Primary Care Divison manager downsizing

JH hired me a few years ago and i cannot say one bad thing about him. the people on here that dont like him are the same lazy asses that dont work and do nothing but whine all day. the truth is, his region has produced consistent results and he is a winner. he may have cleaned house when he got here by getting rid of all the lazy, overpaid, complainers, but he replaced them with results oriented people like himself. i am happy for him, he will do great at vertex, and i would love to work with him again. stop bashing him you lazy, ungrateful morons.

Well said!

Yeah, Im sure you've seen video proof of an ongoing affair. You also saw his review and salary right? Anyway what I do know for a fact is that he is leaving with the only region at 100% of goal, and he won PCA a couple of years ago. Not bad for a young RSD here only 4 years. Anyway, he's got the last laugh. He starts an exciting new career with an absolutely revolutionary new drug, at a great company. You on the otherhand are biting your nails, waiting to be dismissed from a sinking ship. Everyone has some issues, even you. I know JH, and one thing I know is that he is as sharp as a tack,

So how is that exciting new career going for JH nowadays?

Please, would you roche losers just shut up. You mean nothing to the Genentech, you bring in nothing. Did you enjoy the extra 1500lbs of candy we brought in for you at the NSM?

We did fill "surveys" on this idiot and hopefully he's getting the can, some of us also had called HR which I think prompted having to do the survey; In all my years in sales this guy takes the cake in achieving new low standards of behavior and management skills, what were they thinking when they put this clown in; we could easily and hopefully be integrated into another divisioin where the manager actually has the skill set to manage people and does it without the arrogance and incompetence; get rid of this dweeb

It was true and you got your demotion!! LOL!!

That's why you get fired from every company you go work, we got rid of you from here at DNA and Cocka Roche doesn't want you either, we've been documenting your lack of sales and you're history from here, we've also had doctors call the home office complaining about your off label promotion in Gainesville and Jacksonville, you moron

That's why you get fired from every company you go work, we got rid of you from here at DNA and R oche doesn't want you either, we've been documenting your lack of sales and you're history from here, we've also had doctors call the home office complaining about your off label promotion in G aines ville and Ja ckson ville, you moron

KS you're not a manager anymore because you're an incompetent clown, really dumb, you're countdown has started to get rid of you, we'll all be very very happy once you get "laid off", leave on your own and save us money, you deadbeat bozo