Qelbree Launch

I’ve been a high performing rep since I came here, and I too, am disappointed with the Rx data so far. It does not, however, match what I’m experiencing in the field. There is interest. There are docs using. There are patients and parents coming back saying the medication does what were saying and, in some cases, is life altering. The growth might be slower than we wanted, but I am confident that it is coming.

Go ahead and call me an idiot or claim I’m management. You’ll just make yourself look stupid. I rather expect the best case scenario and be proven wrong than the worst case scenario and proven right.

Last week we had less prescriptions than we have reps. Need I say more?

I’ve been a high performing rep since I came here, and I too, am disappointed with the Rx data so far. It does not, however, match what I’m experiencing in the field. There is interest. There are docs using. There are patients and parents coming back saying the medication does what were saying and, in some cases, is life altering. The growth might be slower than we wanted, but I am confident that it is coming.

Go ahead and call me an idiot or claim I’m management. You’ll just make yourself look stupid. I rather expect the best case scenario and be proven wrong than the worst case scenario and proven right.

You could say more. Like why you seem to be cheering for the company you work for to not do well?

We have been told for years this was going to be the best opportunity we would ever see. I was not with the company for the launch of Oxtellar but I’m being told it looks a lot like the launch of Qelbree.

Maybe the company should do market research on viable products before spending millions to bring this failure to market. I actually had a doctor snicker and tell me today that no one is using Qelbree. I wanted to vomit. Soooo embarrassing to be a part of this.

We have been told for years this was going to be the best opportunity we would ever see. I was not with the company for the launch of Oxtellar but I’m being told it looks a lot like the launch of Qelbree.

Maybe the company should do market research on viable products before spending millions to bring this failure to market. I actually had a doctor snicker and tell me today that no one is using Qelbree. I wanted to vomit. Soooo embarrassing to be a part of this.

Exactly. We have been lied to and continue to be lied to. My Rd’s phony enthusiasm is already cringe but when my zd gets on a teams call to “amp us up” I don’t know who I feel more embarrassed for. They sound so rehearsed it’s sad. They’re more focused on babysitting and controlling us and putting on a show that everything is always positive and exciting versus being transparent and actually trusting reps to receive less than positive news and still continue to work hard. Why can’t we all act like adults? My RD acts like a high school kid at a pep rally, it’s embarrassing. Every interaction I have with my RD or zd results in further loss of credibility in them. And before I get attacked, I have been a high performing rep for years and work hard and am determined. But continuously let down by “my” company.

Are we going to address the pathetic launch bonus? Will management address is or say " this is a normal launch"?

Nothing catches us off guard. Guys what did you expect when launching a med in the middle of the summer. Now get ready to make a lot of money for our back to school rush.

expect some bs like that

Am I the only one who remember TR saying 810 was the blockbuster and 812 was the sidekick? I can see why this is being compared to Oxtellar. Docs are either afraid to see reps or are just unimpressed with non stimulants.

Am I the only one who remember TR saying 810 was the blockbuster and 812 was the sidekick? I can see why this is being compared to Oxtellar. Docs are either afraid to see reps or are just unimpressed with non stimulants.

812 was the sidekick until 810 was no more. No matter how hard you try you can’t attack the entire market with a non stimulant Rockville.

Am I the only one who remember TR saying 810 was the blockbuster and 812 was the sidekick? I can see why this is being compared to Oxtellar. Docs are either afraid to see reps or are just unimpressed with non stimulants.

I’m seeing doctors and many of them are impressed. If it’s not the same for you then I get it, that blows.

I’m seeing doctors and many of them are impressed. If it’s not the same for you then I get it, that blows.

Even if you have interest, even if you have scripts - there’s no way anyone is making anywhere near the kind of money a rep should make launching a drug. It’s unheard of to not have a guarantee

Even if you have interest, even if you have scripts - there’s no way anyone is making anywhere near the kind of money a rep should make launching a drug. It’s unheard of to not have a guarantee

Unheard of? Really? Based on your vast Pharma experience no doubt.

here’s a guarantee for you, get out and sell and quit bitching about everything constantly. Your severance isn’t guaranteed either.

Unheard of? Really? Based on your vast Pharma experience no doubt.

here’s a guarantee for you, get out and sell and quit bitching about everything constantly. Your severance isn’t guaranteed either.

I’ll tell you what is guaranteed: This place is gonna burn and when it does you are gonna have to start carrying a bag again. It’s all downhill for you in your career.

Unheard of? Really? Based on your vast Pharma experience no doubt.

here’s a guarantee for you, get out and sell and quit bitching about everything constantly. Your severance isn’t guaranteed either.

Yeah you win, you hire reps with no previous experience so we agree to the shitty salaries you offer and bogus bonus payouts. But hey genius, that doesn’t mean we don’t have friends in the industry. So stop deflecting with your “get out and sell” bs. If you’re too stupid to know reps are paid guaranteed bonus at launch then you’re even sadder than I thought and when this place goes under you’ll be in for a real rude awakening. Sweetie. Man are you a loser!

I’ll tell you what is guaranteed: This place is gonna burn and when it does you are gonna have to start carrying a bag again. It’s all downhill for you in your career.

I will never understand this guy who so badly wants the company that employs them to fail. Thus losing their job. If you’re right, which isn’t likely, I hope the satisfaction of winning an online message board fight softens the blow of unemployment.