So it's Feb. 4th and JK is still in the drivers seat...what does that tell you? This company is going nowhere?
Nobody wants to purchase this company and they are not going to close the doors. You don't sign a contract with a compnay like Nimbus and then close up shop, not only are you out the amount of money you have in inventory, you also have to pay a fee to get out of the contract, which I bet is pretty large.
For what it's worth, has the pay structure changed, yes...but you have to ask yourself, when has it not changed, it changes every year, sometimes multiple times in a year. Is reiumbursement down? Yes, thank you Obama and your liberal crap you are pushing on America. Is this company sinking? Not so sure, I believe they are just trying to figure out in this changing economic climate what sales model they want to use and it appears they are opting for a lean/mean sales force where you get rid of underperformers and increase the territories of the overperformers.
You have two options, suck it up and sell or go find something else. The job market is tough right now, but there are jobs out there, it may just take some time to fnd the right one.