Physicians Choice Laboratory Services

Lab Update:
The lab will be called "Coin Flip toxicology". This name was chosen because all results, especially those for cocaine, will be either positive or negative and this result will be decided by a coin flip. Rock, paper, scissors DX was in the mix, but too many people call it Ro, Sham. Bo and real arguments broke out on the driveway about this nomenclature. Every patient will be charged a flat rate, but no bills will be sent out, instead the patients will be sent directly to collections to save time. TS, co-president, will handle all patient calls and will claim amnesia when asked about collections.
This is a can't miss idea, lets get those PAF's signed today, nothing happens without a PAF.


we start on the wax museum Monday. Very much in need of fancy stuffed sports coats to make certain wax figures look sophisticated and useful or people will think they are useless and call them Otto.

we start on the wax museum Monday. Very much in need of fancy stuffed sports coats to make certain wax figures look sophisticated and useful or people will think they are useless and call them Otto.
Can we stuff one with turkey $hit
Another with matzoh balls
And make sure you buy since expensive red heels for another.

Is the billing company closed or just the lab?
This Friday we are meeting at IHOP for some chicken and waffles, some with BBQ, some with Ranch (my doctor told me to eat more ranch dressing). After watching MR chew, we are going to play credit card roulette, knowing the bill will go to someone else.
We are just that fun and crazy.

Is the billing company closed or just the lab?
This Friday we are meeting at IHOP for some chicken and waffles, some with BBQ, some with Ranch (my doctor told me to eat more ranch dressing). After watching MR chew, we are going to play credit card roulette, knowing the bill will go to someone else.
We are just that fun and crazy.
And the post about red heels
Heard nobody is shaving till they land other jobs
Damn I'm gonna miss laughing at those turds masquerading as leaders

So folks... now that everything is done and died off for the most part.

What did we learn?

That field service, although hard working and committed, could not sell and shame on the leaders that thought they could.

That any $$ they paid to the marketing dept would have been better spent on cross fit

That an esoteric lab is code for a lab that has no idea what they are doing

We learned the true nature of many people, and to keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
We learned that workplace romances fail after the workplace vanishes.
We learned that tears are a sign of weakness, not compassion.
We learned that chicken and waffles makes you fat, pompous and wrong
We learned that the reputation pharma has is well earned
We learned not to fish off the company dock
We learned to fail faster