Quintiles done by end of year

The argument that Q reps were all shit is as intellectually bankrupt as the dolt who originally posted it. There were good / bad reps on the Quintiles side and an EQUAL number of good / bad reps with Takeda. Takeda asked for no pharma experience on this contract and they got EXACTLY what they paid for. Maybe 50% of these reps picked it up quickly, the others either were too young and immature to handle the freedom this job provides.

Yes, from the Q perspective, it sucks that the contract ended early. But that's business. We all knew this decision could happen and was made by a corporation. Corporations are soulless ghouls who ONLY work for the share holder. The sooner you figure that out, the better off you'll be.

The real disappointment is the complete and total lack of class displayed by Takeda senior management (RSD and above) once this went down. Things went from "You are a highly valued member of this ONE TEAM" and "If there's anything I can do for you, let me know" last Monday to..."go fuck yourself- I've used you up and now I have no use for you. Hell, I can't even be bothered to respond to an email or text from you now...you don't even exist anymore."

For the Q reps- they dangle the carrot of "you may get a job in November provided you fuck yourself over by working here and not looking for a job". Wake up!! You had better find yourself a job between now and Jan 22nd. If you think Takeda will auto roll you over in these "potential" spots, you're out of your mind. The FSM's- they've been fucked from the beginning. Never was there a plan for them except to use them until they were run ragged and burned out. Then they're kicked to the curb. Thanks for killing yourself...now piss off.

Thank you Takeda for giving Q a few months to find jobs...hopefully that lets you sleep better at night knowing that you BOLD FACED LIED to us (Yes YOU Mike Bell) on multiple conference calls. Of course it also helps that you had a useful idiot as the Project Lead on the Quintiles side who couldn't see this massacre coming, even though she was told by multiple people on the Q side it was happening. THAT is where the leadership failed us.

Best of luck to the Takeda reps out there. 90% of you I ran across were great people. About 50% of the DSM's were decent and felt they weren't better than the FSM's. The other 50%? Douche nozzles who will be beaten down by karma in short order. The Takeda star isn't rising...it's burning out.

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