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PML cases now reach 82!

When you play make believe, you need to also write one of your usual nasty replies along with it. Everyone knows you don't go for a day without posting.

It's OK. We know the back story now.

If you want to believe that I'm making up a story, that's fine. The fact that anyone can be cruel enough to make up a story about a lovely gentleman that suffered greatly and eventually died from a horrible disease is absolutely horrifying in my opinion.

I have no desire to get in the middle of the bitter and stupid feud you have with whomever. It's not my concern.

Personally, I simply just hope that you never have to witness first hand what my family has.

Perhaps you should consider that there are actual human beings involved behind this disease and not a paycheck. Perhaps you prefer to think people make up MS stories because it helps you to maintain an ignorant moron status. Perhaps you should consider changing careers.

Whatever - I have no desire to debate with an idiot so I am choosing not to reply any further.

Before you make another assumption, I am the poster with the 57 year old brother-in-law with MS that passed away.

Perhaps you can use "big boy words" and not resort to name calling, but in the same breath you are quite ignorant and cruel.

And if anyone doesn't care about MS patients, it certainly is you. Grow up and get a life and if you don't want whomever you are addressing to come back - why don't you stop posting. Now there's an idea.

This is shameful, joe. You know, there are real people out there who really have lost people they care about. You being unable to move on with your life doesn't justify this kind of thing. Just disgusting and shameful.

This is shameful, joe. You know, there are real people out there who really have lost people they care about. You being unable to move on with your life doesn't justify this kind of thing. Just disgusting and shameful.

You continue to be an absolute moron! You are so obsessed that I am writing all these other posts you can't separate reality from fantasy.

You now have me the same person as joe, Patient1, and at least 3 other "anonymous" posters, the latest being the guy who had a relative pass away from MS. Congratulations, your delusion has hit an all time high. You are a sick individual who needs help. How sad.

You continue to be an absolute moron! You are so obsessed that I am writing all these other posts you can't separate reality from fantasy.

You now have me the same person as joe, Patient1, and at least 3 other "anonymous" posters, the latest being the guy who had a relative pass away from MS. Congratulations, your delusion has hit an all time high. You are a sick individual who needs help. How sad.

You shouldn't go around calling people morons. Everyone thinks you are disgusting and offensive to patients. All you care about are your sales and your grudge against the company that fired you.

You all are disgraceful and miserable.

For all any of you know that person describing the death of their brother-in-law is real.

Though 90% of the crap on this site is likely bogus nonsense (I doubt any of you are over 18 and are just little stupid flamers) but on the outside chance that person is real, you couldn't just ignore them. You had to act like despicable pieces of crap.

The person's response was extremely gracious considering the junk you spewed at them and they were far too nice. Frankly, I hope you all receive the payback you deserve for all the bad karma you spread.

You all are disgraceful and miserable.

For all any of you know that person describing the death of their brother-in-law is real.

Though 90% of the crap on this site is likely bogus nonsense (I doubt any of you are over 18 and are just little stupid flamers) but on the outside chance that person is real, you couldn't just ignore them. You had to act like despicable pieces of crap.

The person's response was extremely gracious considering the junk you spewed at them and they were far too nice. Frankly, I hope you all receive the payback you deserve for all the bad karma you spread.

Unlike you, I wouldn't wish payback or anything bad on someone else, but I will say you're unfailingly the most ungrateful person here.

This is pointless. I'm out of here.

I leave you with some truths.

This thread and those inflammatory ones that preceded it are driven by a sales rep who was let go by Biogen years ago. He has been posting on cafepharma ever since, thinking he is somehow exacting some sort of "revenge." He is clearly very angry, feels bad about himself and is surprisingly unable to move on with his life. Naturally, he will disclaim this forever, but his behavior and words make it impossible for him to hide. At the end of the day, he can't win because nothing he says here matters. We can laugh at him and ignore him. But he's stuck with himself, knowing all of this.

Continual rants about PML are insulting to MS patients and the people who treat them. Tens of thousands of people around the world are using Tysabri. They are at least as informed as the self-serving person who claims they shouldn't be able to have it.

Cafepharma is not a source of new, valid information about MS or MS drugs. It's just a place for rants. Posts are self-serving, not to inform anyone. Looking for credible information here about anything is foolish. Getting upset about it is even more foolish. There is no good reason anyone living with MS should be on this board. If I bothered anyone who is just an innocent patient or relative, I'm sorry for that. But most such posts are not patients, and people should know better.

As I said when the initial thread began, I haven't worked at Biogen in years. I did work there. Like anywhere else, most of the people at Biogen are good. They have the kind of resumes that would allow them to choose from many high-paying careers. They could have been on Wall Street. They could have been in consulting. They chose biotech because they thought it would let them be part of something meaningful, in addition to challenging them and paying well.

