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PML cases now reach 82!

You have that opinion because you have kept your head in the sand for a very long time. You simply can't stand people who don't agree with you and that is quite evident. Patient1 is quite correct when he mentions you need help. Get some quickly, you really need it.

Please note, I never mentioned that he needs help. Though he probably does need help. Anyone that cannot accept an opinion different from their own and assumes people are bitter or delusional, clearly does have some form of Borderline Personality Disorder. It seems there is also a little narcism thrown in for funsies.

Personally, I don't care. When I have something to say, I say it and move on. In my last post, I addressed point by point against his claims that I was being critical of those that work at Biogen and other rediculous repetitive rants, when I said nothing of the sort. I simply stated the patients' point of view. He can't accept that since the patients are taking the medication with a certain amount of risk attached to the endeavor that their opinion should, let me go out on a limb here, matter. He simply just wants to depersonalize the whole situation considering only his opinion as valid(I hate to assume but I doubt he has MS - I do). Again, a trait of a personality disorder.

Please note, I never mentioned that he needs help. Though he probably does need help. Anyone that cannot accept an opinion different from their own and assumes people are bitter or delusional, clearly does have some form of Borderline Personality Disorder. It seems there is also a little narcism thrown in for funsies.

Yes I realize you did not come right out and say he needed help but after pointing out his characteristics, you didn't have to!
Personally, I don't care. When I have something to say, I say it and move on. In my last post, I addressed point by point against his claims that I was being critical of those that work at Biogen and other rediculous repetitive rants, when I said nothing of the sort. I simply stated the patients' point of view. He can't accept that since the patients are taking the medication with a certain amount of risk attached to the endeavor that their opinion should, let me go out on a limb here, matter. He simply just wants to depersonalize the whole situation considering only his opinion as valid(I hate to assume but I doubt he has MS - I do). Again, a trait of a personality disorder.

I've pointed out these things about him in the past but it's a total waste of time. And I'm sure that he thinks that you and I are the same person...he's gone that route as well.

Sounds like you can't handle other people with differing opinions.

All I hear is bitterness and sour grapes. Sorry you didn't make it at Biogen. Sorry the drugs other people create aren't up to your standards. Why don't you show us how it's done?

Hanging out and bitching on the Biogen board for years really isn't doing anything or hurting anyone but you. Now that's psychotic.

Sounds like you can't handle other people with differing opinions.

You really can't be serious with that comment, can you?

All I hear is bitterness and sour grapes. Sorry you didn't make it at Biogen. Sorry the drugs other people create aren't up to your standards. Why don't you show us how it's done?

Can't you at least come up with something different? Those aged comments are really boring.

Hanging out and bitching on the Biogen board for years really isn't doing anything or hurting anyone but you. Now that's psychotic.

You really don't get it, do you?

It should be a crime to sell this drug thankfully there is real hope on the horizon.
Liberation therapy to correct CCSVI has been done on over 10,000 patients world wide. you guys like to do the math when it comes to how your competition is affecting your bonus.
I recommend you look again at what may be affecting all pharma's profit this year and next.
There's a new kid in town and he has bad news for you guys. I have more news for you, people with MS have begun to see through the smoke and mirrors that is Pharma and quiting your drugs anyway. Studies say they are not much better than placebo and thats with pharma in control of how they present the numbers.

It should be a crime to sell this drug thankfully there is real hope on the horizon.
Liberation therapy to correct CCSVI has been done on over 10,000 patients world wide. you guys like to do the math when it comes to how your competition is affecting your bonus.
I recommend you look again at what may be affecting all pharma's profit this year and next.
There's a new kid in town and he has bad news for you guys. I have more news for you, people with MS have begun to see through the smoke and mirrors that is Pharma and quiting your drugs anyway. Studies say they are not much better than placebo and thats with pharma in control of how they present the numbers.

AAAAhhhh!! Ok yeah right...good luck with this!

AAAAhhhh!! Ok yeah right...good luck with this!

Granted, CCSVI is in its infancy, but if there may be some validity behind the notion. People are getting angioplasty on their veins and they seem to be feeling better. Permanent? Temporary? Who knows, but MS therapies with nasty side effects may be a thing of the past.

Before you blow it off as garbage, you may want to do some reading.

AAAAhhhh!! Ok yeah right...good luck with this!

Thats all ya have to say? You do realize MSers are a pretty educated bunch right. I for one don't rely on luck for health decisions but tend towards heavy research. I think as more and more people get PML and DIE you might be the one who needs luck. the days of people blindly doing what thier docs say are comming to an end. pharma is under our microscope at this moment. If this non drug treatment gaines any more momentum how do you think Tysabri will do as people get better and no longer foeel they have to take a risk?

Thats all ya have to say? You do realize MSers are a pretty educated bunch right. I for one don't rely on luck for health decisions but tend towards heavy research. I think as more and more people get PML and DIE you might be the one who needs luck. the days of people blindly doing what thier docs say are comming to an end. pharma is under our microscope at this moment. If this non drug treatment gaines any more momentum how do you think Tysabri will do as people get better and no longer foeel they have to take a risk?







Are you serious? Here's a book for you to do some "heavy research" with. It's called a dictionary.







Are you serious? Here's a book for you to do some "heavy research" with. It's called a dictionary.

HAHA LOL gosh sorry about the spelling mistakes, I didn’t know we were being tested on that! Here it is again since you were to dimwitted to catch the gist of it because some words were misspelled. BTW hope none of the words are too big for you to understand. If so I will explain. Okay? oh before you say anything LOL=Laugh out loud

That’s all you have to say? You do realize multiple sclerosis patients are a pretty educated bunch. I for one don't rely on luck for health decisions but tend towards heavy research. I think as more and more people get PML and DIE you might be the one who needs luck. The days of people blindly doing what their docs say are coming to an end. Pharmaceutical companies are under our microscope at this moment. If this non drug treatment gains any more momentum how do you think Tysabri will do as people get better and no longer feel they have to take a risk?

Thanks for the nice insults.

Gee, I don't know. I guess I have trouble taking medical advice seriously when it comes from someone who spells so poorly you almost can't understand what he's saying.

I'm sure it's just me. Mostly likely, you're really a genius.

Thanks for the nice insults.

Gee, I don't know. I guess I have trouble taking medical advice seriously when it comes from someone who spells so poorly you almost can't understand what he's saying.

I'm sure it's just me. Mostly likely, you're really a genius.

Perhaps you shouldn't be so rude to begin with and people might not insult you.

I've always noticed when there is nothing of value to be said, posters criticize spelling.

If you did learn to read, the person was not providing medical advice. They were simply stating their experience.

- PML cases increased to 95 since January
- 4 more deaths were reported

I am not too surprised there was an additon of 10 more cases.

Unfortunately, likely there are currently the most number of patients on Tysabri in the 2-3 year range since the drug was re-introduced.

I hope this isn't a trend and a reduction in cases begin soon.

Lets see if the english teach can figure this out

Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.
i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are.

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