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It’s a company launching a GERD/H.Pylori drug. Do you really think that leadership is sharp or aware enough to keep prospective employees informed? If the leadership team was any good they would be in oncology, rare disease or something much more clinically relevant, interesting and obviously higher paying.

Oh great, it’s you again. What’s your obsession with this company?

HR calls are going out to reps today with an update.

today’s news makes sense why I haven’t heard anything for a few weeks… and honestly makes a hell of a lot more sense to have one launch versus a small HP launch and then GERD.

Worst part is that I guess I have to stay at Redhill a few more months

Starting next week territory positions will resume with interviews. Most RSMs are either in place or pending offers. August will be a hectic month with non stop interviews. Some RSMs already have most of their teams in place either with an original accepted offer or candidates paused midway through the interview process but have been notified that they are the “chosen” one. Some candidates have backed out so interviews for replacements will take place. Sept 12 is the target start date for territory reps. Good luck to all who have hung in there, the final stretch is coming up.

Ha! So much for this inside scoop. I really hope you’re not a current employee because the info you got was bogus. Well, off to greener pastures then.

The radio silence and decision to delay the launch was because there were trace amounts of a nitrosamine discovered in the compound during post approval testing. The company has to resolve this, and retest and get cleared which will take a few months. Everything was set to go for September until this happened.

The radio silence and decision to delay the launch was because there were trace amounts of a nitrosamine discovered in the compound during post approval testing. The company has to resolve this, and retest and get cleared which will take a few months. Everything was set to go for September until this happened.

some of the idiots on this thread that think the company should have provided insider material information prior to being made public are laughable. I thought it was just the specialty reps that think they’re the most important people on earth.

some of the idiots on this thread that think the company should have provided insider material information prior to being made public are laughable. I thought it was just the specialty reps that think they’re the most important people on earth.
WE didn't need to be provided insider information asshole. What we wanted was a form of communication stating that the launch and hiring timeline was going to be postponed. Grow up... these are people's livelihoods! I thought it was just the primary care reps that were stupid, I guess it's just you.

So now they're saying end of Jan 2023 launch for H Pylori & Vonoprazan? I guess that's fine, the communication was poor to those that had offers for a Sep start date. Additionally, there was a random reorg of the territories, many of which still do not have DM's or RSD's, which raises some questions about why they made offers to begin in Sep without full mgt teams. In terms of the safety data with trace amounts of a foreign compound, that's definitely NOT good, it's surprising because Vonoprazan has been sold in Japan under the name Takecab since 2015. Looks kind of shaky at this point.

So now they're saying end of Jan 2023 launch for H Pylori & Vonoprazan? I guess that's fine, the communication was poor to those that had offers for a Sep start date. Additionally, there was a random reorg of the territories, many of which still do not have DM's or RSD's, which raises some questions about why they made offers to begin in Sep without full mgt teams. In terms of the safety data with trace amounts of a foreign compound, that's definitely NOT good, it's surprising because Vonoprazan has been sold in Japan under the name Takecab since 2015. Looks kind of shaky at this point.

Takeda manufactured it in Japan. Catalent is the manufacturer in the U.S.