Rough Times Ahead You Have Been Warned

I think this thread has got a little off track.

I will say this, ESC or One Ethicon or whatever the heck they are calling it;

You will be told and shown all the benefits and how great having a car and insurance is and 401K......

These are the golden handcuffs, because much like how the media "tells" you what reality is, this version of Ethicon is in desperation mode to get results which are not coming.

I know very close friends over the span of several years who have left Ethicon only to kick themselves for not doing it earlier, realizing the fear was leaving all the "benefits" only to realize just about every other company offers the same thing.

In the end job satisfaction was found and a harsh realization of the amount of years wasted away at Ethicon is realized.

You have been warned, now you have been counseled.

There are also a ton of examples of people who have left for what they thought were better jobs only to be unemployed a year later and kicking themselves for leaving JNJ

There are also a ton of examples of people who have left for what they thought were better jobs only to be unemployed a year later and kicking themselves for leaving JNJ

Is your Kool-Aid carrot flavored? A lot of people have also left and started their own successful companies or found employment where they are respected by their employer. Instilling hopelessness in employees is a characteristic of The Sociopathic Business Model-your post is part of the problem and not part of the solution.

Is your Kool-Aid carrot flavored? A lot of people have also left and started their own successful companies or found employment where they are respected by their employer. Instilling hopelessness in employees is a characteristic of The Sociopathic Business Model-your post is part of the problem and not part of the solution.


There are also a ton of examples of people who have left for what they thought were better jobs only to be unemployed a year later and kicking themselves for leaving JNJ

This is definitely a post from someone still thinking that Ethicon won't go through more layoffs and structure change.

Good luck to all those who believe and follow blindly.

You do know management had conference calls on what to say to reps...

There are also a ton of examples of people who have left for what they thought were better jobs only to be unemployed a year later and kicking themselves for leaving JNJ

Honestly do you see what is going on around you? Project constitution? Energy merging into ESC and Biosurgery next round... Energy "specialists" will get cut once Tim realizes his plan of share of voice does not work then onto GYN and HBT. Soon it will all be TL's that are about 24 years old making 105K a year and eating up the talk tracks.

This company wants to hire young cheap labor because it is not a real sales job.

If you are just out of college it's a great job, if you have any experience or dignity you know this is a terrible place to be now...

Is it true that all the DMs were put in there position based on a formula that HR built?
I just see the names and I am completely blown away. These are people that you wanted to follow. You then see the names that were placed and you have to ask yourself does anyone care what WE think and who we would want to work for?

The names are staggering to see
The culture that once made Ethicon great is gone.
You have let go some of the best managers I have ever had the privilege to work with and for

It's completely devastating and tells me that it's time to leave

When you see a complete dick like Andre Fisher get promoted you know it's going down hill fast.
Never met a bigger asshole in my entire life.

I think its funny.
He has been my SD for the past year and NO ONE likes him. So if he can't handle the SD job at Biosurgery how the heck can he lead a team covering all of the products???
All I know is I don't have to deal with him anymore
Sweet for me, sucks for you guys in Atlanta

Hey Kip it took Ethicon 65 years to get here

How does it feel to be the guy that destroyed 65 years worth of leadership, culture, and success
And you were able to do it in 2 years.

The names are staggering to see
The culture that once made Ethicon great is gone.
You have let go some of the best managers I have ever had the privilege to work with and for

It's completely devastating and tells me that it's time to leave

Shame on you Kip Dewitt
You stand there while some of your best managers are let go. You say that you have no control of it, if you really don't have any control then why are you here? Why do you get paid so well? What do you do?

As far as the rest of the SDs, I'm embarrassed of all of you. You say this a company of careers, yet you treat some of your most loyal people worse then Intuitive. You know its true. Your jobs are to lead, blindly following every order even when you know its wrong, shows how insignificant and puppet like you all are.

When the next round happens, and you know it's coming, I hope all of you SDs are let go so that you know what it feels like. Then maybe we can find some new And real leadership and save this once great company.

I am ashamed to be part of JNJ

There are also a ton of examples of people who have left for what they thought were better jobs only to be unemployed a year later and kicking themselves for leaving JNJ

Agree that there has been plenty that have regretted leaving. But that's not recently. There are good companies within JNJ. Ethicon is just no longer one of them.

Shame on you Kip Dewitt
You stand there while some of your best managers are let go. You say that you have no control of it, if you really don't have any control then why are you here? Why do you get paid so well? What do you do?

As far as the rest of the SDs, I'm embarrassed of all of you. You say this a company of careers, yet you treat some of your most loyal people worse then Intuitive. You know its true. Your jobs are to lead, blindly following every order even when you know its wrong, shows how insignificant and puppet like you all are.

When the next round happens, and you know it's coming, I hope all of you SDs are let go so that you know what it feels like. Then maybe we can find some new And real leadership and save this once great company.

I am ashamed to be part of JNJ

Kip for King! Long live the King!

When you see a complete dick like Andre Fisher get promoted you know it's going down hill fast.
Never met a bigger asshole in my entire life.

Couldn't agree more
Andre Fisher is a complete douche bag
He comes in and says some stuff and everyone looks at each other and says "what did he just say???"
He did not get promoted for ability. Reverse discrimination is in full affect.
I'm hearing he now covers Georgia, NC and SC. So there are a whole lot of you that I feel sorry for