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PML cases now reach 82!

Another quote from that same article: "The drug is widely considered the most effective on the market... ."

From the Motley Fool: "Biogen and Elan should be able to handle the PML issue much easier. The drugmakers have developed a test for the virus that causes PML after Tysabri suppresses the immune system, which should be available later this year. Patients who don't have the dormant virus in their system aren't likely to get PML, which should give them increased confidence in taking the drug."

Also, the overall risk is only up to 1.06 out of 1,000, and there have been no additional deaths.

It's obvious you're both angry about being let go, and now trying to compete against Tysabri, but everyone here knows your angle, and it's not getting you anywhere. Sorry.

Another quote from that same article: "The drug is widely considered the most effective on the market... ."

Considering the track record for previous MS medications, it doesn't take much to be the "most effective on the market."

From the Motley Fool: "Biogen and Elan should be able to handle the PML issue much easier. The drugmakers have developed a test for the virus that causes PML after Tysabri suppresses the immune system, which should be available later this year. Patients who don't have the dormant virus in their system aren't likely to get PML, which should give them increased confidence in taking the drug."

It would be nice to know that if you didn't have the JC Virus in your system (only bout 30% of the general population do not) you wouldn't get PML. But that's not the case. One can test negative and still end up getting PML after using Tysabri. I can just see how Biogen will incorporate this test into their marketing scheme.

Also, the overall risk is only up to 1.06 out of 1,000, and there have been no additional deaths.

I like how you minimize the risk level...in typical Biogen fashion!! The risk has more than doubled in users over 2 years and you are using overall data and saying no additional deaths. Unbelievable!

It's obvious you're both angry about being let go, and now trying to compete against Tysabri, but everyone here knows your angle, and it's not getting you anywhere. Sorry.

Keep on thinking that I'm a former Biogen employee if that makes you happy. My angle? There's no "angle" nor anger here, buddy. Just fact that Tysabri is a dangerous drug that will disappear in the not-to-distant future.

That information came directly from those press clippings. It ain't me saying it. Sorry.

You've been crying on cafepharma about how Tysabri will disappear ever since you were fired. And you've been wrong all that time...56,000 patients wrong. So, how long is it gonna take? Gee, everything disappears eventually. I guess you must be right.

Don't take it so hard. Lots of people got fired at the same time you did. And you did find another job eventually, albeit with just some competing company.

That information came directly from those press clippings. It ain't me saying it. Sorry.

It's those same clippings that continue to tell us that the PML risk has been increasing since the drug was released.

You've been crying on cafepharma about how Tysabri will disappear ever since you were fired. And you've been wrong all that time...56,000 patients wrong. So, how long is it gonna take? Gee, everything disappears eventually. I guess you must be right.

You continue to think that I'm a fired Biogen employee...dream on, buddy. So you think that 56,000 patients on the drug is a big deal....why don't you tell us how many MS patients Biogen told us would be on the drug within a year of its approval? Over 5 times that amount, buddy!! So what went wrong?

Don't take it so hard. Lots of people got fired at the same time you did. And you did find another job eventually, albeit with just some competing company.

Looks like it isn't difficult to fool you, is it? Keep on thinking that...it makes me feel good :)))

1.06/1000 - overall risk
2.13/1000 at >2 years
minimal data post 2 - 3 years

- May never see much data past the 2 year mark because patients are taking a break out of fear
- How many patients want to take a drug for just two years and then go through the "flushing" process - not too many
- Even if there is a test for PML there are no guarantees that a patient cannot get PML
- Even if a patient can take Tysabri without risk of PML there is little information regarding the overall impact to the immune system after long term use of using a monoclonal antibody (5/6 years)

It is about time to find an innovative means to help control MS since the path research is taking focusing almost soley on supressing and/or blocking the immune system is not working too well.

It's those same clippings that continue to tell us that the PML risk has been increasing since the drug was released.

You continue to think that I'm a fired Biogen employee...dream on, buddy. So you think that 56,000 patients on the drug is a big deal....why don't you tell us how many MS patients Biogen told us would be on the drug within a year of its approval? Over 5 times that amount, buddy!! So what went wrong?

Looks like it isn't difficult to fool you, is it? Keep on thinking that...it makes me feel good :)))

Whoopsy. It's the trademark stupid smiley face of the guy oft-referred to as joe2 on previous threads. What's that little black mark on your calendar that rolls around every year and keeps you so pissed off at Biogen? Oh yes, it's Spyglass.

