

You mean collapsing Lucentis franchise? Or Eyelea kicking the Lucentis' behind big time? Or Avastin dilution gaining acceptance and momentum even in US? Or Roche STO's where Lucentis DS is made the peeps scared about declining production?

And as for the PFS project - ain't no way there are going to ship it in early 2017 and the implant is 3 yrs behind schedule and enrolling patients for Ph II (not even Ph III!) and heck by the time IF it ever comes out Avastin will be long off patent with onslaught of biosimilars in 2018...

This has been a failed endeavor since launch when the original dipshits in leadership mismanaged every aspect from pricing, distribution, customer communication etc.

The implementation of an expanded sales force was absolutely laughable - our product is inferior so let's just add a bunch of people who have no retina experience to flood the already confusing messaging strategy coupling that with mid-management who don't work and all look like their on qualudes.

So, business is declining rapidly, sales force is ineffective and too top-heavy my guess is that some of us will be selling the next impact or some pre-pastured Onc molecule.

But shit, we get paid a lot of money for this. I'm game.

It is utterly embarrassing that GNE ships Lucentis with 2 needles tied with a stinkin rubber band. Anyone got field complaints for pin holes on those POS BD needles which I hear are NOT be to re-packed in the cheesy cheap ass box and we change how much? Hell why can't we pack them in a nice plastic tray with a lid?

As for the prefilled syringe version Novartis is selling all over the world outside US - the buffoons in SSF could not design or make it so after all these years I hear copying Novartis process for nice royalty (Roche was SO confident in Lucentis that they pass the "opportunity" to Novartis - schmucks!). But of course the idiots in SSF are fumbling big time again even with Novartis tech transfer.

Drug is as good, or better, than the competition (correct spelling EYLEA). Sales force has not been able to beat back the onslaught from a "me too" drug. Is that leadership, marketing or hiring a bunch of eye people who dare not piss off the doctor by challenging them?
Management has been managing up and not to their direct reports. Everyone is looking for their next project to pad their resume's. Go out and compete! The hiring of leadership has been laughable. Hopefully new NSD will see through the "good old DM/RSD team", call bullshit and get some people in place to move some product.

Drug is as good, or better, than the competition (correct spelling EYLEA). Sales force has not been able to beat back the onslaught from a "me too" drug. Is that leadership, marketing or hiring a bunch of eye people who dare not piss off the doctor by challenging them?
Management has been managing up and not to their direct reports. Everyone is looking for their next project to pad their resume's. Go out and compete! The hiring of leadership has been laughable. Hopefully new NSD will see through the "good old DM/RSD team", call bullshit and get some people in place to move some product.

Well said comrade. The dust should settle once a new franchise head is picked though we all know that he/she will likely come in without ophthalmology background.

These calls are bothersome, are there going to be layoffs?

Roche closed lot of small molecule plants in last few years. NUTley in 2013, Toluca in 2014 and recent announcement to shut 4 plants in South Carolina, Sergrate IT, Clarecastle IR and a plant in Spain.

Roche has been hands off with GNE and in fact brought "leaders" from SSF to Basel after acquisition only to see that most were talkers. Roche is asking lot of top honchos from SSF to resign starting 2014 and velocity increased a lot in 2015. Rumour has it that GNE is next target for roaches from Roche for RIF in 2016 after bonus payment in March. Not sure of the impact on sales and marketing side of GNE but hey we're all overhead as far as top roaches are concerned. Consolation prize may be generous severance policy but who knows they might water it down.

Stay tunes and look around, just in case.

well folks, here's to best wishes for a happy new year to all. Let's hope whatever plans they have in store for us don't hurt too many and that the those impacted make out well. Hang tight