Quest IT Outsourcing

It is just a matter of time before all of IT is outsourced. Upper management in IT just returned from a trip to the far east. IT employees should start to look for other employment opportunities. The only IT employees to keep their jobs will be the upper management level. They will get rich on this new initiative. Then the company will be bought.

Yeah - you called it. Anybody have (real) feedback on the actual knowledge transfer going on between the application teams and TCS? We should be starting to get some concrete feedback on how good the TCS whiz kids are picking up these systems.

Keep drinking the kool-aid. You clearly have no experience with the actual Quest systems. The current app teams are not banging out code regardless of whatever you seem to think. This strategy is 5 years behind the times. It is a long term path to failure. But that is ok - you are obviously not one of the technical IT staff so this outsourcing has no impact on you. Other than destroying the company of course but that is just a minor point that will not come to pass for another 9 months.

I saw the writing on the wall and left a long time ago. Anyone in IT who hasnt been interviewing for at least the past 6 months has only themselves to blame when the ax falls.

Back in June (post 29) I said as an outsider looking in, it looked to me that this company was looking to get bought. All the signs were there: New leadership at the top; drastic cuts by layoffs, closures, hiring freezes; and outsourcing All to make it look leaner and more attractive to a buyer.

Looks like I am a genius

I saw the writing on the wall and left a long time ago. Anyone in IT who hasn't been interviewing for at least the past 6 months has only themselves to blame when the ax falls.

I disagree a little with your method since waiting for the axe to fall will be paying me my earned severance package. Anybody who thinks they won't give us one should not only talk to a lawyer, but also see how much they charge per hour. The ex-employee lawsuits would make the severance payout to ~1500 people look like chump change.

So as I see it, you got to leave and post on a site how you didn't wait and we're losing out by sticking around. I get to wait, get paid in the meantime, get my severance, and then post that I found a better job while getting double paychecks for 6 months.

Who's losing out now?

I disagree a little with your method since waiting for the axe to fall will be paying me my earned severance package. Anybody who thinks they won't give us one should not only talk to a lawyer, but also see how much they charge per hour. The ex-employee lawsuits would make the severance payout to ~1500 people look like chump change.

So as I see it, you got to leave and post on a site how you didn't wait and we're losing out by sticking around. I get to wait, get paid in the meantime, get my severance, and then post that I found a better job while getting double paychecks for 6 months.

Who's losing out now?

Serverance is two weeks pay for each year of service. No decide how long that wil last during your job search... Most people need 6 - 12 months to get an equivalent job. Now factor in the cost in quality of life, plus - in all likelihood - the lower pay you are getting at DGX compare to whatever everyone else pays.

Back in June (post 29) I said as an outsider looking in, it looked to me that this company was looking to get bought. All the signs were there: New leadership at the top; drastic cuts by layoffs, closures, hiring freezes; and outsourcing All to make it look leaner and more attractive to a buyer.

Looks like I am a genius

Selling is always an option, but they need to make these cuts either way. They cannot survive the lower reimbursements and volume lost to hospitals (or invest in - somehow - growing the business) without making the cuts they are making. LH simply runs a much leaner operation and is kicking DGX in the ass on Wall Street. The recently departed CIO at LH is friends with SR and JH from Phillips, so they know from her exactly what the competition is doing and they are trying to copy it. Don't bet against her being hired as soon as they can work out the no-compete stuff.

Yeah - you called it. Anybody have (real) feedback on the actual knowledge transfer going on between the application teams and TCS? We should be starting to get some concrete feedback on how good the TCS whiz kids are picking up these systems.

I will not transfer my knowledge to them. Right now TCS are engaged with the project managers and we have 30 days for KT after they decided our end date no later than 10/4. TCS will start supporting the apps on 9/23.

I will not transfer my knowledge to them.

At least play the game good enough so it does not look like you are not cooperating. I don't think anybody expects you to bend over backwards or put in 60+ hours per week but at least make a token effort and be sure all your emails (which obviously can be forwarded to anybody including your manager and/or HR) sound cooperative. Otherwise you are putting your compensation package in jeopardy as was clearly verbalized on the previous call. If you only have a couple years of service then I can see it might not be worth your while. But if you are 10+ years like many of the application teams then you probably want to be able to collect on your package.
Bottom line is whether you cooperate or not, TCS is taking over these positions. It is just the new reality. It sucks. It is stupid. Nobody asked us and we have no say in it. Take your package and hopefully you find another job soon.
By the way, has anybody found out yet exactly what is going to be in the document that HR is going to require people to sign before actually getting their compensation package? (As was briefly mentioned on the most recent call.) It will be pretty shady if they don't allow you to review it in advance and possibly have your lawyer review it (depending on how detailed it is and how much legal speak it has).

