You have that opinion because you have kept your head in the sand for a very long time. You simply can't stand people who don't agree with you and that is quite evident. Patient1 is quite correct when he mentions you need help. Get some quickly, you really need it.
Please note, I never mentioned that he needs help. Though he probably does need help. Anyone that cannot accept an opinion different from their own and assumes people are bitter or delusional, clearly does have some form of Borderline Personality Disorder. It seems there is also a little narcism thrown in for funsies.
Personally, I don't care. When I have something to say, I say it and move on. In my last post, I addressed point by point against his claims that I was being critical of those that work at Biogen and other rediculous repetitive rants, when I said nothing of the sort. I simply stated the patients' point of view. He can't accept that since the patients are taking the medication with a certain amount of risk attached to the endeavor that their opinion should, let me go out on a limb here, matter. He simply just wants to depersonalize the whole situation considering only his opinion as valid(I hate to assume but I doubt he has MS - I do). Again, a trait of a personality disorder.