Rough Times Ahead You Have Been Warned

It pains me to say this. It really hurts. He probably reads this and it will give him satisfaction. But.....We need Fred Wagner back. Him and his bitch Kedrick. Kipper is in over his head.

"At least you still have suture, string girl."

Wrong. The EES empire had no idea how labor intensive it was to manage the suture business and to defend it and grow it. Most of the EES reps who now have suture in their bag will tell you that they do nothing with suture and don't understand why EP had a sales force.
This is exactly why they are losing share in the very profitable suture line.

It pains me to say this. It really hurts. He probably reads this and it will give him satisfaction. But.....We need Fred Wagner back. Him and his bitch Kedrick. Kipper is in over his head.

KJ is still around (surprisingly). Don't forget, KJ was the one who brought us Super Jaw.

Fred was always good at answering a question with a question. Ask him the status of the company and he'd respond, "What do you think the status of the company is?" You'd answer his question, he would listen, and then would never answer your question. Happened all the time.

Could you elaborate on the patents for the stapling business? What about Covidien staplers? Also to the other poster talking about moving to a distributor sales model, how does this make sense? The power of Ethicon is going to a large hospital system and bundling product. Best way to do that is strategic account managers and ASRs. Everyone in the middle is on borrowed time.

Distributor sales model, look at pharma and it will make sense. It's expensive to have a lot of head count for a company. So rather then keep the head count you hire distributor reps. No insurance costs, no pension, no car,. It's just a much less expensive model.
That doesn't change contracting. You just have someone else representing the product.

FRED . He is the reason the ship turned. He is all about himself. He is the WORST

Fred May have been bad, but he never would have allowed HR to call the shots on who stays and who goes.
It's funny, when a customer stares at a spread sheet and makes a decision purely on price, we get all upset with them. We say that they aren't good business partners. We say that you need to look at all the data before making a decision.
How did last week turn out???
HR staring at a spread sheet and making decisions, and the Sales Directors acting like buyers and just enacting what HR told them to do. No thought process at all. No leadership.

Ethicon deserves to fall

Fred May have been bad, but he never would have allowed HR to call the shots on who stays and who goes.
It's funny, when a customer stares at a spread sheet and makes a decision purely on price, we get all upset with them. We say that they aren't good business partners. We say that you need to look at all the data before making a decision.
How did last week turn out???
HR staring at a spread sheet and making decisions, and the Sales Directors acting like buyers and just enacting what HR told them to do. No thought process at all. No leadership.

Ethicon deserves to fall

This is crazy!
How do they let HR call all of the shots?
So we walk into this year, we let some really good people go and kept others that haven't worked in years. When we miss the number, no one will be pointing to HR. They will blame us

This is crazy!
How do they let HR call all of the shots?
So we walk into this year, we let some really good people go and kept others that haven't worked in years. When we miss the number, no one will be pointing to HR. They will blame us

Actually it is not crazy to Gary Pruden. He thinks that sales reps can't influence the business, so in his mind all of the reps are equally of no value. That's why it makes sense to have HR just apply a formula and randomly get rid of people.

What HR didn't consider was that a lot of sales of Enseal or OEM Harmonic are based on relationships, not clinical preference. We all know Enseal is garbage and there is too much variability with how that device works. Ask an engineer when to advance the knife blade and you'll get different answers from every engineer. Now that these tenured reps and DMs are gone, sales will continue to drop.

I can't stop laughing!!!
Ethicon really named Andre Fisher as a Sales Director there? That guy sucks. If that is the extent of your talent then this should be fun to watch the great Ethicon shred apart.

I wonder what it is like to be the VP of Sales and have your entire sales force loathe your existence?

kipper didn't make it to his spot by being a leader. He made it to his spot by being a good boy and dancing whenever Gary or Fred told him to dance.

I think this thread has got a little off track.

I will say this, ESC or One Ethicon or whatever the heck they are calling it;

You will be told and shown all the benefits and how great having a car and insurance is and 401K......

These are the golden handcuffs, because much like how the media "tells" you what reality is, this version of Ethicon is in desperation mode to get results which are not coming.

I know very close friends over the span of several years who have left Ethicon only to kick themselves for not doing it earlier, realizing the fear was leaving all the "benefits" only to realize just about every other company offers the same thing.

In the end job satisfaction was found and a harsh realization of the amount of years wasted away at Ethicon is realized.

You have been warned, now you have been counseled.

Also look at the failures over the last ten - twelve years...

Breast care (fail)

Sedasys (fail)

Inscope (fail)

Pegasys (fail)

Indigo (fail)

Energy (fail)

We are batting a .000 on our investments/product strategies. The stapling business was supposed to be the start of it all but it wasn't supposed to be the only thing left standing after all of the failures above. If even two or three of the above investments made it, we wouldn't be in our awful position now.

I'm sure Kip will pull us out of this and Michelle B will bring her energy leadership to the table and really turn this ship around. *sigh*

Completely agree with the above list
Sad part is that many of them Kip had his hands in.
Kip was VP of Marketing at breast care. Was pulled back over to EES just before the sale of them. He left a lot of good people there that followed him. Remember Mark Bland, now VP at Intuitive....
Kip was the lead on the purchase of Enseal. How is that deal working out? Everyone else involved in the deal is GONE.
Kip was the VP of Sales for Energy. Where was his voice when someone asked if it was a good idea?

Kip is a decent guy, but he is a horrible leader. He is the Grimm Reaper, wherever he is death and distruction follows.

Does anyone have a problem with our year end ratings and compensation being tied to the original ESC number (that's why 110% of quota is rated as a 4) and everyone on Executive comp (Sales Directors and above) were paid out at 110% of target?
The signals to me are clear, this company believes that upper management determines success and failure of this organization.

Ethicon completely sucks.

Biosurgery reps, you have no idea what bad is yet.........

I wonder what it is like to be the VP of Sales and have your entire sales force loathe your existence?

kipper didn't make it to his spot by being a leader. He made it to his spot by being a good boy and dancing whenever Gary or Fred told him to dance.

Kip is an idiot
Hey Kip how is the weather?
People that nothing intelligent to say talk about crap like that

Is it true that all the DMs were put in there position based on a formula that HR built?
I just see the names and I am completely blown away. These are people that you wanted to follow. You then see the names that were placed and you have to ask yourself does anyone care what WE think and who we would want to work for?