RS Medical

JK bringing in Smith & Nephew heavy hitters to right the ship - watch out here comes JK and he will make us #1 again. I love the long term plan and the short term tactiocs - what a leader - let's go JK - get it done!!!

JK bringing in Smith & Nephew heavy hitters to right the ship - watch out here comes JK and he will make us #1 again. I love the long term plan and the short term tactiocs - what a leader - let's go JK - get it done!!!

#1 again? Doesn't that require them to have been #1 previously?
Quit being a loser. How much does that idiot CEO pay you to post such nonsense?

Don't worry JK - the majority of employees are behind you and realize you have done a great job. Keep the momentum going - we believe in your leadership and charisma - you have made us the top company in the Northwest and I am proud to work for RS. We'll give you our all - please stay as CEO - we need you!!!

I agree - great work JK! You are the man that turned this place around and made it what it is today - a thriving, exhuberent, and self fulfilling place to work. I enjoy the challenge and the fact that you have brought the level of performance to an optimal level within the organization. You cleared out the deadwood and have brought in a core group of professionals - keep up the great work!!!

Who ever the above poster is, they have way too much time on their hands. If you can be on here everyday posting praise for JK then you are part of the dead wood you speak of and need to be cut from the payroll. Wonder if JK knows how you spend your time on the internet while on company time. Your living in a dream world and apparently have not woken up yet. I'll come back in a couple months. I've got to get back to work, I'm too busy trying to rescue the sinking ship.

So what is the truth about the CEO - I am looking to accept a position with RS. There seems to be two sides to the discussion - is he great or is he a terd?

It does not matter about who is the CEO. Instead, it's the RS sales model that should have been left behind, in the last century.

As for the RS products, well, I used to distribute the Pronex device directly from the manufacturer back in the 90s, and the reimbursement from insurers left little room for profit.

The RS4i can only be sold in the WC and PI markets, as PPO insurers consider it to be 'investigational or experimental.' Their TENS units are just like those available all over the internet for far less, and Bledsoe has a wider and better variety of braces.

It's time to move on........

So what is the truth about the CEO - I am looking to accept a position with RS. There seems to be two sides to the discussion - is he great or is he a terd?

Reasonable answer will be that 95% of sales force is looking for something else. If that answers the question you should move on. If you dont have any other options, take the job and keep looking. If you want to sell Back Braces for me I'll pay you $200 per brace. I have a hook up with 2 billing companies.

So it's Feb. 4th and JK is still in the drivers seat...what does that tell you? This company is going nowhere?

Nobody wants to purchase this company and they are not going to close the doors. You don't sign a contract with a compnay like Nimbus and then close up shop, not only are you out the amount of money you have in inventory, you also have to pay a fee to get out of the contract, which I bet is pretty large.

For what it's worth, has the pay structure changed, yes...but you have to ask yourself, when has it not changed, it changes every year, sometimes multiple times in a year. Is reiumbursement down? Yes, thank you Obama and your liberal crap you are pushing on America. Is this company sinking? Not so sure, I believe they are just trying to figure out in this changing economic climate what sales model they want to use and it appears they are opting for a lean/mean sales force where you get rid of underperformers and increase the territories of the overperformers.

You have two options, suck it up and sell or go find something else. The job market is tough right now, but there are jobs out there, it may just take some time to fnd the right one.

You people are HILARIOUS!!! From the pissy to the pious I fear for you all. You get so uppity about JK and what he is or isn't doing you can't even spell and look like idiots. It is pretty clear most of you are airing your opinions more often than your underwear and none of you own dictionaries.

So I am considering applying for a Job with this company, but heard they really don't like to hire women. Is there any truth to this? I would have thought that would be a good way like pharma reps that get hired to have a good looking woman selling to the doctors?

I am not even sure we are even hiring so what does it matter anyway? But to answer your question we have few women that are Account Managers, and those that are tend to be older and are not what you would call lookers. We do however have a hot one in Birmingham and she kills it. She is President's Club and does extremely well.

I am not even sure we are even hiring so what does it matter anyway? But to answer your question we have few women that are Account Managers, and those that are tend to be older and are not what you would call lookers. We do however have a hot one in Birmingham and she kills it. She is President's Club and does extremely well.

This is a fair assessment of the talent we have at RS Medical. All the others are old and worn out, but the one listed above, hot doesn't adequately describe her.

And we are not hiring to my knowledge, we just laid off a bunch of people.

This is a fair assessment of the talent we have at RS Medical. All the others are old and worn out, but the one listed above, hot doesn't adequately describe her.

And we are not hiring to my knowledge, we just laid off a bunch of people.

You obviously need glasses.... and the guys definitely ain't no chippendales.