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Run from Galderma Rx

Did my calls today and a top KOL was like, give me a good reason why I should switch from dupi. I am happy. It works. And the company knows what they are doing. They are classic players in the space. No amount of challenger or reducing itch quicker bs will work. Can’t win em all but hearing some pretty strong resistance.
You sound like a hell of a salesperson. A real go getter.

This isn’t going to be a big pharma data dump… too many non-derm, no relationship field sales reps still trying to find their way… KOL’s respect people who’ve been around in derm. It’s slow - not like PN is super prevalent!

Why this vs Dupi? Half the doses, 75% less med per dose, no pain or conjunctivitis… why start so aggressive when results will be similar with a much less daunting treatment schedule?!

Adult learning principles - see, hear, say, do - and it takes 5-7 interactions for anyone to remember what you said! It’s week 3… calm down, people!

This isn’t going to be a big pharma data dump… too many non-derm, no relationship field sales reps still trying to find their way… KOL’s respect people who’ve been around in derm. It’s slow - not like PN is super prevalent!

Why this vs Dupi? Half the doses, 75% less med per dose, no pain or conjunctivitis… why start so aggressive when results will be similar with a much less daunting treatment schedule?!

Adult learning principles - see, hear, say, do - and it takes 5-7 interactions for anyone to remember what you said! It’s week 3… calm down, people!
Great preaching jackass. This is the real world where competitors see what we are doing and are pinning our weaknesses against us. Not to mention quotas we have. Your kindergarten explanation isn’t earth shattering. Your theoretical shit doesn’t belong. You sound like you drank the K-aid from our best in class training team and solid shit Tim. You idiots don’t understand that you don’t get second shots. No one has the fucking time to crawl walk run. You either come out of the gates sprinting and get it right or go to the hole you came out off. And whose fault is it to hire r*****s from other TAs. AL fucked a potential good launch. Not to mention the money she blew on all of this and created nothing.

Also it’s only a data dump if you don’t use it. Using data to make decisions isn’t our strong suit. I get it. We hired subpar people. But think about cutting down on expenses, but growing the brands, but also having subpar talent, and stupid marketing head, inexperienced medical head and on and on. What confidence does one lie themselves to. I appreciate the paycheck but this is S.A.F.

Week 3 my ass. Launch is made or broken, at launch.

why is what that person saying mysogeny. If it was a guy it would be the same thing. whats relevant for folks to know is how playing politics is horrible for the organization and people should be careful around such a person.

Why the fuck is this guy Bobby pendal still here. Nothing works. We have spent millions and have nothing to show for. Wtf is wrong with Galderma and just rewarding people who can’t get shit done. Being someone else. This guy is useless with a horrible attitude

Why the fuck is this guy Bobby pendal still here. Nothing works. We have spent millions and have nothing to show for. Wtf is wrong with Galderma and just rewarding people who can’t get shit done. Being someone else. This guy is useless with a horrible attitude
He was that r***** AL’s hire. Now we know what happened. She knew this shit ain’t gonna work so she bailed before the axe fell. What a scumbag.

Hey leave Bobby alone you bully. Have a talk with your weak ASD
Leaving Bobby alone has resulted in this mess. I am in the HQ team and am seeing this unfold. It’s held together by matches. It doesn’t help that our vendors mock us behind our back on how stupid we are to not even get the basics right.

This past week was the worst. Was visiting a kol per call plan. he mentioned that he had reached out to Flemming about his dissatisfaction with how things are operating. He told me there’s a lot of options out there including the new Lilly drug and while he medically likes the drug he won’t be prescribing because it’s too much hassle and we lack the maturity as a company in the space. I am overall not seeing the prescriptions in mine or others terrs

What’s going wrong?
are you fucking kidding me - for you to ask this question you must really be a r***** or never have done this. This is a crap show. KOLs are talking crap, we are outmatched by the new and incumbents in the market and there is literally no intelligence on what is going on in addition to our internal stuff not orking. Youre a piece of work to even ask. The level of intellect we show on calls is laughable and our vendors are just mocking our analytics team all day. YOU tell me where the victory in this is. worst decision ever to join this fuck fest.

omg, I thought the reign of AL stupidity will leave with her but she’s now left this deb behind. What is this woman doing????? There’s literally no marketing impact on scripts.