RM here

Another RM here. AD told me that it's always the reps fault if a territory doesn't perform. Blinded by arrogance. Zero culture change. Half of the sales force is looking for work. So sad because it's a great product and great people. Hope I'm not still here in 3 months. I feel bad for hiring people into this shit show.

Another RM here. AD told me that it's always the reps fault if a territory doesn't perform. Blinded by arrogance. Zero culture change. Half of the sales force is looking for work. So sad because it's a great product and great people. Hope I'm not still here in 3 months. I feel bad for hiring people into this shit show.

I agree. Very sad that such a great product has such a bad culture behind it. I too feel bad for hiring people into this shit show. Really feel like I was sold a bag of damaged goods. This model will continue to fail because the mindset of VPs and ADs think its always the reps fault. Explain how one year they were the right hire, but after 6-8 segments below the stupid quota line, they are not the right fit all of a sudden. What, did they forget how to sell overnight? WTF? Let's put everybody on a PIP. How about putting the VPs on a PIP?

Miami RM, he drank so much with his AD and his Region team the night before his meeting, he really got messed up, Then he went to the meeting to tell his region he was too hung over to do a meeting, told them to leave, and with a Bloody Mary in his hand. Wow, what a class act we have in the Southeast management pool. He fires a TM for "not wanting to work with him", guess we all know why the TM's don't want to take him into a office! He probably needs a blood test to show he is sober!
Thought it might've been the Houston manager. He's got a target on someone's back.

I agree. Very sad that such a great product has such a bad culture behind it. I too feel bad for hiring people into this shit show. Really feel like I was sold a bag of damaged goods. This model will continue to fail because the mindset of VPs and ADs think its always the reps fault. Explain how one year they were the right hire, but after 6-8 segments below the stupid quota line, they are not the right fit all of a sudden. What, did they forget how to sell overnight? WTF? Let's put everybody on a PIP. How about putting the VPs on a PIP?

Reforming and rehabbing is way better than PIP'n and POP'n. Take note loser VP's

Thought it might've been the Houston manager. He's got a target on someone's back.
The Target is on the former Houston RM who is now AD named Byron. Department of Justice should know that Byron D. knew and hid the HIPPA violations of TM Dan the Man! He tried to send him to another division instead of taking action, he hid the truth. Byron should be fired for hiding illegal activity, and so should other top management. The truth will come out, how TM's were allowed to use EMR illegall using Fellows log in information, all while Byron and other management knew it, hid it! Shame on you Jason Whitting, HR, and others for allowing this action to take place and turn a blind eye! Let the DOJ slaughter Zoll, but will they take actions n against certain managers for coverup?? Bob Green/Jeans.....you knew and said nothing. HR, it was reported to you and Green/Jeans and you did nothing. Moving TM to another division instead of firing while others were fired for far less.....shame on you, Zoll will pay BIG for coverup. For this who care.... www.doj.gov.

Recruiter called about a DM job.. I asked if this was an expansion due to the amount of vacancies in both mgmt and sales.. After reading these posts, apparently it isn't. What's amazing is that so many pharma people want to transition into device, yet recruiters are practically begging DMs and reps to apply with mass contacts through LinkedIn. If you have solid Cardio experience and contacts, keep an eye on Novartis - They will be adding to the Entresto sales force soon. I've spoken to 2 DMs who left Zoll since January - this company is pretty atrocious, but recruiters say " there's huge year to year growth" and " the opportunities for upward mobility are endless".

The Target is on the former Houston RM who is now AD named Byron. Department of Justice should know that Byron D. knew and hid the HIPPA violations of TM Dan the Man! He tried to send him to another division instead of taking action, he hid the truth. Byron should be fired for hiding illegal activity, and so should other top management. The truth will come out, how TM's were allowed to use EMR illegall using Fellows log in information, all while Byron and other management knew it, hid it! Shame on you Jason Whitting, HR, and others for allowing this action to take place and turn a blind eye! Let the DOJ slaughter Zoll, but will they take actions n against certain managers for coverup?? Bob Green/Jeans.....you knew and said nothing. HR, it was reported to you and Green/Jeans and you did nothing. Moving TM to another division instead of firing while others were fired for far less.....shame on you, Zoll will pay BIG for coverup. For this who care.... www.doj.gov.
I heard about all that before it even came out. SG knew about it as well. Not good!

The Target is on the former Houston RM who is now AD named Byron. Department of Justice should know that Byron D. knew and hid the HIPPA violations of TM Dan the Man! He tried to send him to another division instead of taking action, he hid the truth. Byron should be fired for hiding illegal activity, and so should other top management. The truth will come out, how TM's were allowed to use EMR illegall using Fellows log in information, all while Byron and other management knew it, hid it! Shame on you Jason Whitting, HR, and others for allowing this action to take place and turn a blind eye! Let the DOJ slaughter Zoll, but will they take actions n against certain managers for coverup?? Bob Green/Jeans.....you knew and said nothing. HR, it was reported to you and Green/Jeans and you did nothing. Moving TM to another division instead of firing while others were fired for far less.....shame on you, Zoll will pay BIG for coverup. For this who care.... www.doj.gov.

There is not one, I repeat no one iota of truth written above.


So what's the pulse of the RM morale this month? Are we ready for the summer slowdown? Do we know the vacation schedules of our top 350 prescribers? Vacation destinations? So we can hound them and beg for patients with MCR or any decent insurance company.

Nothing will change at LifeVest until there is a competitor. No reason to change, so if you take a job here realize these comments are accurate. Take this Jon only because you're unemployed and can afford to be in this role for about 2 years.

Nothing will change at LifeVest until there is a competitor. No reason to change, so if you take a job here realize these comments are accurate. Take this Jon only because you're unemployed and can afford to be in this role for about 2 years.

Well said. Don't take a job here unless you are unemployed. Can you say nightmare? ADs are full of crap and RM are forced to follow their lead and flavor of the month. RMs are forced and encouraged to fire top sales people for their business slowing down for 2 months. They think short term and not long term. Marketing nor senior management does anything to help you other than put a target on your back for little reason. They don't care about the industry leading turnover nor whether you are makibng the money they suckered you to think was possible. You cannot control the patient insurance nor deductibles and cannot control how you are paid. Even if you significantly grow your medical orders, you still can't make the money they sell you on during the interview process.

Read the 10 years of posts on here that talks about the same thing. The new comp plan is a band aid. Don't be fooled. My experience here has been a very toxic one.

Do NOT go work in DiGuilios area. He is looking to punish good people so he can reduce headcount in his area, so his goal gets lowered. He terminated 2 great people last week that had been working hard. He is a terrorist to ZOLL.