Why is it a big secret from the press how many layoffs there are and are going to be? Hmmmmm....
Lies...They say they are giving 60 days severance when all they have done is give 60 more days at work...
It's bad enough that they don't give severance, but then they add insult to injury by telling the press that they gave 60 days severance! do you resolve that in your conscience?
Lies...They say they are giving 60 days severance when all they have done is give 60 more days at work...
Without severance or signing a release?????? That's good HR policy right there...going to save the company LOTS of money and it's very positive publicity for the company too! I am sure their friends (our client base) are going to select out product when considering treatment options. Why do you need me - the word of mouth sales are going to be at an all time high! Go team!How do you lay off people in there 60's ? That is horrible! Shame on you!
With a 42 debt load on the books then why would anyone expect severance?
As a former, long-term OI employee, once known as "King Graftskin", I am deeply saddened to hear of the fate of the company and the plight of the employees. It's a shame the owners (A&E) didn't learn anything from the first "march to bankruptcy". There was such promise in the technology, and the potential cost-savings by automation and product sizing options, it would be tragic to lose it all due to "Obamacare". Here's hoping the good folks in the clean rooms and Big Phil can come up with a way to make the product "market-viable" once again.
How do you lay off people in there 60's ? That is horrible! Shame on you!
This is not the first time they have done this to us...I call for a vote of no confidence in the executive team (except Nolan) Can I get a second?
Why is it a big secret from the press how many layoffs there are and are going to be? Hmmmmm....
Well, we did a press release every time we planned to hire more. I'd think that would be of use to competitors too. Bad news gets hidden at OI. Although will be hard to spin the "successful turnaround" story with a straightface.
Phil is the only thing that is right about the Leadership Team. The only one of them that cares about the employees. He is kind, compassionate, selfless, and not willing to sacrifice his employees to line his pockets.
I knew something was up when two extra security guards were added two weeks ago.
Look at everyone making over $90,000 and fire half of them. Production needs to be cut back by 30%, QA and HR need to be reduced 50%.
I am glad I left there 3 years ago...