Rosa Delays

Bingo, Hanson knows how to manipulate so shareholders are clueless, then when there’s no more he can do they sell and make a very large bonus. Just watch.

How did the directed rebate work out for Surgical? Recognizing full value of capital, selling it off, but keeping the lease payments. Only works when capital sales increase, but once it slows then look out. Negative revenue and then the revenue Reclass happens. Surgical - thrived when SYK on FDA hold/recall. Once they were back, new capital dried up, but claw back payments due. GR model. Only a matter of time for Rosa. If that’s not enough, let’s borrow the CRM practice of bulk buys to mask revenue shortfalls. It’s the medical device equivalent of crack.
How did the directed rebate work out for Surgical? Recognizing full value of capital, selling it off, but keeping the lease payments. Only works when capital sales increase, but once it slows then look out. Negative revenue and then the revenue Reclass happens. Surgical - thrived when SYK on FDA hold/recall. Once they were back, new capital dried up, but claw back payments due. GR model. Only a matter of time for Rosa. If that’s not enough, let’s borrow the CRM practice of bulk buys to mask revenue shortfalls. It’s the medical device equivalent of crack.
Surgical + Rosa Capital = "Other Division". Guessing the liability section of that balance sheet is a little interesting??
go to bed. Your mommy is worried. Let the adults run the business. Not happy here get the hell out. We LOVE IT HERE!
Always good to go to insults when you don’t understand the conversation. Glad you love it and hope you have an awesome long career! I honestly think it’s smart what they did by burying the capital comps and liabilities they built up into a separate division. Higher stock price = higher takeout price from MDT... enjoy the ride, cash the checks, and save some cash. You’ll need it post integration when you’re only making 150k and filling out MDT call reports.
go to bed. Your mommy is worried. Let the adults run the business. Not happy here get the hell out. We LOVE IT HERE!

Capitalizing words at the end of emails. Thanks IT we know you like it when you fly around on unnecessary plane. Your total compensation keeps increasing but us in field driving revenue are going in different direction.

go to bed. Your mommy is worried. Let the adults run the business. Not happy here get the hell out. We LOVE IT HERE!
Sales up, Stock price up, SG&A down... Great place to work if your in sales?!?!
Since Rosa capital and Surgical are the new other division can we rename it ZBConnect 2.0? When are we going to add mymobility to this one? GR should run this division...
Capitalizing words at the end of emails. Thanks IT we know you like it when you fly around on unnecessary plane. Your total compensation keeps increasing but us in field driving revenue are going in different direction.


if I had to make a bet I would put a cool million (which I dont have) that neither your hated friends Bryan and Ivan are here reading your drama (and responding). I would also bet that Medtronic is not going to buy you. I would also think that nobody gives a shit about your lack of happiness with the company.......but if these conspiracy theories keep you happy during working hours.....I was unhappy and left to a smaller player. I hate it as much as ZB. But I took action
if I had to make a bet I would put a cool million (which I dont have) that neither your hated friends Bryan and Ivan are here reading your drama (and responding). I would also bet that Medtronic is not going to buy you. I would also think that nobody gives a shit about your lack of happiness with the company.......but if these conspiracy theories keep you happy during working hours.....I was unhappy and left to a smaller player. I hate it as much as ZB. But I took action

Now thats honest what now big guy?
if I had to make a bet I would put a cool million (which I dont have) that neither your hated friends Bryan and Ivan are here reading your drama (and responding). I would also bet that Medtronic is not going to buy you. I would also think that nobody gives a shit about your lack of happiness with the company.......but if these conspiracy theories keep you happy during working hours.....I was unhappy and left to a smaller player. I hate it as much as ZB. But I took action

Your so happy you come here and quote yourself now lol

has anyone on this site made an hourly wage at ZB? Haven’t even tried to find out what I would make hourly off the actual time I work and commission I make. Today would have been couple hundred dollars an hour for the 2 cases and commission made.
has anyone on this site made an hourly wage at ZB? Haven’t even tried to find out what I would make hourly off the actual time I work and commission I make. Today would have been couple hundred dollars an hour for the 2 cases and commission made.

Over 400 dollars an hour myself for the work I did yesterday. Can’t get any easier then this and holy shit we make bank per hour looking at it like this, and I thought my lawyer was a rip off.