Primary Care Divison manager downsizing

Genentech has always placed great importance in the communication and trust between their sales representatives and their managers. It is very important that the relationship between reps and managers is one of confidence. They realize this relationship is critical to growth of sales. A SSF source told me today the criteria for the PC DSM downsizing will be based on manager surveys from last year and current sales standings within the respective regions this year. I was told any managers that have bad records with HR
( multiple complaints from reps), and had poor manager surveys from last year, along with poor sales performance this year will be the first to go. It's clear this abusive style of management is not what Genentech is looking for in the future.

What this means is any division manager who has enjoyed being a tyrannical dictator with their division will now have to pay for it by losing their job. If your division never trusted or had confidence in you, and they conveyed that in their surveys, it has now finally caught up to you. After the surveys results were known, if you had a meeting or intervention by your regional manager, this is in your record. Additionally, if you are now in the lower half of your region in sales, it's time to pay for your lack of performance and lack of professionalism with your division.

Looks like there really is such a thing as karma.

This makes good sense to me. Why keep the ineffective managers that have no connection to their division sales reps? If their sales are poor, this is probably the reason.

The problem is that you have some managers that are on the bottom end of their region in their directors opinion , but have had sales success the past few years. Believe it or not it is not always about sales but kissing ass and if you don,t kiss the right ass you are dragged through the crap for no other reason than your regional does not like you, for some reason low self esteem directors are easily threatened.

this happens all the time in Primary care,

I don't buy it. I never was asked to fill out any survey. The only evaluations are reviews and sales rankings.

Not true. You were never asked to fill out a survey because there were no serious HR issues with your manager. Managers with poor records with HR had surveys distributed to their division reps last year. The surveys are anonymous in an effort to keep the managers from having a chance for retaliation to the reps, which they know they will do. When a whole division has the same input showing they have no trust or confidence in the manager, the RSM is brought in for a meeting with the DSM. DSM's with this type of record with sales performance at the bottom of their region will be eliminated first, as they should be.

Not true. You were never asked to fill out a survey because there were no serious HR issues with your manager. Managers with poor records with HR had surveys distributed to their division reps last year. The surveys are anonymous in an effort to keep the managers from having a chance for retaliation to the reps, which they know they will do. When a whole division has the same input showing they have no trust or confidence in the manager, the RSM is brought in for a meeting with the DSM. DSM's with this type of record with sales performance at the bottom of their region will be eliminated first, as they should be.

this is happening across all franchises. If you have been talked to by the rsm, regardless of how you thought it went, you now have a hr file and they are moveing to take you out of the company.

Although in Growth Hormone, Kenneth Stevens, fits this description like a OJ Simpson glove, can the loser, he smells like an outhouse

We did fill "surveys" on this idiot and hopefully he's getting the can, some of us also had called HR which I think prompted having to do the survey; In all my years in sales this guy takes the cake in achieving new low standards of behavior and management skills, what were they thinking when they put this clown in; we could easily and hopefully be integrated into another divisioin where the manager actually has the skill set to manage people and does it without the arrogance and incompetence; get rid of this dweeb

The problem is that you have some managers that are on the bottom end of their region in their directors opinion , but have had sales success the past few years. Believe it or not it is not always about sales but kissing ass and if you don,t kiss the right ass you are dragged through the crap for no other reason than your regional does not like you, for some reason low self esteem directors are easily threatened.

this happens all the time in Primary care,

Which Regional in Primary Care?

What the best guess as to when the PC cuts are going to take place? Has anyone heard of a timeline?

Everything is speculation! I hope they will offer some retirements first cause they can have my job. I just can't do it anymore. It would be sad if they retained people like me while some poor shlep with a couple of kids gets laid off.

Re: Primary Care Division manager downsizing

Most likely before November 1, when benefits selection is due.

Anyone who has been in this industry should know to Never, I mean Never depend on HR to be on your side. Don't bother to call them, it just makes things worse. Look at the market, Biotech and Pharma have changed. It is a contract type job not a career and to those of you who feel more years worked will help you; you are in for a big shock. The newer people are paid less and expect less. Take a business class, we are in a recession....

OP said "Genentech has always placed great importance in the communication and trust between their sales representatives and their managers. It is very important that the relationship between reps and managers is one of confidence. They realize this relationship is critical to growth of sales. A SSF source told me today the criteria for the PC DSM downsizing will be based on manager surveys from last year and current sales standings "

Are you kidding me??? Gennentech and trust shouldnt be in same sentence period. As far as rankings, this happened at AZ check out