1) Thou shall not bad mouth PSS
2) Thou shall drink the kool-aid
3) Thou shall work days, nights, weekends and holidays
4) Thou shall pretend they are always busy
5) Thou shall do anything except their own job
6) Thou shall train and do the work of their "managers"
7) Thou shall be woke
8) Thou shall not accept work-life balance
9) Thou shall not expect any other department do their job
10) Thou shall be sales' bitch

Still true!

95% of that waste of money department is useless. But hey, if an organization started by idiotic mentally ill people who later "left" to give it to another more idiotic and even crazier b*tch, gives me a useless job... I would be useless too. PSS= People Sure (are) Stupid....Performance Seriously Sucks...

They should rebrand to the VPD (Vice President Department). Where the VP off a non-revenue generating group has an army of VPs reporting to her... with ED's reporting to the VPs and Directors reporting to the EDs.... that leaves 6 people who work.

Hear the amazing gne frm leadership is falling apart? Marc, Dan and Shari are left? feel sorry for all of you because that is a group of rejects

Reject Island, please don’t forget Erin D. Her West region led the nation in HR issues. Genentech retreads who can’t critically think or act professionally.

Biggest joke in pharma... Here is the recruiting commercial for PSS:

"No experience??? No problem!!! You're hired as a director.... now go find the people [6 of them] who know what they are doing... to teach you and do your job!"

PSS is hemorrhaging FRM’s. No one wants to stay in such a toxic work environment.

Is the above referring to CRM? Or what division?
Yes Patrick, CRM, and it's because of the toxic culture you've created. Stop surfing cafe Pharma and do something constructive like maybe finding some empathy. Best of luck to anyone stuck here working for you and the unqualified mouthpieces you've hired over truly good and talented people.

Yes Patrick, CRM, and it's because of the toxic culture you've created. Stop surfing cafe Pharma and do something constructive like maybe finding some empathy. Best of luck to anyone stuck here working for you and the unqualified mouthpieces you've hired over truly good and talented people.
I can fill ya wit' real millionaire shit (I can fill ya)
Escargot, my car go one-sixty, swiftly (come on)
Wreck it, buy a new one
Your crew run-run-run, your crew run-run

Yes Patrick, CRM, and it's because of the toxic culture you've created. Stop surfing cafe Pharma and do something constructive like maybe finding some empathy. Best of luck to anyone stuck here working for you and the unqualified mouthpieces you've hired over truly good and talented people.

CRM is a complete and total shit show. Patrick a GSK refugee and the former Genentech do- nothing leadership team bring zero value to PSS.

How is it humanly possible to find so many idiots, this unqualified, to work in one department? Forget about one group of do-nothing mental midgets!!! Has to be a Guinness Book WR or something. If you want to be successful in any other organization, look at the decisions these morons make and do the complete opposite. Guaranteed success.