coverage/service and penetrate the accounts? It's a joke! Think about it 80 reps for the country divided by how many hospitals? Laughable.

20-30 OrthoPAT accounts for one rep? Ha yeah right! Try 10 max.

What they need to do is be purchased by a real device company and have the product as an additional product offering at a reasonable price. A company that could afford to do and would see the value of clinical studies. A company that could deliver new products that met the market's needs and a company that has management that knows how to manage and the vision to see the competition, market trends and act proactively to prevail.

I have to agree with an earlier poster in that I simply do not understand the investor's seemingly throwing good money after bad. They must really believe Joe's empty promise's. While he managed to deliver sales number's this year, though he did miss forecast a bit, he has failed to deliver the Holy Grail cutting device as yet. He also had a rather poor result with the EVS and MBS not to mention the MBS manufacturing issues. He has continued to surround himself with a group of sycophants incapable of providing honest feedback or input even if they were intellectually capable, which they are not. Turnover is a problem, morale is a problem, profitability per generator placed is a problem. All symptoms of a struggling company.

I fear the investors are not vetting the company, market and device really well, they are hoping one more cash infusion will carry them to a buy out or perhaps they really need one good tax write off in 2010.

Very keen observations.

After reading some of these post I had to check out the Salient web site. Good gracious, it is really good. I can see where the guy Don (you spoke of) has spent his research and development time. There were also a ton of job postings as well. I think I read this statement and it appears to be consistent, looks good on paper! Looks good on the web as well. The appearances go away when you go public. I would like to see some actual numbers provided by wall street. You guys (and girls) on here do not paint a very good picture of the company. Some of the comments are not moving in the right direction. I wish everyone good luck. Taking care of your family is the bottom line.

What's your take on the new device's promised at the NSM and the brain application?


Annual 'brain' procedures on your territory

X by

How much time you are going to want to spend with brain specialists

X by

How many you will convince to use the device

X by

How many will pay that $

= A fuck off big zero

As for the other devices? These historically take time to R&D and launch and with no devices yet filed for I would not hold your breath.

I do not believe that Salient will still be around in 2 years.

I looked into this Argon Enhanced Electrosurgery. Very interesting.

I have agree with the above as well. Frustrating......

I have another question. Anyone heard anything about the fate of JD? I heard the rumors that his days were numbered and I did notice he seemed to laying low at the meeting, or was he just hungover? That boy does like to drink.....But, not as outspoken or visible as in the past. Is he really on his way out? Anyone know?