Whoopsy. It's the trademark stupid smiley face of the guy oft-referred to as joe2 on previous threads. What's that little black mark on your calendar that rolls around every year and keeps you so pissed off at Biogen? Oh yes, it's Spyglass.

You can call me what you want, buddy. If you think using smilies makes me joe2 or whomever, be my guest. You already thing that I'm a fired Biogen employee and that's wrong as well. What a group of losers on this board. Just read a couple of the other threads and you can see how nice everyone is to one another at Biogen.

It's amazing how the two of you can spend so much time focusing on your inane debate.

Who cares if the smiley guy is joe2 and who cares that you are some self-righteous Biogen rep believing you are so altruistic in you pursuit of selling Tysabri. What a waste of time!

Why don't the two of you concern yourself with what is important in life and hang up this rediculous time wasting argument.

There are real people who suffer from this dreaded disease and no therapy is ideal.

They all have risks, they all have rewards, they all have their levels of efficacy. Stop disrespecting the people that do suffer from MS and have to make some hard choices when deciding treatment. Please end this nonsense.

You can call me what you want, buddy. If you think using smilies makes me joe2 or whomever, be my guest. You already thing that I'm a fired Biogen employee and that's wrong as well. What a group of losers on this board. Just read a couple of the other threads and you can see how nice everyone is to one another at Biogen.

I see that the moron who thinks everyone is joe2 has turned his sights on you for the time being. It doesn't matter who you are...the minute you point out anything that he feels goes against his beloved Tysabri, you are going to be accused of being this joe2 and being a fired Biogen employee.

What inane debate? I responded to this guy two days ago, so smarten up. What's disrespectful to MS patients? He got canned by Biogen and started posting on the board 5 years ago. All his flaming about PML when 56,000 all over the world continue to use Tysabri. Like they don't know about PML better than he does. So why all the flaming for years and years? Because he's got this big old grudge.

Disrespectful to patients? Go talk to this guy about that. I didn't start this thread, and I'm not the one who's been posting this stuff for years.

It's those same clippings that continue to tell us that the PML risk has been increasing since the drug was released.

You continue to think that I'm a fired Biogen employee...dream on, buddy. So you think that 56,000 patients on the drug is a big deal....why don't you tell us how many MS patients Biogen told us would be on the drug within a year of its approval? Over 5 times that amount, buddy!! So what went wrong?

Looks like it isn't difficult to fool you, is it? Keep on thinking that...it makes me feel good :)))

People should boycott Copaxone, Rebif and Gileniya because of jerks like this. What kind of sales rep spends all his time trying to undermine the decisions patients are making just cause he was fired by another company?

It's amazing how the two of you can spend so much time focusing on your inane debate.

Yep, it really is a dumb debate, isn't it. The guy can't stand to read anything that points out the risk of his beloved Tysabri. He immediately goes on the attack when this happens.

Who cares if the smiley guy is joe2 and who cares that you are some self-righteous Biogen rep believing you are so altruistic in you pursuit of selling Tysabri. What a waste of time!

I agree, who cares. Too bad the moron continually accuses me and anyone else of being joe2. Guess he has this obsession he can't let go. And yes, it IS a total waste of time.

Why don't the two of you concern yourself with what is important in life and hang up this rediculous time wasting argument.

I'd be glad to quit the bickering but he won't. He repeats the same old joe2, fired Biogen employee day after day. Talk about a pain in the ass.

There are real people who suffer from this dreaded disease and no therapy is ideal.

You certainly have that right. How long have MS patients been using these expensive, immune system altering powerful drugs without any remote chance of a cure? There is only one certain result from them....a lot of money in their bank accounts.

They all have risks, they all have rewards, they all have their levels of efficacy. Stop disrespecting the people that do suffer from MS and have to make some hard choices when deciding treatment. Please end this nonsense.

Yep...risk vs benefit and choice. It's just that my debater can't stand for anyone to point out the risk. I don't disrespect people who suffer from this dreaded disease. I know far too many of them for that to happen. It's too bad that "buddy" feels it necessary to bad mouth anyone who questions his beloved Tysabri.

Yep, it really is a dumb debate, isn't it. The guy can't stand to read anything that points out the risk of his beloved Tysabri. He immediately goes on the attack when this happens.

I agree, who cares. Too bad the moron continually accuses me and anyone else of being joe2. Guess he has this obsession he can't let go. And yes, it IS a total waste of time.

I'd be glad to quit the bickering but he won't. He repeats the same old joe2, fired Biogen employee day after day. Talk about a pain in the ass.

You certainly have that right. How long have MS patients been using these expensive, immune system altering powerful drugs without any remote chance of a cure? There is only one certain result from them....a lot of money in their bank accounts.

