Products are great, problem is that there is nothing new. TP, FT and NS have been around for 7-11 yrs with nothing new. The only product in the pipeline is a me too product. Company and Managment were fine in the past but since they have the mkt surrounded with all 3 products there is no where to go and nothing to talk about. Sales reps are blamed for lousy sales results by management and Managers are slammed on threads like this for relaying the "corporate message". Truth is that up until 2 yrs ago this company and it's products were firing on all cylinders. Fast forward 2yrs and you get poor morale from top to bottom as the company tries to squeeze out the last drop of blood. If you get lucky, you may find an open territory that has enough potential for the remainder of the year and you can cross your fingers that new products will magically appear. Most territories are performing well right now, but that's only because of the giant band aid placed on a deep cut that will eventually lead to this division's demise.

So sorry to hear you bitching about your great Device rep job! I thought you guys were in 'REAL' sales? Wow! how quickly you abandoned thy ship! You are crying because you have 2 other competitors...try selling in a class with 8 different products and they are all priced the same!!!! Get off your AS% and go 'close' for the business!

Too funny.....i left this company about 6 months ago and i am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPY. i have been in medical devices sales for over 8 years and working for Cytyc was the worst move in my career. i got sold the sky and the moon and nothing was delivered. there are a bunch of pharma wannabe reps working at novasure reps and the management team..........do not get me started.
so funny....



Too funny.....i left this company about 6 months ago and i am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPY. i have been in medical devices sales for over 8 years and working for Cytyc was the worst move in my career. i got sold the sky and the moon and nothing was delivered. there are a bunch of pharma wannabe reps working at novasure reps and the management team..........do not get me started.
so funny....

You mean they sold you on the fact that if you actually hit your number you would would get paid? What were they thinking? I can't believe they didn't give you a guarantee. This sky and moon thing....did they promise you something they didn't to the rest of us? Extra pens and pads and they came up short?

Regardless of the product, still a loser (SW) at the helm

LOL - haven't read so much bitterness for a long time! Hope I get the chance to work with some of you guys soon......you'd be a massive asset to any sales team.

PS - if you're going to trash people effectively at least learn how to spell correctly first!

the management from hologic is taking control and will continue to ferret out the non performers in this company. SW is known to be a sub par person, it is also known that he was put into a sales role after being put on a plan within the marketing department and was getting ready to be released when he was moved into a sales role. he never made quota and has never done anything of any value, watch the sales continue to drop, it will catch up with him soon.

hello-I am thinking about interviewing for this company. After reading the posts, it sounds like the management is horrible....

does anyone have anything positive to say about this company and/or the Novasure Device?

Hologic is a great company as long as you work for one on the other divisions, stay away from the novasure division

hello-I am thinking about interviewing for this company. After reading the posts, it sounds like the management is horrible....

does anyone have anything positive to say about this company and/or the Novasure Device?

Now this is weird and downright frightening: I saw a kid running into some gyne's office with a nova alblator to fry up some pussy. Yes, that's right, A KID!!! I think his name is Ryan, up in NE, and he is aobut 13 years old. How come you guys don't hire adults for your company? Weird, very weird. I mean this kid probably has never actually felt a vagina before, and now he is frying them with your little wand? Let him be a kid, already!!!!

Now this is weird and downright frightening: I saw a kid running into some gyne's office with a nova alblator to fry up some pussy. Yes, that's right, A KID!!! I think it is little devlin, and he is aobut 13 years old. How come you guys don't hire adults for your company? Weird, very weird. I mean this kid probably has never actually felt a vagina before, and now he is frying them with your little wand? Let him be a kid, already!!!!