Physicians Choice Laboratory Services

All the tool bag "leaders" at Rock Hill thought they had it figured out.
Spewed all those lies, half cocked strategies, poor biz decisions, and useless hires...
And all the employees bought their story.
I'm trying to figure out who was dumber. The only surprise was that they lasted as long as they did. Good riddance all of you who have to type those four letters onto a resume
Cordant is PCLS-lite

The new game is "how do i get an important role at the august meeting so i can feel better about my job". Ive personally offered up my services to the president, VP, audio visual dept, i can help make cupcakes, print flyers, be the "set the positive vibe guy". I can even do wake up calls.
Lets go team, Im psyched!!

For those of you that missed the rock hill wax museum post before it was missed a classic!
Im still laughing at the visual of walking through paragon way and seeing all the wax dummies doing their thing!

So do all the people that made it through the first 2 rounds of layoffs still feel privelaged and proud to have worked at PCLS? Most of you Aholes I ran into after the layoffs acted like you were too good to speak to anyone let go. But I'm sure you are glad to stuck around to drink that poison koolaid all those "so called" senior leaders were spewing. I for one am glad I left on my own terms over a year ago so to not be poisened by the PCLS culture and lack of ethics!

So do all the people that made it through the first 2 rounds of layoffs still feel privelaged and proud to have worked at PCLS? Most of you Aholes I ran into after the layoffs acted like you were too good to speak to anyone let go. But I'm sure you are glad to stuck around to drink that poison koolaid all those "so called" senior leaders were spewing. I for one am glad I left on my own terms over a year ago so to not be poisened by the PCLS culture and lack of ethics!

You're so glad you left over a year ago that you are still lurking this board? Good for you for going out and finding another job "on your own terms". It's too bad that didn't change the fact that your life sucks so much that you still come to your old employers CafePharma board for amusement.... Over a year later.

can't wait for our long anticipated meeting in Dallas. The lies, the exaggerations, the empty promises, pure magic. I hear they are in the final stages of picking the location for the reward trip, I hope it Costa Rica again, i loved it the first time around. Will there be an open bar, some obnoxious motivation from the resident trainer, cool dinners with operations folks? The future is ours, this meeting is just the start. Cant wait to hear who got promoted this time around. And maybe a skit in superhero outfits. Crazy!!
who's going to #$@^%$ me?

work in an office
had all kinds of patients complaining about bills from these jokers
I just keep telling patients company went out of business
Don't worry bout the bills
Not sure if that's good advice or not...does anybody know

In order to be compliant we will make 3 attempts to collect the bill and then we write it off. EXCEPT now, we will take you to collections to pay down our debt and cover revenue projections to the fools that bought us.
please call 904-349-4483 to settle your bill

here's my plan for 500
1. 150 cash pay that we will write off
2. 150 BCBS we won't get paid for
3. 100 medicaid we will make $30 on
4. 50 medicare we will get paid $163.00 on
5. 50 Aetna, United, Cigna that we are out of network on and we will not collect a dime on.
PCLS asked us to focus on top line req count instead of revenue and look how great it worked out for us back then. Toxicology is over, time to move on.