Renasys recall

Upper management, you guys could go sell cars but that would require you to get out and actually work. Bunch of tired blow hards. I passed by this small mechanic shop for small engine weedeaters and shit. Said Smith & Nephew apply here.

Well, they sure wouldn't want S&N management. They would want people that are capable of working. S&N management is management, they are not responsible for any work product.

I don't know what they are qualified to manage though; maybe a Taco Bell? Mini-mart/gas station?

I could see Gurav doing either of those. Him with the little headset on working the drive through.

Could you picture him behind the counter of a mini-mart?

This couldn't have happened to a better company. The Renasys is a joke and anyone that has sold it knew this day was coming. So if you didn't get out, no one feels bad for you. The smart ones were Dugan, Tom Luthy, and Bob K. They got out before this disaster. Think about it, even if you get the Renasys back in the next 3 months the damage has already been done. I couldn't see a reputable hospital system eve going back to this pos again. End of an era.

I like the statement in the letter from the President, "We do not believe that there are any risks associated with the continued use of RENASYS systems for those patients currently using these devices."

The key words, "we do not believe". (Perceived as, it might be ok but not really sure).


Corporate lawyer made him put that statement in the letter because it's not really known yet how far the risks actually go.

Any hospital that has a brain would run the other direction from S&N with written letters like they received.

Wow. Just had my hospital ask me about the billing for the S&N during the 510k FDA crisis.

Hospital was advised by legal department that S&N product being used during the FDA would not be reimbursed and if it is reimbursed somehow, Medicare and other insurance companies will recoup the money, plus interest.

So I am screwed short term and long term with my account. Thanks Smith & Nephew for dropping the ball and losing my customers I worked so hard to build and maintain.

Let me know how it works out for you because I am out of here from this 2nd rate company.

Hospital was advised by legal department that S&N product being used during the FDA would not be reimbursed and if it is reimbursed somehow, Medicare and other insurance companies will recoup the money, plus interest.

That is not accurate. The device did have initial 510K clearance so the billing is not improper and therefore reimbursement should not apply due to 510K clearance modification issues

Device is a piece of shit and our customers are going back to KCI anyway.
We should stick to dressings and drop Npwt all together

Yeah like the dressings are doing so well lol. We are a second rate player, M has 90% of the business and we keep changing product lines in dressings every year. Can't make up their minds what to go after, it's a bad scene at SNN.