Salient Surgical Technologies

Some of the attacks on here are way out of line.

I trained with the UK distribuor and his dentistry was costing him over ten grand. Nearly forty and still concientious enough to want to do something about it and you guys just rip the piss.

You should be ashamed

Some of the attacks on here are way out of line.

I trained with the UK distribuor and his dentistry was costing him over ten grand. Nearly forty and still concientious enough to want to do something about it and you guys just rip the piss.

You should be ashamed

That's your concern? Yes, that is the biggest problem brought up on here. Not, to mention that according to an earlier poster who, I agree is probably a manager, personal attacks are okay. Just don't speak ill of the device. lol

Some of the attacks on here are way out of line.

I trained with the UK distribuor and his dentistry was costing him over ten grand. Nearly forty and still concientious enough to want to do something about it and you guys just rip the piss.

You should be ashamed

Didn't seem to be such a personal attack on him. More a statement on the overall state of dentistry in the UK. You have to admit the Brit's don't have the best teeth......

And now back to the news at US Salient Surgical.......

The NE is getting a new RBD. JL apparently recruited one of his good ole boys from surgical for the job. Sorry Ladies, the Old Boy's Club is still hard at work and for the rest, US Surgical lives!

In keeping with Salient's history of management without a clue, the new recruit was most recently a specialty Pharma rep and a recruiter prior to that. Now isn't that special.

Good luck, NE! I never thought I'd say it but the south is looking pretty good......

Woo Hoo, AZ here we come! Here are my predictions......

Most ridiculous question - JH or JA asking how much we all LOVE the new comp plan!
Answer - Oh, yes! Thank You for cutting salaries and setting a Global growth quota with no regard for individual territories. Of course, the RBD's still pulling down their 125k salary.

Hangover - I'll have to go with JD. Of, course he will have what he thinks is a clever excuse. I have to agree though that Larson is a contender.

Sucking up - All the RBD's and AVP's. It will be a suckfest!

Can't wait!!!!!!!!

Just had an evaluation stopped due to purchasing issues. However also noticed that they started one with the plasmablade at the same time "issues " started. Any detail and suggestions on this would be helpful.

I'm a bit confused as well........

I know that the training department was practically non-existent prior to Dave Brown.

It improved somewhat while he was there but, nowhere near where it needs to be. Then that director was fired shortly after he was. Yes, we all know why. Old news. Now run by the former admin who actually is improving it but, still not what it needs to be. Training is a specialty, adult learning a very specific sub-specialty. That is why larger, SUCCESSFUL companies hire people with training backgrounds and education as well as field experience.

Everyone can say what they want about the old US Surgical. Yes, the culture was something else (Salient is close there) but, the training program was always known for being the best in the industry. Salient actually had the guy who ran Surgical's training for years and let him go instead of availing themselves of his talent.

They will continue to flounder with ill equipped reps and it will become even more apparent as the competition closes in.

For those of us around long enough, the training department was great before VF with no experience but horizontal took over. We actually had people who had training experience and could run a program professionally without the gestapo tactics. We learned stuff. Now they bring in reps who don't know squat about how to train but just mouth off their own experience. That's not training; no wonder nobody knows what the f* they are doing out there.

April 1st predictions - priceless....

Let's see if management even gets this one.

Just had an evaluation stopped due to purchasing issues. However also noticed that they started one with the plasmablade at the same time "issues " started. Any detail and suggestions on this would be helpful.

Here is a novel ideal. Go to the Surgeon(s) that bought into this POS and have them drive it through for you and put the foot up purchasings ass. I always say that if a product can not be used when you are not there or a surgeon is not willing to ask for it and demand it when they are told no, then you are fucked.

Found this on the company website as part of our guiding principles......

We Have Clear, Direct and Respectful Communication With Everyone We Interact With

* We conduct our business with each other, our customers, team mates and business partners in an open, honest and ethical manner at all times.
* We set and communicate clear expectations at the individual, department and company level.
* We are responsible for creating and maintaining a safe environment for all ideas to be heard.
* We are responsible for being creative, listening with an open mind and expressing our opinions on how to make our company stronger and more efficient.

All I could think of was that great line "Always open with a joke".

Perhaps, they just never reviewed this with the managers........
Oh yea - Joe's ten commandments. Think he ever reads this or even thinks about following it? Ethical? this company. What a joke. If yes counts as open conversation and being head, I guess you can agree. Get out of line and you're fired. Let's see how many people are gone after AZ.

Can I take this back to basics

What does the product actually do?

It allows for the delicate treatment of target tissues.
So does argon.

Does it have the ability to cut?
No, you need the doctor and his PA to act with some synergy. One cuts, the other provides hemostatsis

But argon allows for cut and delicate hemostasis.
Correct, less need for device change.

But Aquamantys is the only product that treats bone surfaces.
No argon also treats bone surfaces.

Aquamantys allows a large surface area to be treated, with a painting motion.
It wont treat as fast as argon

Aquamantys is very gentle
So is argon on low power

There is no carbon with Aquamantys
The eschar with low power argon is flexible

Is it a non contact modality?
No, the doctor obscures his view with the electrodes

So argon is non contact and the doctor can view his target tissue?

How does it benefit the patient?

How does it benefit the doctor?

Are the benefits worth nearly 500 bucks?

At over 420 dollars more than argon its debatable.

Why dont argon reps target Salients customers?
If I were a Salient rep looking to bail I'd go speak to one of the bovie providers who have argon and go back to your customers with a solution 100 dollars less expensive

Lovely quote about temperature of argon in this paper$=relatedarticles&logdbfrom=pubmed

At the longest application of the beam coagulation on the same point the developed temperature was never higher than 100 degrees C whilst a complete coagulation effects.

Not higher than 100 degrees C - now where did I hear that before?

God, I hope there have been advances since 1990!

But I agree, the Aquamantys is not the best solution especially for the price.

Exactly my point. Even in its infancy argon was heralded as an excellent solution

Where Salient have succeeded is to have created issues that are not particularly important and then provided a solution.

While all other specialties are technology rich the orthopods were neglected then suddenly a few are convinced by the first solution put infront of them. If I were an argon rep I'd be following the Salient guys round, allowing them to do the hard work then forcing the doctors hand by offering purchasing a much less expensive, and superior solution.

Ask your liver surgeons how deep the thermal effect is on liver parenchyma. Argon would pose no issues to the popliteal artery for example.

Seriously, if your larger companies actually cared about this business they would swallow Salient. I dont even believe that an aquisition would take place. They would just work round them.

I know a few of you are excited about your stock, or its potential. Dont be. Nobody wants to buy this orange box.

If you win stock this year, ask for the cash as an alternative. See how far that gets you. Or offer it back to Joe at $ for $ because if you feel that that stock is going to grow in value you are deluded. If he is that convinced then why not just give the cash, and save the conpany a bunch of money? Why do you think they give you it? Golden handcuffs. A little incentive for the RBD's to tow the Company line as the RBD's have all got stock. Are you with me? Most of them know they are out of line but they have their stock to think about.

When you think about it its a great business model and genius managerial structure

Just had an evaluation stopped due to purchasing issues. However also noticed that they started one with the plasmablade at the same time "issues " started. Any detail and suggestions on this would be helpful.

Too funny! You guys had someone that beat Plasmablade and really understood how to sell against it got rid of them!

Plasmablade thanks you!