RS Medical

JK will bring the company to #1 - he has done it before and will do it again. Barb is an excellent employee - great hire by JK - Microsoft wantd her but we got her - yes JK get it done!!!

JK is paid to make things sound better then they really are, he's an actor, I guess you had to work at home office daily to know what he's really like. Oh and by the way, he and his wife just got back from there vacation in Hawaii a few weeks ago, poor guy just cannot do anything they want to do anymore. I'm glad to hear he is leaving, we don't want him in our community anymore. I feel sorry for the folks at the company he's headed too, they have no idea what's in store for them.

JK is the best leader in the industry - period. He made us the what we are today - a well oiled machine whom the competition fears. I hope JK stayes for another 5 years and we continue this incredible growth! Three cheers for JK!!!

So positive that I took up another company's offer to pay me 40% on L0637. And that off the allowable. Also they can bill the secondary. JK is a dousche. He had the balls to tell another employee that he busted down that he is struggling too and can't do the things the he and his wife planned to do. I mean seriously. Also what is the deal with hiring your wife and firing everyone else. Oh, I know he is not making enough money so his wife has to supplement the family income.

Either the person above stroking JK is either a prankster or "BarB". Is that you "barB" i know who you are?????? If RS is one of the best companies to work for, I'm moving to China and joining the APPLE Work force.

I also heard the VB and KH threatend to leave.. Well I guess there goes the payroll. I bet BH S*** his pants.

Sianarra sukkas
I would love to know who that other company is, that's an excellent percentage! There are many trying to do things on the side so they can actually afford to stay on with RS, ironic isn't it?

I would love to know who that other company is, that's an excellent percentage! There are many trying to do things on the side so they can actually afford to stay on with RS, ironic isn't it?

Well I'm probably talking to 3 or 4 others to do what I'm doing. My suggestion would be to go to a local OMP shop and tell them how many braces you are doing. It is business they would not get anyway. Then tell them you'll convert your patients to them if they give you 50% of the margin at a 1099. Only n idot will refuse that. I've been doing something similar for years. There's nothing like sticking it to someone who sticks it to you when you are asleep. If this is who I think it is, you should have my contact info........

All I have ever heard is that not only do people not get the bonus but get money taken out of your last check for inventory you have returned. These are x president club members and people that would have no reason to lie. I honestly can't believe RS Medical would do that but that's what I've heard.

JK is the best leader in the industry - period. He made us the what we are today - a well oiled machine whom the competition fears. I hope JK stayes for another 5 years and we continue this incredible growth! Three cheers for JK!!!

Did you actually put the words "incredible growth" into print????? Of all the things that you might choose to say to defend the company, you choose "growth"? WAKE THE F*** UP!! I am laughing out loud right now....growth, really??

I agree that John Konsin is a fantastic leader - I hope we do not lose him - rumor has it he was offered the CEO jobs at Zimmer and Mako. I hope he does not take these jobs because we would be in big trouble. John Konsin is the only reason we are such a great company and RS was voted top place to work in the Northwest. Just be happy we can all learn and enjoy JK!!!!

"Would be in big trouble"?? You already are in big trouble! A 75% reduction in the sales force over the last 4-5 years - you are on a sinking ship, my friend.

Just heard the company will close doors after the joke of its CEO leaves
Wow, and did anyone hear that may take place on Feb 1st? I've heard thats when he will start his new role with another company. These are all rumors but usuallly where there is smoke there is fire. I heard that RT was extremely engaged at the meeting so that gave hope to allot of people. Why would he have invested more money if they plan to close?

"Would be in big trouble"?? You already are in big trouble! A 75% reduction in the sales force over the last 4-5 years - you are on a sinking ship, my friend.

I am confused. Don't you have to be voted in by your employees? When theres no employees, who is there to cast a ballot? You RS Croonie dousche fuck face...

We'll follow you anywhere JK!!!

Hahaha, you are stupid. Please do follow him. Take your false praise with you.
Here are the facts: jk is an asshole who sold out Americans for a buck. There is no pride in taking advantage of others.RT is no better than JK. They are both horrible human beings and I know they pride themselves on the good they do... Unless their pocket book is involved.
Ethics and morals are optional for then but they take no issue with preaching such values. Why don't you lead by example instead?
For the record, you may have a few bucks in your pockets but you are going to fucking hell for your choices, I'm pretty sure god thinks you "men" are as disgusting as the rest of us do.

OK, so is this company going down? It the terms of losing employees, yes, but why on earth would a compand spend the amount of money they did on their National Sales meeting to go and close the doors 3 weeks later.

Moving the President's Club trip into April was done to be able to pay for this trip with Q1 earnings. A smart move short term but gets you nowhere long term as you are basically robbing Peter to pay Paul.

No way that JK or his wife is on this board trying to pat themselves on the back, what you have here is a pot stirrer, trying to get all you current employees pissed off.

Reimbursement is now a joke...raising your unit count but not paying you on the incremental business. So what are you telling me that now your products are worth more to them, but they are going to pay you on past reimbursement figures.

Get out now is all I can say, this company may not be going away, but it is being run by an incompetent puppet.