on the access and reimbursement team I have seen much more management than actual leadership action and impact

it is also gross how these managers, meaning ARL's and RD's are constantly thanking each other on the various conference calls for simply doing their jobs. Stop thanking and praising each other all the time. the narcissism of these clowns is mind boggling.

thank you is not enough for what they make my RD do here

As bizarrely incoherent as this post is, the best part is "work in the field an 8 hour day".
I'm not sure what your hangup is with the PSS team, but do you think anyone works eight hours a day?
The best reps in the company work half that and a decent percentage aren't working at all.
Why should they?
When Vas announces 8,000 people are getting canned you can anticipate decreased motivation.
Pretending to work while looking for the escape hatch is not only smart, you're a fool if you're doing things differently.

RD’s are making over 300k a year. If they don’t like the heat, get out of the kitchen.

RD's make WAY more than frm and adsar. the base is ridiculous, LTI is SIGNIFICANTLY higher, bonus gets them way up there. If you add up that difference over the course of 5 to 7 years they are making HUNDREDS of thousands of dollars (into the millions) more than your typical frm and adsar. This is not an opinion just fact.

So whenever these pompous a$$hole RDs tell you they are not in leadership because of money, they are lying through their teeth.

RD's make WAY more than frm and adsar. the base is ridiculous, LTI is SIGNIFICANTLY higher, bonus gets them way up there. If you add up that difference over the course of 5 to 7 years they are making HUNDREDS of thousands of dollars (into the millions) more than your typical frm and adsar. This is not an opinion just fact.

So whenever these pompous a$$hole RDs tell you they are not in leadership because of money, they are lying through their teeth.

Don’t even try to pull that one. Putting the adsar and frm in the same compensation bucket. At least a director is supposed to get paid more than us but you adsars don’t do anything different than us frms and you get stock and make damn near 300k. Get the f%*k out of here. Nice try though

Can speak to that. As an ADRA, we get you access and spoon feed you on how to get an RX approved or appeal a denial. All you have to do is create demand and go SELL something. Go find another job Loser !

RD's make WAY more than frm and adsar. the base is ridiculous, LTI is SIGNIFICANTLY higher, bonus gets them way up there. If you add up that difference over the course of 5 to 7 years they are making HUNDREDS of thousands of dollars (into the millions) more than your typical frm and adsar. This is not an opinion just fact.

So whenever these pompous a$$hole RDs tell you they are not in leadership because of money, they are lying through their teeth.

Professional posers.

I saw SH's S&O person KB came to us in PSS. He has no PSS experience and is now has a VP role in PSS? Looks like PSS wants to hire more people who are all talk, no work and good at politics / backstabbing to get ahead.

I saw SH's S&O person KB came to us in PSS. He has no PSS experience and is now has a VP role in PSS? Looks like PSS wants to hire more people who are all talk, no work and good at politics / backstabbing to get ahead.

Why do you think we hired everyone from Genentech? Talking heads with zero substance.

I saw SH's S&O person KB came to us in PSS. He has no PSS experience and is now has a VP role in PSS? Looks like PSS wants to hire more people who are all talk, no work and good at politics / backstabbing to get ahead.
Yes Kb is a piece of shit arrogant and a jerk with no experience
He once told me “ you know who I hire- only the people from best colleges “ meanwhile he knows nothing about pss or. Market access
It’s a friends and family event with EW and JF

How did JF even make it to Vp from brand with no exp in pss
None of them have an MBA or a reliable degree to understand the business and have still made it

PS and CA another bunch of ass kisser no ethics only bs the last 4 years would love to see some better leaders in pss all a bunch load of shit

ps created a horrible pirogram for leqvio - complicated as hell ti adopt by hcps

anyone who tried ti speak was silenced and they had o we two years ti bulild a fail fast program and then gets promoted