They can take that ssp and shove it. I'm not memorizing anything. This is the dumbest company ever.
So if the ADHD-RS-5 is such a "commonly" used rating scale why do so many of my doctors look at me as if it has never been used in a phase 3 study? Also, with it being so "common" what specific products have used this rating scale in their phase 3 studies? Finally, if it's so "common" why do we feel the need to now explain it in our new SSP?
You are pathetic!!
Qelbree is the only product to use the RS-5 in a phIII study bc the 5 stands for version 5. As in it is the most recent version of the rating scale. So naturally older products used older versions of the ADHD-RS. If you’re going to complain, at least know what you are complaining about. Once again making us all look bad and delegitimizing real issues. You’re no better than the people you hate.
So you just made my point for me. If we are the only product to use the RS-5 it is not a commonly used rating scale which contradicts the statement in our SSP on page 8. Please see below for the direct quote from our SSP which I guess is a lie:
"This commonly used rating scale assesses the frequency of these symptoms on a scale from 0, or never, to 3, or very often for a maximum total score of 54."
I don’t understand what you don’t understand. The ADHD-RS-5 is the most recent recommended rating scale, published 1996, for the evaluation and diagnosis of ADHD. Meaning it is the currently recommended rating scale for healthcare providers to use. Yes, most older physicians are going to be more familiar with the RS-4, published in 1998, but what were we supposed to do? Not base the study off of the most recent rating scale for the disease state? The SSP stinks, but this isn’t why so stop whining about rating scales.
I don’t understand what you don’t understand. The ADHD-RS-5 is the most recent recommended rating scale, published 1996, for the evaluation and diagnosis of ADHD. Meaning it is the currently recommended rating scale for healthcare providers to use. Yes, most older physicians are going to be more familiar with the RS-4, published in 1998, but what were we supposed to do? Not base the study off of the most recent rating scale for the disease state? The SSP stinks, but this isn’t why so stop whining about rating scales.
Why are we saying it is a common measurement tool when we are the only product to ever use the RS-5. It's intentionally confusing to physicians and it makes us look bad.
It’s only confusing to you
Guess it’s confusing to almost the entire sales force and our doctors because ain’t nobody writing this shi$
We’re sales reps, 2+2=4 for us but so does 1+1+1+1 and 3+1 it doesn’t matter how you spin the SSP all it matters is that you get to the end goal of getting the dr to believe in the product. The data they give us might suck, but if you can deliver it in a way that’s informative and doesn’t break the rules there’s gotta be some drs that will see a need for it in their practice.
This place is a goddamn shit showGet in offices, get 3 scripts a week, get in si, then get your resume ready and leave