RS Medical

I agree that JK will lead us to the promised land - he has shown his leadership skills over the past 3 years and he has turned us into a "world class" organization. We are now a global compnay with cutting edge technology and systems. Great work Jon - keep it going - yes, we believe in you!!!

Re-packaging an old device for 2013 and "partnering" with real companies doesn't quite equate to having cutting edge technology. You are clearly delusional or just completely full of it. Now that the TENS days are over, RS Medical is over.

#1 place to work in the upper Northwest - Business Week.

Thanks JK you have fullfilled all your promises and it is an honor to work in this organozation under your leadership!

The terds are circling the bowl at RS med. What sales force is left in a year will have ridden those terds out to sea. Save whatever money you make. Somehow I bet the best company to work for in NW doesn't fire americans and hire a call center in India. go to hell you traders.

What did everyone think about JK's speach this morning? Some think it was honest, some think it wasn't and some think it was goodbye. His contract was up Dec 31st so will he accept the other position? Feedback? So sad to see the company struggling like it is!

#1 place to work in the upper Northwest - Business Week.

Thanks JK you have fullfilled all your promises and it is an honor to work in this organozation under your leadership!

I have tried for an hour to find this article. Considering all of the messages on this board, I find it a bit suspicious. Do you have a link or the website. It would be hard to believe that this company ranks with the likes of Microsoft, Starbucks, Nike...etc. Would be interesting to read.

So positive that I took up another company's offer to pay me 40% on L0637. And that off the allowable. Also they can bill the secondary. JK is a dousche. He had the balls to tell another employee that he busted down that he is struggling too and can't do the things the he and his wife planned to do. I mean seriously. Also what is the deal with hiring your wife and firing everyone else. Oh, I know he is not making enough money so his wife has to supplement the family income.

Either the person above stroking JK is either a prankster or "BarB". Is that you "barB" i know who you are?????? If RS is one of the best companies to work for, I'm moving to China and joining the APPLE Work force.

I also heard the VB and KH threatend to leave.. Well I guess there goes the payroll. I bet BH S*** his pants.

Sianarra sukkas

So positive that I took up another company's offer to pay me 40% on L0637. And that off the allowable. Also they can bill the secondary. JK is a dousche. He had the balls to tell another employee that he busted down that he is struggling too and can't do the things the he and his wife planned to do. I mean seriously. Also what is the deal with hiring your wife and firing everyone else. Oh, I know he is not making enough money so his wife has to supplement the family income.

Either the person above stroking JK is either a prankster or "BarB". Is that you "barB" i know who you are?????? If RS is one of the best companies to work for, I'm moving to China and joining the APPLE Work force.

I also heard the VB and KH threatend to leave.. Well I guess there goes the payroll. I bet BH S*** his pants.

Sianarra sukkas

It's me again. The non-compete is invalid in most states. So don't be scared to do it. The only reason I say is that when the company shuts down they will stiff you on your last check. So mix it up....Also check you state's laws. MOst states labor laws say that you can not have a use it or lose it policy. That is what RS had till last year. They have to pay you for it as it is concerned vested income. Sorry for being so long, it's just that this company does so many dousche things I could write a Best Seller