The recently departed CIO at LH is friends with SR and JH from Phillips, so they know from her exactly what the competition is doing and they are trying to copy it. Don't bet against her being hired as soon as they can work out the no-compete stuff.

Nah couldn't be. We were already told that there is an executive search committee looking high and low for the perfect candidate for CIO at Quest Diagnostics. The internal candidates were not good enough even. They have been looking since when - January was it? Still haven't found anybody. It is so hard to find that perfect of CIOs. So what is the probability that the perfect match would just happen to be somebody (LF) who SR used to work with?

This group of "management?" has zero clue what they are doing. They are obviously trying to de-value this company to feather their pockets. Maybe someone should find the names and home addresses of the clowns who are planning this. I wonder if a sack or two of mail delivered to their homes expressing displeasure would cause a minor anal cramp.

Honestly..I am beginning to believe these dudes are mentally retarded. They could not cut it in the real world. I would love to see them try to cut it in the REAL work force. They would be wearing a headset asking if you would like to super size your order.

They know what they are doing. They are doing what they are told to do. They know the aggravation of working with the outsourced Indians in the way of communication and coordination. Some functions are the same everywhere, but Quest has a lot that are specialized to the laboratory.

Nah couldn't be. We were already told that there is an executive search committee looking high and low for the perfect candidate for CIO at Quest Diagnostics. The internal candidates were not good enough even. They have been looking since when - January was it? Still haven't found anybody. It is so hard to find that perfect of CIOs. So what is the probability that the perfect match would just happen to be somebody (LF) who SR used to work with?

This group of "management?" has zero clue what they are doing. They are obviously trying to de-value this company to feather their pockets. Maybe someone should find the names and home addresses of the clowns who are planning this. I wonder if a sack or two of mail delivered to their homes expressing displeasure would cause a minor anal cramp.

Honestly..I am beginning to believe these dudes are mentally retarded. They could not cut it in the real world. I would love to see them try to cut it in the REAL work force. They would be wearing a headset asking if you would like to super size your order.

I would be happy to provide the home addresses but I assume that would cause this thread to be removed. So probably no point there.
And hey - no disrespecting the hard working people who provide my breakfast every morning with a smile. I am glad they come to work so I can eat. For real.

They know what they are doing. They are doing what they are told to do. They know the aggravation of working with the outsourced Indians in the way of communication and coordination. Some functions are the same everywhere, but Quest has a lot that are specialized to the laboratory.

You are serious? They (upper management up to and including the CEO) do not have a clue unless it is to deliberately destroy the company which is quite seriously a valid possibility. I am assuming you do not actually work as part of the Quest Diagnostics IT nor are being impacted by the current outsourcing. And by the way - this has nothing to do with Indians as we have many employees who were either born in India or are of Indian descent and they are excellent employees (at least the ones I run into and work with). This has nothing to do with what country of origin somebody happens to come from. Rather - this has to do with getting rid of many highly skilled IT EMPLOYEES with a valid wealth of knowledge who have been working at the company for 15+ years and replacing them with CONSULTANTS who know nothing about these specific Quest Diagnostic IT systems and will likely be having turn-over every 18 months or so. This is a whole lot more than only the lab systems. Just thinking all the non-lab systems are trivial and generic simply makes a clear statement that you have no working knowledge of those systems.
It is becoming quite evident that many non-technical people seem to think (for whatever odd reason) that technical people are easily interchanged AS WELL that the current IT systems are trivial and generic in nature.
The employees who currently work on these systems know this is completely false.
The people left over after this is all done will find out.

Good luck to all the IT people in finding new jobs at companies that will appreciate all your hard work, dedication and loyalty.

I will not transfer my knowledge to them. Right now TCS are engaged with the project managers and we have 30 days for KT after they decided our end date no later than 10/4. TCS will start supporting the apps on 9/23.

Well technically - it is not your responsibility to do any knowledge "transfer". You only have to provide a reasonable presentation of your job duties. Which they (TCS) will of course record. But whether that information actually "transfers" over to TCS is obviously out of your control. Just do a reasonable presentation so it can not be said that you are deliberately obstructing the process. On the other hand it can not be expected for you to be working 80 hours a week and through the night to come up with the perfect presentation with all processes documented. Do what you can and what is reasonable during your normal business working hours during the time that your manager has not already asked you to perform your regular job duties. (Still have to keep the lights on and systems running while you are still an employee.)
What happens after that and whether or not TCS actually picks up the required knowledge is really not something you have to worry about.