Rant away. I'll take the moral victory by bowing out. There's no doubt joe will post again and continue to post under one name or another. I'm sure it will continue to be obvious to everyone reading. Too bad for him that nothing he says here has any impact.

Unlike you, I wouldn't wish payback or anything bad on someone else, but I will say you're unfailingly the most ungrateful person here.

Ungrateful - no. Your base behavior towards anyone and everyone makes your opinion of me irrelevant.

Perhaps you are the ungrateful person here. You have an opportunity to do good with the type of work you do. You should be ashamed of yourself for how you speak to everyone regardless of whether they are some fired rep as you unfailingly assume or some person who had a family member pass away from a dreaded disease.

I do well, but frankly, even with my good status it is no picnic to live with MS. If you are as altruistic as you claim (despite your cruelty), and you want to so-call help people with MS, perhaps you need to gain some compassion.

This is pointless. I'm out of here.

I leave you with some truths.

This thread and those inflammatory ones that preceded it are driven by a sales rep who was let go by Biogen years ago. He has been posting on cafepharma ever since, thinking he is somehow exacting some sort of "revenge." He is clearly very angry, feels bad about himself and is surprisingly unable to move on with his life. Naturally, he will disclaim this forever, but his behavior and words make it impossible for him to hide. At the end of the day, he can't win because nothing he says here matters. We can laugh at him and ignore him. But he's stuck with himself, knowing all of this.

Continual rants about PML are insulting to MS patients and the people who treat them. Tens of thousands of people around the world are using Tysabri. They are at least as informed as the self-serving person who claims they shouldn't be able to have it.

Cafepharma is not a source of new, valid information about MS or MS drugs. It's just a place for rants. Posts are self-serving, not to inform anyone. Looking for credible information here about anything is foolish. Getting upset about it is even more foolish. There is no good reason anyone living with MS should be on this board. If I bothered anyone who is just an innocent patient or relative, I'm sorry for that. But most such posts are not patients, and people should know better.

As I said when the initial thread began, I haven't worked at Biogen in years. I did work there. Like anywhere else, most of the people at Biogen are good. They have the kind of resumes that would allow them to choose from many high-paying careers. They could have been on Wall Street. They could have been in consulting. They chose biotech because they thought it would let them be part of something meaningful, in addition to challenging them and paying well.

Rant away. I'll take the moral victory by bowing out. There's no doubt joe will post again and continue to post under one name or another. I'm sure it will continue to be obvious to everyone reading. Too bad for him that nothing he says here has any impact.

What a guy - you finally realize this is pointless.

You also once again assume you know who is posting what on a site that everyone hides behind "anonymous."

You say you leave with truths yet follow with looking for credible information is foolish. What is it - pick one?

I have said from the very beginning on the rediculous thread that lasted nearly 800 posts that this was hideously disrespectful to patients. You think patients don't come here. Well they do, and that should be considered before they are off-handedly dismissed and there is an assumption made that they are just someone with a revenge wish.

I don't recall anyone saying that MS patients should not be able to have Tysabri. That is an absurdity. They do point out the rising incident rate, but that is simply a fact.

And yes I am sure there are a lot of capable people working at Biogen who could have chosen differently, but Biogen's best face is certainly not being put forward by the nonsense that has transpired on this site.

So you go ahead and take that moral victory and not post again. I haven't come to this sight since after Thanksgiving, but couldn't help but notice not much has changed.

I have no desire to comment further either and probably won't visit this site for another month or two, but I won't falsely believe I'm on a moral high ground either.

You shouldn't go around calling people morons. Everyone thinks you are disgusting and offensive to patients. All you care about are your sales and your grudge against the company that fired you.

Do you honestly think that I ever worked for a company like Biogen??!! Give your head a shake. And BTW, I call people what appropriately suits them.

Unlike you, I wouldn't wish payback or anything bad on someone else, but I will say you're unfailingly the most ungrateful person here.

Ungrateful to whom? You? Whomever Patient1 is, the only thing you took away is lack of gratitude? Your are rediculous. I am the person with the 57 year old brother-in-law that passed. They are right, my response was nicer than it should be, but I've learned to recognize ignorance when it presents itself. And you are without a doubt ignorant.

I will no longer respond to any of you further. One thing Patient1 has right; karma is a bitch and I don't wish anything ill on anyone, but you may want to temper your approach a little and not tempt the fates.

This is pointless. I'm out of here.

Promises, promises, Sunshine. You already went this route only to come back and say you didn't make the comment in the first place. Please prove me wrong this time and disappear for good.

I leave you with some truths.

Don't you mean what you feel is the truth?