Yep...risk vs benefit and choice. It's just that my debater can't stand for anyone to point out the risk. I don't disrespect people who suffer from this dreaded disease. I know far too many of them for that to happen. It's too bad that "buddy" feels it necessary to bad mouth anyone who questions his beloved Tysabri.

As the person who re-starts these angry rants every time, you're hardly in a position to criticize anyone. You are the one who starts these threads every time and simply can't stop. Everyone else is just responding and calling you out as the resentful guy you are.

As far as Tysabri is conerned, you've been out-voted 56,000 to 1. And yet you continue to whine and resent people doing well. Pretty pathetic.

As the person who re-starts these angry rants every time, you're hardly in a position to criticize anyone. You are the one who starts these threads every time and simply can't stop. Everyone else is just responding and calling you out as the resentful guy you are.

As far as Tysabri is conerned, you've been out-voted 56,000 to 1. And yet you continue to whine and resent people doing well. Pretty pathetic.

I guess when someone makes a comment that the number of PML cases has risen and the risk has increased (both facts) that is seen by you as an angry rant. And when you ramble back that I'm a fired Biogen employee who has a grudge and make nasty comments, that's perfectly acceptable! And if anyone else makes the similar comment about Tysabri and PML, you make the same accusations all over again. You really are a moron, aren't you?

People should boycott Copaxone, Rebif and Gileniya because of jerks like this. What kind of sales rep spends all his time trying to undermine the decisions patients are making just cause he was fired by another company?

You delusional idiot!! You continue to think that I'm a sales rep from another company which can't be anything farther from the truth. Are you really that stupid or you simply can't help it? Do you honestly think that a sales rep from any of these other drug companies would come here and continue to debate with you? If you think that, then you are dumber than I thought.

You delusional idiot!! Are you really that stupid or you simply can't help it? If you think that, then you are dumber than I thought.

Hahahahaha. How are you still so angry so many years after being laid off?

And you want us to believe you're just some disinterested bystander. What a hoot. With rage like that, not likely. On past threads, looks like you managed to button up your rage and try to play it cool now and then. But it always bubbled up eventually. You were pegged some time ago. Your feelings betray you, son.

You delusional idiot!! You continue to think that I'm a sales rep from another company which can't be anything farther from the truth. Are you really that stupid or you simply can't help it? Do you honestly think that a sales rep from any of these other drug companies would come here and continue to debate with you? If you think that, then you are dumber than I thought.

Why are you freaking out?

Hahahahaha. How are you still so angry so many years after being laid off?

How can one be angry for being laid off when he never worked for Biogen in the first place? It's the delusional attitude from you that's amazing.

And you want us to believe you're just some disinterested bystander. What a hoot. With rage like that, not likely. On past threads, looks like you managed to button up your rage and try to play it cool now and then. But it always bubbled up eventually. You were pegged some time ago. Your feelings betray you, son.

Well, you have no idea who I am and I don't care what you believe. You seem to also think that other posters on this thread are me as well. Now THAT is funny! I sit back and chuckle as you pretend to know who everyone is.

You keep on using the same old lines, time and time again. No wonder some of the readers state that this debate is beyond stupidity. With people like you contributing, they are totally correct :))))

Why are you freaking out?

I'm not sure how you equate telling someone how stupid they are to "freaking out." You and others for months have tried using the same old argument with me, thinking I'm some former Biogen employee who is bitter at being laid off and is venting my anger on this board.

And I'll say it again so even you can understand...nothing can be further from the truth. I continue to indicate one thing and that is that Tyabri is a very risky drug for MS patients and Biogen continues to downplay this at every opportunity so they can try and keep revenues as high as possible. The risk continues to rise. But that's all you and a few others harp on is to say I'm a former, bitter Biogen employee.

Keep on thinking that I you want and continue to look totally stupid at doing so.

I'm not sure how you equate telling someone how stupid they are to "freaking out." You and others for months have tried using the same old argument with me, thinking I'm some former Biogen employee who is bitter at being laid off and is venting my anger on this board.

And I'll say it again so even you can understand...nothing can be further from the truth. I continue to indicate one thing and that is that Tyabri is a very risky drug for MS patients and Biogen continues to downplay this at every opportunity so they can try and keep revenues as high as possible. The risk continues to rise. But that's all you and a few others harp on is to say I'm a former, bitter Biogen employee.

Keep on thinking that I you want and continue to look totally stupid at doing so.

I don't think you're telling anyone anything that people taking Tysabri don't already know. Take it easy, there. No need to get so upset.

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