Rough Times Ahead You Have Been Warned

Agreed no one is safe but that is true with tons of other MD&D companies.

Healthcare is tough right now, at least JNJ has name recognition. Tough times ahead true but not for the TL's HBTs and regional specialists

Keep drinking the kool aid. Two years ago, Kip was VP of Sales for Energy and we was telling every ESR, "Energy is the place to be". How'd that work out? The bottom line is we have clueless leaders like Kip who can't pull us out of this tailspin and will continue to cut reps to make up for our losses in overall income to JNJ.

Keep thinking that, who cares what leadership does or says do your job when this ship fails move to another jnj op co with experience and tenure and enjoy the reasonable work hours. With a good 30 hours of smart work you can hit forecast regardless of how bad it seems or if you don't get it until March. This is the best no stress job ever. Where else can you start your own business while working at a huge company?

Keep thinking that, who cares what leadership does or says do your job when this ship fails move to another jnj op co with experience and tenure and enjoy the reasonable work hours. With a good 30 hours of smart work you can hit forecast regardless of how bad it seems or if you don't get it until March. This is the best no stress job ever. Where else can you start your own business while working at a huge company?

A perfect example of why you can pay a new college grad 90K with no medical sales experience to do this job. Minimal thought, based for the most part on contracts, and requires no real selling.

Good luck jumping to another op-co. If the word is out that Ethicon One reps are lazy or sell based on contracts, why would anyone from another op-co want to hire you?

Ask the 400 ESC reps that have moved to other op co's for bigger money, it's all about how you interview and if you have good references from your current op co. Perception perception. All DM's know that. Play the game.
My first surgery starts at 10:30am tomorrow and should take about an hour. Then on to the racquetball court with my HBT. Both of us were over forecast for the quarter.

Ask the 400 ESC reps that have moved to other op co's for bigger money, it's all about how you interview and if you have good references from your current op co. Perception perception. All DM's know that. Play the game.
My first surgery starts at 10:30am tomorrow and should take about an hour. Then on to the racquetball court with my HBT. Both of us were over forecast for the quarter.

400? You just pull that one out of the air?

You hit forecast. Congrats. Contracts are a wonderful thing.

Once again, you're proving the point that a new college grad could do your job. You work an hour and then d@ck around for the rest of the day.

I can't stop laughing!!!
Ethicon really named Andre Fisher as a Sales Director there? That guy sucks. If that is the extent of your talent then this should be fun to watch the great Ethicon shred apart.

Well Andre Fisher is my new Sales Director. He doesn't know shit.
How the heck does a guy that knows nothing get to a Sales Director position?

A perfect example of why you can pay a new college grad 90K with no medical sales experience to do this job. Minimal thought, based for the most part on contracts, and requires no real selling.

Good luck jumping to another op-co. If the word is out that Ethicon One reps are lazy or sell based on contracts, why would anyone from another op-co want to hire you?

Do you think that this is not known throughout Johnson and Johnson. The word has been out for years that Ethicon reps are as good as the contracts in their territories.

There are very few med device sales jobs now that don't depend 80% on contracts for sales. That's why so many jobs are being eliminated across the industry. Start ups are one of the few areas where sales ability counts.

Where is this talk of a 90 day notice coming from?

You really must have no upstream connections. Layoffs were no enough to offset the combination of med device tax AND the sluggish sales numbers made it worse. Shareholders want their EPS and dividends so where do you think those dollars are going to come from?

Regionals already have their new FTE headcount, just need to execute.


I think the GYN specialist is on the chopping block, they will put their products into a new bag, give them a new title and lower their pay. Standard operating procedure

um the gyn folks have been on borrowed time for the better part of a decade. the shoe will drop at any time. how can it not? products old as shit, no innovation or R&D. dead man walking type shit