Like thinking that I'm Patient 1, joe 2 plus a host of other anonymous posters. You are so obsessed and angry with me you think that I post everything on this thread. [/quote]

This thread and those inflammatory ones that preceded it are driven by a sales rep who was let go by Biogen years ago. He has been posting on cafepharma ever since, thinking he is somehow exacting some sort of "revenge." He is clearly very angry, feels bad about himself and is surprisingly unable to move on with his life. Naturally, he will disclaim this forever, but his behavior and words make it impossible for him to hide. At the end of the day, he can't win because nothing he says here matters. We can laugh at him and ignore him. But he's stuck with himself, knowing all of this.

This is your first lie. I am NOT a former Biogen employee.

I am NOT angry despite what you state. Remember when you said you knew who I was in the past thread and threatened to tell everyone on the board. I challenged you several times to make good that threat and of course, you never did. Another veiled threat.

Continual rants about PML are insulting to MS patients and the people who treat them. Tens of thousands of people around the world are using Tysabri. They are at least as informed as the self-serving person who claims they shouldn't be able to have it.

Rants about PML??!! Anybody on this thread who has mentioned the PML risk numbes gets attacked by your scathing posts. Remember when I talked about the risk ratio and rare disease definition on the other thread? There you were screaming that I made this information up. I eventually proved it to you, didn't I? So who is the "ranter"?

And then you say I claimed people shouldn't be able to use Tysabri! Another lie. That was never stated by me at any time.

Cafepharma is not a source of new, valid information about MS or MS drugs. It's just a place for rants. Posts are self-serving, not to inform anyone. Looking for credible information here about anything is foolish. Getting upset about it is even more foolish. There is no good reason anyone living with MS should be on this board. If I bothered anyone who is just an innocent patient or relative, I'm sorry for that. But most such posts are not patients, and people should know better.

Your solution here is to disappear and leave if you don't like what you read. But we all know you have fanned the flames on this board for months. Hopefully you will leave for good but I really doubt that.

As I said when the initial thread began, I haven't worked at Biogen in years. I did work there. Like anywhere else, most of the people at Biogen are good. They have the kind of resumes that would allow them to choose from many high-paying careers. They could have been on Wall Street. They could have been in consulting. They chose biotech because they thought it would let them be part of something meaningful, in addition to challenging them and paying well.

Is that why you lied to the readers here and told them via another "anonymous" poster that you had been fired from Biogen for being caught participating on this forum so oftern during your work hours? Yeah, "something meaningful"!!!

Rant away. I'll take the moral victory by bowing out. There's no doubt joe will post again and continue to post under one name or another. I'm sure it will continue to be obvious to everyone reading. Too bad for him that nothing he says here has any impact.

If you want to see who did all the ranting, look in the mirror.

I don't see anyone posting here who should be so self-righteous as to think you're not tempting fate.

I hope the truths poster is gone for good and wish you, Patient1 and all the other ranters were gone too. He was damn right about one thing. You don't know when to keep your mouth shut. Fired by Biogen or not, you're one crazy, pissed off guy who can't stop himself.

I don't see anyone posting here who should be so self-righteous as to think you're not tempting fate.

I hope the truths poster is gone for good and wish you, Patient1 and all the other ranters were gone too. He was damn right about one thing. You don't know when to keep your mouth shut. Fired by Biogen or not, you're one crazy, pissed off guy who can't stop himself.

You can step down from your pedestal now, drink some hot chocolate and go to bed for a nice sleep. I'm sure you will feel better in the morning.

And nobody is forcing you to read anything on this board

As of Jan. 7:
85 cases of PML
16 deaths
2.16/1000 for >24months
56,500 overall currently taking
1700 new patients in 4Q

The risk has more than doubled from what Biogen has preached to us from the beginning. Total users appears to be leveling off. Risk increase plus orals obviously having an effect on total sales. Guess it's time to increase the cost of the drug to ensure additional revenue generation.

The risk has more than doubled from what Biogen has preached to us from the beginning. Total users appears to be leveling off. Risk increase plus orals obviously having an effect on total sales. Guess it's time to increase the cost of the drug to ensure additional revenue generation.

What else would you expect a competing sales rep who lost his job at Biogen to say?

What else would you expect a competing sales rep who lost his job at Biogen to say?

When are you going to give up on that incorrect assumption? Talk about being obsessed with a non-truth. Try focusing on fact as difficult as it may be for you. Tysabri's risk of PML continues to rise and has so since day 1. The orals have arrived. Increase in total users has virtually come to a standstill. The writing is on the wall.


A couple of highlights...

After two years of monthly infusions, the incidence of PML is now 2.13 per 1,000 patients.

The overall rate of PML in clinical trials was 1 in 1000, a benchmark that has now been exceeded.

Of the 85 cases of PML reported, 16 patients have died, while 69 are still alive with varying degrees of disability.

Biogen is developing a test that it hopes will allow doctors to screen patients to identify which might be more likely to develop PML......

Looks like the PML incidence risk has more than doubled since the beginning. Researchers are also saying that even though one may test negative for the JC virus, that doesn't mean you can't get PML if on Tysabri.

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