Physicians Choice Laboratory Services

Man! Is JD still managing the Lab? Poor guy built a great workforce and handled PCLS miserable TAT. I can't believe he still around helping those ingrats. So freaking blind (dumb ass). Where is BD with his schemes on how to steal others Ideas? SS or SH still grabbing on to BDs scrotum? Where is BT and his Lab in Texas?

All the tool bag "leaders" at Rock Hill thought they had it figured out.
Spewed all those lies, half cocked strategies, poor biz decisions, and useless hires...
And all the employees bought their story.
I'm trying to figure out who was dumber. The only surprise was that they lasted as long as they did. Good riddance all of you who have to type those four letters onto a resume

You must not be in the home office too much, because I can't think of one person that bought what the "leaders" were selling. Come lay off time, most everybody already had something lined up.

Word is MR knows some hackers and he is going to pay them to hack CafePharma find out who is throwing all this shade.

How true that is...

Dude should instead use that $$ to pay some some people to retool his resume. "What's a good phrase I can use to replace the phrase 'destroyed a company with arrogance and patronage'?"

"How about 'created an esoteric billing company that did tox'?yeah that's a good one use that instead!""

After the first layoff everyone knew that ownership didn't want to make it work and management didn't have the ability to make it work. So everyone in sales got a one year paid vacation. Everyone inside lost their jobs because sales stopped working.

After the first layoff everyone knew that ownership didn't want to make it work and management didn't have the ability to make it work. So everyone in sales got a one year paid vacation. Everyone inside lost their jobs because sales stopped working.
Sounds about right
Should not have taken sales for granted. Every time inside folks screwed up, took no responsibility, and responded with "oh well" this enraged the sales folks. Looks like sales got ya back.

Sounds about right
Should not have taken sales for granted. Every time inside folks screwed up, took no responsibility, and responded with "oh well" this enraged the sales folks. Looks like sales got ya back.
BEST ANSWER EVER. Remember when our sales leaders made us apologize to the inside people we offended? How does that taste now Rock Hill? We have jobs, you don't.

BEST ANSWER EVER. Remember when our sales leaders made us apologize to the inside people we offended? How does that taste now Rock Hill? We have jobs, you don't.
I remember that.
Apologize? For what?
Doing our jobs and you all not doing yours?
Ole KL screwing up the tests
Ole RL and his FS flunkies trying to pull power plays and meddling with new accounts to the point of losing them
Ole resolutions submitting claims to the wrong Payor or not at all
Ole HR worried about crazy hat day and ping pong tournaments instead of important things like correcting issues brought up in exit interviews and sincere employee feedback
Ole leadership letting all of that fly and only focused on power and hiring buddies, GFs, and family
Ole Rock Hill You have no one to blame but yourselves.